General Election 4th July

They really are a hapless bunch. What's the point?
Who aren't even putting a sufficient number of candidates forward to do anything at all.

Reform have dropped a couple due to crazy statements. ;) He's been saying the selection mechanism has been sorted out? ? As he seemed to be asking someone.
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Be disaster for England if the SNP get heavily defeated in this election caper

They need to hold there seats ?
Panorama Rishi. Old style political interview. I think they should have waited until manifestos are out.
Still pushing Labour increased taxation pamphlet despite the criticisms.
Reckons the average earner is paying the lowest level of taxation for the past 50 years.
More tax cuts to come in the manifesto.
Admits fiscal drag for some years due to frozen allowances.

Immigration figures as expected, Rwanda. Reckons they have reduced the boat people crossings. Need to check that but backlog is another matter. He has fiddled on that.
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Rishi Little - he shrinks in front of questioning.
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What a god awful interview.

Tories have been in power for 14 years, yes 14 years and he just repeats he has a plan.

A plan? What the f have you been doing for the last 14 years, if you just have a plan now?

How can you fall for this?
He also mentions getting productivity back to pre covid levels and "sickness"
The sickness levels have been worked on before and didn't workout. The other one is a bit of an odd ball, 16hr work for support moves to 18 and the 2% cut in NI gets more people in work. At these pay levels and min wages I find it hard to see how this works out. Businesses offer as many hrs as they need. To add an extra 2hrs they need extra business to cover it or costs go up.

Sickness - a limited number of people get help of some sort in the mental area but as expensive it is rather small numbers. They have detailed this already. Or appear to have.

;) He came across very positively. He may have the edge on Starmer on that aspect.Think he is next.
All the chatter on here and the political and campaigning circles, is immigration. It’s the one resounding and contentious issue, with The Wail brigade.
I thought Brexit was meant to solve that for the gammon faithful?

Seems Tory see another 2% of NI. Just in the news at the moment Labour will not match it.

Housing help - well it just seems to allow prices to increase. Might not be an immediate effect but...............
"The Conservatives have begun warning voters online that Labour could win with a landslide in the July 4 UK general election, sparking accusations that the ruling party is in effect conceding defeat.

Tory social media advertisements published since Friday have been urging people against voting for the Liberal Democrats and Reform UK, warning that backing those smaller parties could give Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer a “massive majority”."

If people want the Tories out (they do) I'm not sure that "warning" is the right word.

"Encouraging," perhaps.
All the chatter on here and the political and campaigning circles, is immigration. It’s the one resounding and contentious issue, with The Wail brigade.
I thought Brexit was meant to solve that for the gammon faithful?


Interesting to note on a recent visit to Mallorca one noticed a distinct lack of socially supported imigrants. However they have a greater issue being Brits and other nations taking over their country. And i don't blame them at all, house prices are beyond belief, 5million easy now for a decent 4bed villa on the right part of the coast redeveloped. I have some very happy friends who bought their 10years back.
Talking to alot of locals there was interesting, their general outlook is far less politically correct than us brits, in fact it's actually correct, the problem being here its been so skewed the wrong way were we all wallow in some sort of strange post colonial guilt. We should all be proud of who we are, ie English Scottish Irish and our ancestory history etc, not this warped mentality of shaming anyone wanting to be like that.

Brexit or not we are fcked anyway the damage is done even if Farage x10 got into power.

Lol. etc.
You only have to look at the demented Rwanda plan to see the nonsense that lies at the heart of the tories.

To think that being possibly sent to Rwanda will deter one migrant is just akin to believing in fairies and unicorns.

If you are prepared to get in a flimsy boat and cross one of the worlds busiest shipping lanes do you honestly think the prospect of a few of you being deported will change your mind.

I agree with starmer, its boring but cutting the asylum backlog is the only way to deter people, turn up get your case there and then , no claim, get deported legally.
Grant Shapps is 'fighting hard' to stop Labour gaining a "super majority" as they did in '97 - in other news, the economy is flatlining, although Sunny Sunak insists it's "turned a corner". The Tories blame the rain.
One problem with the Rwanda plan is numbers and time given the backlog which isn't the entire backlog anyway. It's hard to get a grip on how many Rwanda can take or what legal challenges will do. Then there is the country itself. It seems being a member of the opposition is a bad idea. They also appear to be involved in nearby wars.
Wow. The greens. £50b by the end of the term on the entire welfare area. The lot inc NHS and all.

1% wealth tax but need a lot to have to pay it. Also I think end of the NI salary clamp - all pay the same % what ever they earn. Carbon tax. Sounds like they may accept thorium reactors but not the now safer conventional ones. The thorium ones are easier to shut down if needed.

;) They just mentioned that electricity use will at least double over the next 10 ton 15years. A factor not much notice is being taken of. Insulation figures.
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