General Election 4th July

Didn't work for the LIbs did it. Sorry etc. There is a fundamental problem that exists all over the world.
Wasn't really PR.

But the lib dems did stop the Tories being too extreme, so it shows it can work
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PR absolutely allows a broader consensus to be formed, not the constant switching between short term self serving political bickering from both sides...
In your dreams. It generally finishes up with some one in power or a coalition. Coalitions are formed on the basis of similar ideas. Typical reason for a Tory to vote Lib is that they tend to be right wing. New form you may of heard of neo liberalism. In some ways they are looking for a new angle.

One view of the lib Tory one is that the libs went for jobs and company cars. This ensures they can win votes in the house. All work with the whips. They could have not done that and voted on Tory policy as they saw fit. Deals figure.The libs need to be able to say we did that, Dubious.
In your dreams. It generally finishes up with some one in power or a coalition. Coalitions are formed on the basis of similar ideas. Typical reason for a Tory to vote Lib is that they tend to be right wing. New form you may of heard of neo liberalism. In some ways they are looking for a new angle.

One view of the lib Tory one is that the libs went for jobs and company cars. This ensures they can win votes in the house. All work with the whips. They could have not done that and voted on Tory policy as they saw fit. Deals figure.The libs need to be able to say we did that, Dubious.
Lib dem, tory coalition wasn't PR though.
It generally finishes up with some one in power or a coalition. Coalitions are formed on the basis of similar ideas.
Coalitions tend to temper the extremes.

But that only works under PR, not FPTP...

Could you tell us when was the last time that a ruling party got more than 50% of the vote?

Because if a party gets a huge majority of the seats in a parliament despite having a minority of the votes cast then no-one can possibly say that is a democratic decision!
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Lib dem, tory coalition wasn't PR though.
Doesn't matter. PR generally has the effect of forming coalitions. Mix it with populatism and who knows what might happen.

It was the pact that put me right off PR. I don't think it changed Tory policy at all really.
Doesn't matter. PR generally has the effect of forming coalitions. Mix it with populatism and who knows what might happen.

It was the pact that put me right off PR. I don't think it changed Tory policy at all really.
Pr has the difference where some also rans win some seats. They don't have to form coalitions but add ideas and support or oppose without being forced to.

Pr is different to a coalition formed to become the government.

For example you could still have an overwhelming majority of 1 party, but have more, differing views in support or opposition.

It's not ideal but it's better than fptp
They don't have to form coalitions but add ideas and support or oppose without being forced to.
If the pact hadn't formed and the Libs voted out Tory changes the result would be a fresh election as they are unable to govern.

PR just increases the chances of coalitions forming.
If the pact hadn't formed and the Libs voted out Tory changes the result would be a fresh election as they are unable to govern.

PR just increases the chances of coalitions forming.
It also allows minority groups to support or oppose, generally allowing a better overall balance, rather than total dominance.

Coalitions can still be formed in pr, but they don't have to be.
I wonder what those parents who claim to support national service thought when they heard Sunak float the possibility that those young people who abstain might be refused banking or a driving license. Supporting something in the abstract can sometimes be very different to being faced with the reality.
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Coalitions can still be formed in pr, but they don't have to be.
Yes a party can still finish up with overall power. Same as first past the post. Some facts about PR and they are well known. Some examples as well. The crisis aspects are interesting.

A few factors mentioned but can't access the lot.

LOL I actually voted for PR. The fact that it failed to happen made me look at the idea more closely.

Devolution - well we are due loads of it. The purse strings are still really controlled by West Minster.

The devolved "countries". A thought. They all get more spent per head of population than people in England get. Just what should they do with this money? Spend on specific problems or what? One chooses to raise more tax.
I did mention to one of the regular PR supporters on here that PR would lead to the undesirables left / right / religion actually getting elected and seats in parliament. PR prevents this. They said this was alright.
I did mention to one of the regular PR supporters on here that PR would lead to the undesirables left / right / religion actually getting elected and seats in parliament. PR prevents this. They said this was alright.
If enough people vote for any party they deserve representation.

I don't have to like, or agree with them. But if they have no representation I think it's wrong.

Fptp puts a or b party in power, with less than 50% of the vote.

Pr isn't perfect, but it's better than fptp for a fairer overall position. People would vote for what they really wanted, supported or believed in, rather than voting for or against the current party in power
Don't get me wrong I do respect your opinion. It may be different to mine, but I am not convinced that PR is going to deliver anything better than what is currently on offer.

The ability to solve some of the fundament issues that affect the country NHS , utilities are no going to be fixed by one party in 5 years but that is not a reason to reject the current model.
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