EV are they worth it?

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EVs catch fire from water. ICEs don't. There are more ways for EVs to ignite and the subsequent fire/explosion more intense. The risk is higher and insurance reflects that accordingly.
Some proof of your insurance claim then?

Tried insuring a diesel land-rover lately?

And are you saying that rain is dangerous to an EV ?

What's the most likely thing to cause a fire in an accident in an ice? that doesn't exist in an EV !

Do you know this stuff or just spout things you read, on YouTube and similar ?
So you are lying to him.

How utterly disgusting.

I'll change my wish, then, to "I hope he moves, and the new occupant treats you as a liar deserves to be treated. And buys an EV".
I told you already. The next door is under my advisement, They will not buy EV and will not move.
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I told you already. The next door is under my advisement, They will not buy EV and will not move.
You made a mistake there.

You should have said "I am lying to the person next door because I have no morals and am an utterly worthless member of society".
It's nothing to do with an MP.

Or any MPs yet.

Fair enough, Member of the House of Lords, then.

He doesn't.

Don't do a Nutjob - read the bill.

True. I've just had a quick read. It is indeed, nothing whatsoever do do with cars. Poor journalism in the article that Nutjob linked to. I should have known...! :LOL:
Are you another of these swivel-eyed loonies who just will not take any notice of facts and evidence which conflict with your ignorance and prejudice?

No . And I am not ignorant of how the lithium battery has developed since the first viable cells were created by Michael Stanley Whittingham in rhe mid 1970's

Am I prejudist ? I have concerns about the way that batteries with high energy density lithium are being promoted without due consideration of the risks they create.
No . And I am not ignorant of how the lithium battery has developed since the first viable cells were created by Michael Stanley Whittingham in rhe mid 1970's

Am I prejudist ? I have concerns about the way that batteries with high energy density lithium are being promoted without due consideration of the risks they create.

When you say "without due consideration of the risks they create", do you know what risks have been considered by manufacturers of electric cars? Do you know what regulations they have to comply with on battery safety, and what tests they have to undergo?
For the thread regular who raved about public transport, I hope he's not affected by this. Nothing really beats a nice ICE, no drama, no nothing.

Good to know... I must just have been "lucky" this last 40,000 miles, I guess... :rolleyes:
Will McDonalds have to write "Caution: may cause EVs to burst into flames if spilt" on their coffee cups, as well as "Caution: contents are hot" to avoid being sued by morons?
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