
Immigration. The vast bulk of it is via visa. In some areas we need it as it brings in money eg Universities.
The rest we get they do this, they do that etc and assume the system that vets them can't do their job. They throw their papers away, told what to say and anything else they can think of.

Fact is processing hasn't kept up with numbers. Farage mentions what sound like what Labour achieved on deportations.

Sunak says he's reduced the backlog by picking a point in time and just relating to that. When the overall is looked at again it's greater than it was.

Crime - the police keep records based on colour. Fact is as far more white is top of the list. Rory is fond of quoting % figures of peoples background who finish up in prison. There is a clear link that relates to a lot of them. How to break the link? Politics a bit odd in terms of the bottom end of the heap as not enough people to worry about concerning votes. 2% drop in NI - well you get what they stated if you earn the level they assume. The old 10% rate has it's interesting aspects despite attempts to minimise the effect. Tax break £6035 equivalent to over £12000 now. Marginal payers now taxed at 20% rather than 10%.

Crime and immigration - clear reasons for deportation with some complications when caught. As in the past deportation levels were higher - what's changed.
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Yes. Right wing isn't the answer
;) The EU MEP elections clearly show it is. Usual way in.
However as per the Tory drift they have the problem that they can't agree within themselves even in the same party.

One of the Tory problems on major areas has been the number of rather different noises that come out. LOL at one point I wondered if this was deliberate - ie well some of us agree with the views of some voters. Now I think it is far easier to realise why it happens and why there are some many deals to form a cabinet.

OK some of this is common but in the Tory case it's gone totally OTT. Take all MP's and they find it rather hard to agree on anything.
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The EU MEP elections clearly show it is. Usual way in.
More complete info.
The current centrist power has done well but another that they find easy to work with has been decimated.
What can the commission do directly? Fact is not much at all as most of the decisions go back to the heads of states. So what's the point in having right++ as MEP's?
Because it's bigotry, not common sense. It's a worldwide problem that needs grown ups to tackle it. "Sending them back to France" won't help at all.
and keeping them in Britain will ?
No. We should tackle the problem before they reach here, by then it is too late. It needs positive action, not bigotry.
so how do we deal with it before it gets here , close another countries borders ? give the locals free money to stop them leaving ?
so how do we deal with it before it gets here , close another countries borders ? give the locals free money to stop them leaving ?
For one, France offered us processing centres there, before they reached the coast. It was rejected straight away by this useless Government.

It was worth investigating at least.
People always say things were best when they were in their early teens to mid twenties. It's a damning summary of how crap humans are at remembering or analysing the past.

Things really are vastly better than they were. I only have to think back to mine, and my parent's living conditions, when I was growing up - so your statement is absolute nonsense. We struggled in a two up, two down, no bathroom, toilet down the street, no TV, just the radio, and no garden, no car, no running hot water, just one cold tap. Cooking was via a cast-iron range.

Expect someone to live like that now, and there would be a revolt, people's expectations are set so much higher, nowadays, you would not even be able to rent out such home, now.
For one, France offered us processing centres there, before they reached the coast. It was rejected straight away by this useless Government.

It was worth investigating at least.
and what would that have done the illegals when rejected would still come as they are doing at present
If you make it easier to process, and speed up the process the underlying problem would be smaller.

Small steps are the start .

If. IF you want to address the issue
and what would that have done the illegals when rejected would still come as they are doing at present
Most boat people who are actually processed are given asylum anyway..
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