France. Why do you think this is happening?

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I detest farage and reform. But if he and they get lots of votes why shouldn't they be represented ?
If he gets votes he will be if there is enough of them. PR variants can do strange things. Eg the German system. One party hug around with ~12% of the votes. I posted a link mentioning things like that. The 12% might just be down to targetting getting seats.

Also I wonder if people are thinking about % of votes country wide against the fact that seats relate to specific boundaries within a country. The 2 don't directly relate and all parties target some of the seats for various reasons. Get a swing or place where they are more likely to win. The last aspect always tends to figure what ever system is used.

So Farage decided to represent the seat he feels he is most likely to win because of who he is. Fact is he might not. The party pushing Rwanda and all is going to plan probably stands as much chance. The simple polls country wide have the same problem as % of votes in the country has.

A report on targetting is interesting. We do know which areas the go to daily. Sunak appears to be concentrating on their safe seats. Starmer on the other hand is visiting ones that will be a challenge for him. Aggressive targeting rather than Sunak's defensive approach. Labour will also be concentrating on what the US call swing states.

Lib leader seems to going look I'm a Boris / Farage personality cross. I have the missing ingredient the others lack.

Farage. A huge Trump style party meeting in B'ham. Maybe as B'ham is central, hall cheaper - pass. It even had the fireworks as he came on. How will he fare around here. Tricky on racist elements etc in some close by areas. Maybe it could work out on that basis. It figured in Brexit so a good thing to go for. He is banking on that. He says this election is really about immigration.
Brig you are just being a troll now.

Ellal, Carmen, Notch et al have all posted that FPTP is crap, in that most of the voters go unrepresented, whereas PR at least gives them a say.
Nothing like "only supporting what gets them the result them want".
They've even gone as far as to say, that includes Reform voters.

They've made fair and reasoned arguments for a system that is more likely to return a result that they don't want.

You, however, just continue to post rubbish.
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You can't argue that PR is better for democracy and at the same time ignore the fact that we had a referendum on it.

Its rather ironic.
Don't worry Brig is good at that remarkably similar to Notch7 in fact. Well, there is a coincidence even using the same derogatory terms.
Ellal, Carmen, Notch et al have all posted that FPTP is crap, in that most of the voters go unrepresented, whereas PR at least gives them a say.
Just because they post it, doesn’t make it a fact, does it? It’s just their opinion that it’s ’crap'. How would that work in practice? Our area has a Tory MP and he represents everyone no matter who they voted for. What 'say' would those who voted for the less popular parties have? How exactly would they divi up the 650 seats in the HOC?
the fact that we had a referendum on it.
I voted for it. A common reason for not voting for it was the increased chance of coalitions. In some ways I saw that as good as it's likely to slow down actions.

I did wonder about Germany and the greens. Scrap nuke and burn brown coal instead.
Any government with a weak majority is a good government. Keeps them working hard and on their toes.
Any government with a weak majority is a good government. Keeps them working hard and on their toes.

Sunak is imploring the voters to stop Labour having a large majority, or else they'll run an unshackled riot.

Yet the tories had a large majority not so long ago, and blamed a few "leftie lawyers" iirc, for them achieving the square root of jack.

Always someone else's fault........
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