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Gen X are 44 - 59 years old now. They're edging towards conservativism on average.

Millennials (28-43) are generally leftwing.

It's the old fogies that are propping up the right wing.
If you're saying people edge towards conservatism as they get older, there will always be that right wing support at the higher end of the age spectrum.
I can't see what muffin wrote.

Can someone paraphrase what was said please?
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If you're saying people edge towards conservatism as they get older, there will always be that right wing support at the higher end of the age spectrum.
They do - you only have to read the right-wang ravings of R&C last night to see he's gone for the full on Gammon brekker at 'Spoons.
If you're saying people edge towards conservatism as they get older, there will always be that right wing support at the higher end of the age spectrum.
It's a common assumption but I think it's less prominent in Gen X or Millennials than previous generations. They're resisting the rightward slump into irrelevance.
Gen X are 44 - 59 years old now. They're edging towards conservativism on average.
There is something else that can mature in that period. It might even start a bit earlier. The term isn't used much now - the angry old man syndrome. It can apply to women as well.

The reason is pretty simple - times change. People often don't really like change and will see problems in them as they occur. You might also say at younger ages life is full of promise but turns out to be more complicated than a person thought.

The brexit vote seems to have shown a result of change. Older people feeling things were better before we were in the EU. In some cases Dad may have told them so. Go back in time and many will feel things were better but in real terms being in the EU has little to do with the changes.

These days the irritable male syndrome can be diagnosed and is put down to a decline in hormone levels past 30.. Yah, well maybe that figures as well. Me I think it's a better idea to get a grip on why people finish up feeling as they do. And avoid it when you notice it happening with yourself. Loll olden days often seen as better. Maybe they were but things are as they are.
I'm not shouting at the immigrants. I'm shouting at naive people who appear to oblivious of the massive risks we're taking and the changes being forced on us. They really do think all these young dark skinned males are all fleeing war and oppression and are genuinely in need of help.

I do however agree a much tougher attitude to all immigration of aliens with zero to offer is desperately needed. It's out of control and getting worse.
You've had the right wing getting further and further right and it's a bigger problem now than it was..

The answer is more involved than just saying no more. It's action that's needed
People always say things were best when they were in their early teens to mid twenties. It's a damning summary of how crap humans are at remembering or analysing the past.
Luckily the compassionate still out number the bigots

Why do you try to rebrand common sense as bigotry? Are you confusing realism with racism?

If millions of white, uneducated, unskilled hillbillies from the deep South were arriving here with their hands out and bs sob stories, overburdening our services, committing serious crimes and living in 4* hotels on the taxpayer - I would still be demanding drastic solutions.
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