General Election 4th July

Don't get me wrong I do respect your opinion. It may be different to mine, but I am not convinced that PR is going to deliver anything better than what is currently on offer.

The ability to solve some of the fundament issues that affect the country NHS , utilities are no going to be fixed by one party in 5 years but that is not a reason to reject the current model.
Opinions differ, no issues.

But there is no reason why we should keep the current party and not have a change. We can't afford more of the same.

Different just means change, we need it.

Pr just gives the smaller parties that get support but not seats a chance to challenge things. Fptp does nothing of the sort
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I do distrust the party animal though. The political class who are now career politicians rather than those that wanted to represent will always look after their own. If we move away from FPTP and it does not work for the electorate will the politicians again look after themselves and restrict our ability to change from a model they can manipulate.
Pr will always give rise to new small parties, hoping for seats not overall power at 1st.

So the electorate is more likely to vote for who they want rather than just either of the big 2, or 3.

Smaller parties will always be looking to change things. Will be a lot more uncomfortable for the established parties and career politicians
Yes, but I did ask earlier who do you vote for in PR? The party or the person standing to represent your seat? It is important for voters to decide, and it should not just be around 'tribal' politics?
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Yes, but I did ask earlier who do you vote for in PR? The party or the person standing to represent your seat? It is important for voters to decide, and it should not just be around 'tribal' politics?
Same as it is now. You can vote for either. Most vote by the colour of the rosette.

If pr is in place you are likely to know how votes will work in selection of the allocation of mp's.
So, you don't vote for an MP but a party then and hope the version of a politician you get is at least adequate to his / her manifesto? We all know how corrupt that it?
Interesting BBC podcast. It seems there was a burst of when will the election be betting. There may be more people involved.

More interesting. Floating voters. Different type of poll. People are asked if they have made their mind up on who to vote for. Some say no. Some say yes so they then ask are you sure. Some say no. Done this way there are a lot more floaters. Enough to change results.

Add the we wont win anyway and general poll results, super majority comments and what ever else they may dream up and it's understandable that Labour are worried.

Then you mix in the people who decide not to vote.

Calls to suspend candidates who bet on date of election will harm the toreys. I wondered how many voted on rishy losing/ how many seats they win ie betting against themselves.
Let's face it, we need this lot (Tories) gone. It's not as if they're presiding over a semi-decent economy, healthcare, housing, education etc where more might be inclined to think 'better the devil you know.'

Same up here with the SNP, we need them gone come 2016.
Tories are promising all sorts in their manifesto.

But you have to ask yourself this:

They have been in power years. Why haven't they done these things yet?
Calls to suspend candidates who bet on date of election will harm the toreys. I wondered how many voted on rishy losing/ how many seats they win ie betting against themselves.

Whoops a Daisey...........

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