EV are they worth it?

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Knee jerk reaction but shows the appetite for risk of EVs. (but more likely risk managers who don't even have a basic O level in Physics and Maths a sad reflection on educational standards)

Knee jerk reaction but shows the appetite for risk of EVs. (but more likely risk managers who don't even have a basic O level in Physics and Maths a sad reflection on educational standards)

And that's the damage that people like Nutjob's lies and FUD does. It's easy to spook the "less intellectually gifted" who lack the capacity for critical thinking, into a position of doubt. Deep down, most of them will know it's BS, but the little niggle of doubt gnaws away at them, and makes them worry about "what if it happens on my watch"? There will be no reward whatsoever if they let an EV park in their car park and nothing happens, but there will be a high price to pay if they let one in and something does happen. Of course, if an ICE car catches fire in their car park... well... "these things happen" ... right? I've seen it time and again when trying to sell new innovations to ambulance trusts. The managers know that they'll never get punished for buying what the last guy in the job bought, or what they themselves bought last time - even if it's ****e. But if they take a punt on some new technology and it comes good, there's no particular reward. If they take a punt on some new technology and it goes bad, it could be career-limiting.

Fortunately, not all Liverpool hospital car park managers are so small-minded and short-sighted. When my dad suffered a misfortune that put him in Whiston hospital for a while, I was pleased to see the row of (very reasonably priced) EV chargers in their multi-storey. (Needless to say, nothing bad happened). :)
Knee jerk reaction but shows the appetite for risk of EVs. (but more likely risk managers who don't even have a basic O level in Physics and Maths a sad reflection on educational standards)
You don't actually need an o'level to know EVs are fire risks. You just need to use youtube and see all the lithium batteries spontaneously combust. Who needs this kind of risk, especially in a hospital where there are lots of immobile patients?
You don't actually need an o'level to know EVs are fire risks. You just need to use youtube and see all the lithium batteries spontaneously combust. Who needs this kind of risk, especially in a hospital where there are lots of immobile patients?

Perhaps if you had something more than an O-level (or even a modicum of critical thinking capacity), you'd be able to work out that YouTube isn't exactly the go-to place for sensible research...

You don't actually need an o'level to know EVs are fire risks. You just need to use youtube and see all the lithium batteries spontaneously combust. Who needs this kind of risk, especially in a hospital where there are lots of immobile patients?
Of all the phones, laptops, I've owned, and seen in cars, including Ev's, I've never seen 1 catch fire, burn, or spontaneously catch fire.

Edited to add, and battery packs

None of that makes an ev better or worse than ice
BBC is the last place I go to for anything. They are nothing less than a license fee gansta.

If you used youtube, you would not be in the hole you are in with a large number of ignition sources in your home.

:ROFLMAO: Yes, if I could see no further than YouTube, I probably would be as poorly-informed as you are. I'd watch a few videos of mobile phones blowing up, and I'd be terrified of mobile phones, because I lacked the critical thinking skills to look any further. I'd probably lack the wit to notice that the vast majority of people carry mobile phones with them, have them in the hose, charger them, use the, charge them again, and one day, get rid of them - all without ever having a phone fire.

I'd probably also watch a few videos on YouTube about how the earth is flat, and would also lack the skills to cross-check this, so I'd start believing the world was flat. I'd almost certainly find a video about someone dying after drinking a can of Coke, and conclude that Coke is likely to prove fatal if ingested.:rolleyes: I'm not EVEN worried about my old ICE car torching the place - which is between 0 and 60 times more likely than an EV doing it...

Fortunately, however, I am none of those things, so I am free to live my life unencumbered by superstition and suspicion. I'm not "in a hole" over this, far from it. I'm several hundred £££ better off each month, my house hasn't been razed to the ground, and I'm even doing the climate a bit of a favour. In short, I am content with my lot...:)
Not limited to EV, but I have just found I have paid £7 too much last month due to British Summer Time (BST) I have a battery and solar panels, the battery will not last all night, so went for an EV tariff, which claims to give power from mid night to 5 am at a reduced rate of 8.95p per kWh.

So looked at the IHD (In home display) and far enough after midnight the power used goes up as it recharges the battery 1714830439086.png great, then I looked on my phone. Why is there a peak at the end of day 1714830512542.png I changed my software to charge battery 1 am to 5 am and now 1714830629339.png that tail has gone, but be it an EV, a solar panel with battery, or storage heaters the maximum use is when it first switches on, I was only switching on at 0:30 am but if it had been at 0:00 am I would have lost more, with my tariff an EV user would have been paying around £47 per month (difference between both rates so 22.36p per kWh) more than he should do simply because of electric supplier not going to BST.
Not limited to EV, but I have just found I have paid £7 too much last month due to British Summer Time (BST) I have a battery and solar panels, the battery will not last all night, so went for an EV tariff, which claims to give power from mid night to 5 am at a reduced rate of 8.95p per kWh.

So looked at the IHD (In home display) and far enough after midnight the power used goes up as it recharges the battery View attachment 342160 great, then I looked on my phone. Why is there a peak at the end of day View attachment 342161 I changed my software to charge battery 1 am to 5 am and now View attachment 342162 that tail has gone, but be it an EV, a solar panel with battery, or storage heaters the maximum use is when it first switches on, I was only switching on at 0:30 am but if it had been at 0:00 am I would have lost more, with my tariff an EV user would have been paying around £47 per month (difference between both rates so 22.36p per kWh) more than he should do simply because of electric supplier not going to BST.

That used to be a right pain for me, before I got a smart meter. My old Economy 7 meter was one of the radio time switch ones that went cheap at 21.00 GMT, expensive at 23.00 GMT, cheap at 02.00, and expensive at 07.00. It was a bloody nightmare, setting up the car charging each time the clocks changed!
That used to be a right pain for me, before I got a smart meter. My old Economy 7 meter was one of the radio time switch ones that went cheap at 21.00 GMT, expensive at 23.00 GMT, cheap at 02.00, and expensive at 07.00. It was a bloody nightmare, setting up the car charging each time the clocks changed!
My car charges at £0 all day long. My china economy 8w panel never gave me problems. I don't have to set up anything, and just drive.
My car charges at £0 all day long. My china economy 8w panel never gave me problems. I don't have to set up anything, and just drive.

Sounds good. How far do you get for £0?

(I've just been from Workington to Blackpool and back today. Stopped to charge for a grand total of 5 minutes, while I went and got a can of drink. Delighted to say, it still hasn't set itself on fire...)

Gotta be a set up......
Yeah, I think it probably was. Mine sometimes makes a quiet noise from the fan when I'm using the heating or Aircon when stationary, but even so, you'd have to be pretty thick not to know. There's a similar one doing the rounds, where its a car park attendant trying to move a Tesla off an EV charging spot, even though the owner shows him the charging lead and socket. I think it's because it hasn't got the green stripe on its number plate.
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