Perhaps as Lord and master you could help out t'serfs in t'village out of your £120,000,000 fortune?Shortly after the current Mrs. Lard moved into Ivory Towers, I caught her in the kitchen with the back door wide open & the boiler nearly exploding in trying to keep up with the heat loss.
She was having one of her 'hot flush' moments & instead of simply turning down the thermostat she decided instead to heat the entire atmosphere . . . At my expense.
She won't do that again. I don't know & I cannot imagine anyone I know ever doing that again.
I want to so dearly, to sit down & discuss the energy saving tactics with anyone who thinks the people who will be most affected by the current enormous cost of energy can do to reduce their energy bills.
This winter, a few people who belong to a very large group of people are going to die because a very small group of people think it's OK to charge enormous amounts of £money for energy.
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