Covid Inquiry

oh so thaats why they closed schools and non essential shops

less infectious than a crowded pub

the purpose of face coverings was to restrict how far a person breathe spread

they were not to protect the wearer but to protect others -the use of masks was justified because it allowed the safe distance to be reduced to a metre
you really are gullible and know absolutely nothing about air changes and movement within a closed environment .
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you say: "you seem to lap up the MSM narrative"

by making that statement you are stating the MSM narrative must be wrong

in which case you must have other sources which provide the real truth.

So what are your sources??

come on, you obviously know so much better than the MSM so you must have sources of information that prove them wrong

by resorting to an emotive argument you are showing your need to deflect

try debating honestly by sticking with facts
The fact is I said “you seem to be easily manipulated” and I’m not the only one to say it.

Then you’ve gone off on one “Again” I’ve either touched a nerve or you are trying to get me into your sad little world.

I am allowed an opinion aren’t I ?
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Are you saying Johnson wasn’t in hospital
Well he did disappear into a freezer at some point in order to avoid awkward questions, so anything is possible...

And if he did have a 'brush with death', how come he was then out partying during one of the the 'virus' lockdowns?

Some might suggest that borisconi tends to speak with forked tongues...

But then he knows there are plenty of gullible 'disciples' out there who he can rely on ;)
you really are gullible and know absolutely nothing about air changes and movement within a closed environment .

It turns out it’s you who knows nothing.

Covid virus is spread mostly by water droplets and mostly not as an airborne virus….where it can’t survive long

Air conditioning makes air dry. Covid can’t survive very long in dry atmosphere.

Poor gas, thinks he knows something turns out not to know anything.
The fact is I said “you seem to be easily manipulated
Please provide an example where you think I’ve been manipulated by the mainstream media.

If you can’t, then it’s simply an unfounded, uninformed opinion

I know you won’t be able to because you have zero evidence of the conspiracist nonsense you believe on covid or climate change.
If you can’t, then it’s simply an unfounded, uninformed opinion
The tinfoil hatters like buzzwords such as manipulated, gullible, MSM, script, agenda 30, etc etc.

Aren't the words enough to convince you? It works for them...
It turns out it’s you who knows nothing.

Covid virus is spread mostly by water droplets and mostly not as an airborne virus….where it can’t survive long

Air conditioning makes air dry. Covid can’t survive very long in dry atmosphere.

Poor gas, thinks he knows something turns out not to know anything.
air conditioning jesus was that a stipulation that the pubs and restaurants must have air conditioning on i think you will find it wasnt but other measures where stipulated which would help carry any droplets throughout the room .

"Larger droplets settle quickly, whereas small airborne droplet nuclei are transported over longer distances by airflow (22). The distance droplets traverse depends on how forcefully a person coughs or sneezes. Large respiratory droplets containing pathogens like influenza can travel approximately 6 feet when a sick person coughs or sneezes (2325). The aerosol expelled from the mouth during a cough emerges not as individual droplets but as a jet with a leading vortex (25) that has properties similar to those of a puff from a pressurized metered-dose inhaler (26, 27) and can penetrate an impressive distance into the surrounding ambient air before finally dissipating (28). Thus, emissions from coughs and sneezes contain droplets of various sizes suspended in a multiphase turbulent buoyant cloud (29). Turbulence sweeps around smaller particles, and eddies within the cloud resuspend the particles so that they settle more slowly, with some particles traveling more than 8 feet horizontally through the air (28, 29). Moreover, smaller droplets could spray 13–20 feet vertically in the air, which is theoretically high enough to enter and travel through ceiling ventilation systems in some buildings (29)."
Most droplet transmission likely occurs at close range because of dilution and inactivation of viruses over longer periods and greater distances. In respiratory exhalation flows, the large droplets between 60 and 100 μm in size are expected to completely evaporate before traveling 2 m (30). These large droplets are carried farther away when they are expelled at high velocity, such as with coughs and sneezes. The time it takes particles to fall to the floor depends on their size; for example, particles 100 μm in diameter take about 10 seconds, whereas 10-μm–diameter particles are estimated to take 17 minutes to fall to the floor, and 1- to 3-μm–diameter particles could remain suspended almost indefinitely (31). Infectious droplets carried farther away by airflow from an air conditioner were suggested to have transmitted SARS-CoV-2 among diners at adjacent tables in a restaurant (32)..

. Can you see that bit 17 MINUTES the droplets can remain airborne i guess you must think they do not travel throughout an establishment in that time or just shoot over everyones head as they are sitting down
"Nevertheless, taking together the evidence from all studies, we conclude that wearing masks, wearing higher quality masks (respirators), and mask mandates generally reduced the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection."

"Nevertheless, taking together the evidence from all studies, we conclude that wearing masks, wearing higher quality masks (respirators), and mask mandates generally reduced the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection."

yep that is all i seen people wearing high quality masks not
the vast majority of masks were homemade shyte that fitted where they touched and the mass produced ill fitting white and blue ones .
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