Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

Your claim that all the vaccines weren't tested properly is wrong. Just because you don't understand the testing process doesn't mean it was done wrongly.
A lot of it is that they are scared of needles and put up this fuss to mask their cowardice.

Safest medicine on the planet - FACT.
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Which bit of misinformation - and there another one for you "misinformation " you believe everything you are told by the Government and anything esls is "misinformation"
misinformation posted by you:

1) you said: “the vaccine was untested” - misinformation
2) you said “CEO of phizer refused to have the vaccine - misinformation
3) you said ”potential mild side effects of covid” -misinformation
4) you said “luckily I have not yet had a "coincidence" heart attack” implying vaccine cause -misinformation

We can have debate regarding the dishonestly of the govt, the dishonesty of vaccines, the risk covid Vs risk from vaccines…..but we can’t have a debate from you having a starting based on misinformation.
luckily I have not yet had a "coincidence" heart attack
Lol. You do post some scaredy-cat, ill informed nonsense.

If you injected a hundred people with a vaccine and one of them died, that would be concerning.

Conversely, if you injected a billion people with harmless water, you'd expect a number of those to die soon after or fall ill.
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Friends in the NHS
I have a close relative in the NHS who worked in covid wards during Jan 2021 wave.

She saw many people with covid, many really frightened and struggling to breathe. Two of her colleagues ended p with long covid, one had to stop work the other became part time (these were youngish people under 40)
Possibly the most stupid thing you’ve posted.
if you gave everybody in the country a custard cream, some would fall ill or die shortly afterwards

exactly the same with the yellow card reporting scheme for covid vaccine

I recommend you have a think about the difference between association and causation
I looked at my own health / fitness and the possible mild affects of actually catching covid compaired to an un tested new vax that the definition of a vaccine was actually changed to be able to call it a vaccine and also one that the CEO of Phizer himself refused to take. Too many alarm bells for my instinct to ignore.
But ultimately I was forced to take the vax I avoided the Phizer when it was offered and reluctantly opted for the astra zen one and luckily I have not yet had a "coincidence" heart attack
So you didn't follow medical advice but did follow anti viral conspiracy stuff.

At the time of the initial vaccines you could not have known the possible effects of catching covid. Looking backwards doesn't count

Any links to this claim of yours that doctors refused to take it ?
Others assessed the Cost-Benefit Analysis of taking a new not properly tested/ rushed through
medical intervention that was predicated by profit
and decided no thanks but you labelled them as covidiots - anti vaxers
That's true.
do you have shares in these pharma originations
Others assessed the Cost-Benefit Analysis
What costs and benefits did you assume?
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