Germany: Anti-immigration party on course for a win.

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Seems to me that you cant get past the same old drivel you write.
Clumsy English again. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

It seems to me that you can't get past the same old drivel you write.
A half an hour detention for you, laddie. :ROFLMAO:
If the country is going down the toilet fast, is this in part due to immigration, the small boats etc? Of course. However the extent to which it's a factor is grossly overplayed by the politics of division to serve their narrative. Migrants are a very useful target to deviate the attention of the masses from the true causes of the country's ills. I'll say again, that's not to say migration might not play a part, however its true effect on things like GP appointments, housing etc is negligible.

I would like to see immigration under control and the small boats stopped. However I don't fall for the false narrative spouted by odious people like good ol' salt of the earth Nige, or his mates Yaxley-Lennon, Hopkins etc.
Talking of Yaxley-Lenon, Is he back from his holidays yet? I expect he'll be arrested as soon as sets foot in blighty.
Then whisked off to the nick, as quick as his little legs will carry him.
Orban took Theresa May's Hostile environment and Farage's anti-immigration rhetoric and turbo charged it.
Switch on Hungarian national public broadcaster, ..., most days and you will likely hear a news report about immigration. Pro-government newspapers, too, feature almost daily news reports about immigrants. The stories are rarely positive.
Hungary ... has some of the strictest anti-immigration laws in Europe, and has built a 109-mile-long fence along its southern border to curb crossings from Serbia and Croatia.
Refugees who live there face regular reminders that they are unwelcome
knows the kind of headlines he will hear on the evening news: If immigration continues, “terror will become part of life in large cities.
That’s a line from Prime Minister Viktor Orbán
“We don’t see these people as Muslim refugees. We see them as Muslim invaders.”
He talks about immigration often.

I’ve got him and his three himmylikies on ignore. Peace at last from their lies, hairsplitting, drivel and swerving. I won’t even see their bitchy remarks to this post so they can give it their best shot. :ROFLMAO:
That's the way, Mottie throw your insults from behind the anonymity of your keyboard, and pretend to close your eyes and ears to the world.
I'd ask you to present just one lie, hair-splitting, drivel or swerve to justify your allegation. But you've already excused yourself from that request.

If, or when I insult you, I give you the opportunity to respond. You don't have the integrity to offer your adversary that opportunity. :rolleyes:

Tell us some more about your fraudulently issuing MOTs for English registered cars left permanently in Spain. :rolleyes:
You claim it was a wind-up. :rolleyes:
That backfired massively, if it was. :ROFLMAO:
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