I didn't know it was called that, but it's very apt. First time i tried was on a 12-speed racer, laden with stuffed panniers - yes. I am an idiot. In my defence, i had no idea what lay ahead as i set off. Gave up after the first incline, coughed up a lung then walked the rest of the way, just for the view. I'd like to see the TdF try that bugg'r!
Got me an 18-gear MTN bike and conquered the climb two years later - just. Enjoyed a well earned pint, got the feeling back in my legs, then sailed back into Windemere on the ten mile downhill road. My favourite road in the Lakes. Yes, i've climbed the Hardknott P. I can only assume it's called that after the way it twists your muscles into weird shapes after going up there. One of those roads where you go up a corner then keep climbing while trying to ignore the screams for mercy from your body.
I'm too old for that **** now. I used to practice on the Snake Pass, around the moors and into the Peaks. Plenty of testing roads but nothing like the mountains in Wales or Scotland. Happy days.