Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

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Who would believe a word you say after lying and then having it drawn out of you that you was lying.
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he refused to have it.
Where does it say that? Here are the words,

A video reel shared to Instagram on 23 January claims that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, has not had a Covid-19 vaccine because he doesn’t want to “cut the line”.

A watermark on the video indicates it was taken from TikTok, but the original account which posted the video now appears to have been deleted or suspended. However, Full Fact found other versions of the clip with thousands of likes still live on the social media site.

There is no mention in the Instagrampost of the fact that Mr Bourla’s interview with CNBC, shown in the clip, actually took place more than a year ago on 14 December 2020. In fact, many people commenting on it seem to think that the clip is much more recent.

As we have written before Mr Bourla publicly shared on 10 March 2021 that he had received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. It was reported in October 2021 that he had also received a booster dose of the vaccine.

The Instagram video shows Mr Bourla being asked when he plans to have his Covid-19 vaccination, to which he replies: “The sooner I can I will. The only sensitivity here...is that I don’t want to have an example that I am cutting the line.

“I am 59-years-old, I am in good health, I’m not working in the frontline so my type is not recommended to get vaccination [sic].”

The video cuts just before Mr Bourla says: “My type is not recommended to get vaccination now”. The removal of this word changes the meaning of the sentence, from people in Mr Bourla’s situation being recommended for vaccination at all, to people in a similar position just not being prioritised for the vaccine at the time he spoke.

The vaccination rollout in the US (where Mr Bourla lives) began on 14 December 2020, the same day the interview took place. As in the UK, healthcare workers and the most elderly and vulnerable people were prioritised for vaccination ahead of other population groups.
So you didn't follow medical advice but did follow anti viral conspiracy stuff.

At the time of the initial vaccines you could not have known the possible effects of catching covid. Looking backwards doesn't count

Any links to this claim of yours that doctors refused to take it ?
I did not follow any virial conspiracy stuff - it was just my own distrust of the gov and my own instinct
Everyone knew the possible effects of catching covid at that time
Have you put the doctor confronting the health sec in a hospital on national tv into a memory hole.
Any links to this claim of yours that doctors refused to take it ?

Time to remind you about this.
Looks at those poor nurses squirming scared stiff to say what they really think when javid asks them "what do you think of the new covid vax mandate" until the brave doctor stepped in to help them, now look at the chief exec ? in white shirt center of screen when the doc says he does not want the vax.
Where does it say that? Here are the words,

A video reel shared to Instagram on 23 January claims that the CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, has not had a Covid-19 vaccine because he doesn’t want to “cut the line”.

A watermark on the video indicates it was taken from TikTok, but the original account which posted the video now appears to have been deleted or suspended. However, Full Fact found other versions of the clip with thousands of likes still live on the social media site.

There is no mention in the Instagrampost of the fact that Mr Bourla’s interview with CNBC, shown in the clip, actually took place more than a year ago on 14 December 2020. In fact, many people commenting on it seem to think that the clip is much more recent.

As we have written before Mr Bourla publicly shared on 10 March 2021 that he had received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine. It was reported in October 2021 that he had also received a booster dose of the vaccine.

The Instagram video shows Mr Bourla being asked when he plans to have his Covid-19 vaccination, to which he replies: “The sooner I can I will. The only sensitivity here...is that I don’t want to have an example that I am cutting the line.

“I am 59-years-old, I am in good health, I’m not working in the frontline so my type is not recommended to get vaccination [sic].”

The video cuts just before Mr Bourla says: “My type is not recommended to get vaccination now”. The removal of this word changes the meaning of the sentence, from people in Mr Bourla’s situation being recommended for vaccination at all, to people in a similar position just not being prioritised for the vaccine at the time he spoke.

The vaccination rollout in the US (where Mr Bourla lives) began on 14 December 2020, the same day the interview took place. As in the UK, healthcare workers and the most elderly and vulnerable people were prioritised for vaccination ahead of other population groups.
The roll out for his area was 14 Dec 2020 and he did not have the vax until March 2021. That's the public roll out, as cheif exect he could of had the vax long before his areas public roll out yet did not.
Does that not sound at least a little bit iffy to anyone - well it did to me -along with the doc refusing to have it along with the nurses clearly not wanting it - all of those things and more sounding alarm bells for me at the time. I also had someone in the NHS working on a covid ward.
So not conspiracy nuts on the web or my aunt mable on facebook or any of the other tropes used.
misinformation posted by you:

1) you said: “the vaccine was untested” - misinformation
2) you said “CEO of phizer refused to have the vaccine - misinformation
3) you said ”potential mild side effects of covid” -misinformation
4) you said “luckily I have not yet had a "coincidence" heart attack” implying vaccine cause -misinformation

We can have debate regarding the dishonestly of the govt, the dishonesty of vaccines, the risk covid Vs risk from vaccines…..but we can’t have a debate from you having a starting based on misinformation.
None of what I said is misinformation - I am not trying to miss inform anyone all of it is just my own opinions. Calm down dear !
This didn't age well did it. 100% effective.
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