Covid Inquiry

When there was a limit on how many people into shops . And standing queuing outside all those shops on a cold winters morning watching the frozen breath coming out from all around those masks certainly showed you they were not working
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Yea, pesky science, always wrong eh...
Are you then saying science is always right ...remember scientists told people we where at the centre of the universe on a flat earth
When there was a limit on how many people into shops . And standing queuing outside all those shops on a cold winters morning watching the frozen breath coming out from all around those masks certainly showed you they were not working
No it didn’t.

masks reduced the viral load and range.

quote from study published on Jananetwork

”Community mask wearing substantially reduces transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in 2 ways. First, masks prevent infected persons from exposing others to SARS-CoV-2 by blocking exhalation of virus-containing droplets into the air (termed source control). ”

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No it didn’t.

masks reduced the viral load and range.
Make your mind up for christ sake you first say it didnt
then you say it reduced its range (not contained it)
Do you even think before you type ?
Are you then saying science is always right ...remember scientists told people we where at the centre of the universe on a flat earth
It’s not always right, but when there is wide consensus across the scientific community, it’s mostly right.

Its certainly more right than some bloke with a YouTube channel.
Yea, pesky science, always wrong eh...
According to you then they should have brought mask wearing earlier than they did when it was being touted they made little or no difference.
How many people have these scientists sent to an early grave by not speaking up.
Irreparable damage done educationally to a generation of schoolkids, NHS waiting lists that will never be resolved, not in our lifetime. Our medical 'experts' wanted to lockdown even harder on the Omicron variant, until they were made to look like fools by data given by Africa, £600 million spent on ventilators because our experts predicted that 20% of all coronavirus patients would require them.

And the answer to this, an inquiry costing £250 million and counting to establish why Boris used the 'F' word in emails.

'They've' had your pants down.
remember the head scientist of USA fauci saying masks were pointless and would not make any difference then said yep wear a mask then said oh wear two masks then said oh better with three masks
Make your mind up for christ sake you first say it didnt
then you say it reduced its range (not contained it)
Do you even think before you type ?
you said:”the frozen breath coming out from all around those masks certainly showed you they were not working”

I said: “no it didn’t”

ie the frozen breath didn’t show masks weren’t working.

A = because a persons breathe travels further without a mask…..but you don’t have evidence for comparison.

Its like saying: “the EU is protectionist” without comparison it’s meaningless ( evidence shows they aren’t by comparison).
And the answer to this, an inquiry costing £250 million and counting to establish why Boris used the 'F' word in emails
The enquiry is showing up very clearly why the Conservative Party were so incompetent.

I look forward to when they start investigating the VIP lane.

NHS waiting lists that will never be resolved
They were 5 million before covid.

massive Tory failure

we all know loads of Tory MPs have their fingers in private healthcare.

Matt Hancock got £32,000 from the IEA a lobby group that campaigns for privatising NHS

Its no surprise Filly tries to blame covid because he votes for the Tories that are the problem
you said:”the frozen breath coming out from all around those masks certainly showed you they were not working”

I said: “no it didn’t”

ie the frozen breath didn’t show masks weren’t working.

A = because a persons breathe travels further without a mask…..but you don’t have evidence for comparison.

Its like saying: “the EU is protectionist” without comparison it’s meaningless ( evidence shows they aren’t by comparison).
Yeah standing there watch the frozen droplets going several metres despite wearing a mask certainly showed they were not working but then again with your blinkers on you would struggle to see this .
But we seen earlier in the discussion that you struggle with water droplets and how far they travel and how long they stay air born
The enquiry is showing up very clearly why the Conservative Party were so incompetent.

I look forward to when they start investigating the VIP lane.

They were 5 million before covid.

massive Tory failure

we all know loads of Tory MPs have their fingers in private healthcare.

Matt Hancock got £32,000 from the IEA a lobby group that campaigns for privatising NHS

Its no surprise Filly tries to blame covid because he votes for the Tories that are the problem
Yep and we all know the billions of pounds that is being drained from NHS by the legacy of labour PFI contracts
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