France. Why do you think this is happening?

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A massive turnout to make sure the rightwing scum don't take first or second place. It could have been much worse with the largest party a left wing /green group, followed by a centerist party.
Le Pen has come third.

The biggest party is NFP.

"the leftwing parties which were celebrating as results came out with the leftist Nouveau Front Populaire coalition set to start talks on possible candidates for the position of prime minister."
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A Left-Green alliance has stepped in to stop the Far-right goose-stepping their way across Europe as a timely reminder that these nutters must never be allowed to take control of democracy again. The French remember better than us what a Nazi can do to your country.

President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Together coalition will have 163 deputies, while Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) and its allies, who last week were eyeing a majority, have 143.

What happens next? read on @the
"rightwing scum"

"Daily Wail and their gammon faithful"

"Facists! And racists! Out!"

Oh the irony, i find it fascinating the supposedly 'tolerant' show such vitriol and intolerance to another political group.

It's frustrating to see the discourse around politics becoming so polarized and hostile. In a society that prides itself on diversity of thought and freedom of speech, it's essential to respect differing opinions without resorting to name-calling or slurs. Labeling right-wing individuals with derogatory terms like "racist" without basis not only shuts down meaningful conversation but also unjustly vilifies people for their beliefs.

Indeed, there are extreme elements in every political group, but it doesn't mean that everyone within that group shares those extreme views. It's important to distinguish between criticizing ideas and attacking individuals personally. Constructive debate should focus on the merits of arguments rather than resorting to ad hominem attacks.

Of course im not necessarily just calling out the 'lefties on here so for fairnaess, it's worth noting that derogatory terms are unfortunately used across the political spectrum. While right-wing individuals may feel unfairly labeled as "racist" or "bigoted," "gammons etc". left-wing individuals can also be unfairly labeled with terms like "snowflake," "socialist," or worse occassionaly but as you can see on here mostly with less vitriol from the right, what does that tell you? However, both sides often accuse the other of being the "real problem," which exacerbates division.

The question of who is "worse" depends on the context and the individuals involved. Both sides are capable of resorting to harmful rhetoric, and it's the responsibility of each of us to strive for respectful and constructive discourse. Encouraging empathy, understanding, and dialogue can help bridge the gap and foster a more inclusive society where all voices are heard and respected.

Lead by example, the house of commons setup like a football stadium of one side opposing the other, this needs to be changed we need to be a collaborative progressive society!!

Just as a sidenote ill repeat it again, i use my avataer flag akin as bait mostly, and i find often it pulls in the left, or the people that conjur up everything they hate about right wing people :) you would almost describe them as bigotted and intolerant of elements of society, which in turn just demonstrates their own hypocrisy.
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Tolerance, sez he. Of far-right racist, bigoted, anti-democratic and intolerant people.

My irony meter just exploded.
And here they come :) ok far right now, not just right? Show me Odds, where is my racist, intolerance in that post, it was about the irony and hypocrisy doemonstrated by such posts? I even showed both sides are capable of hurling unecessary insults. Or is it just my avatar flag triggering you?

Bigot -a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

Lol YOUR irony meter ok.

Next you'll be telling me i am a bigot and you're not, right?

My post despite it slapping you round the face didn't seem to sink in did it.
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