Germany: Anti-immigration party on course for a win.

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Not sure Two Tier taking it from pensioners and giving it to doctors helps, but hey-ho.
Taking it from millionaire pensioners

Junior Drs wage increase is just catching up,with their wages which have stagnated for a decade
Yes, poor - ie. not much of a benefits system and not many 4* hotels.

No wonder they give it a wide berth. :rolleyes:
Really fick people think refugees come here just for the benefits

It’s a dumb trope by people who should use their brain
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I personally measure the quality of life in a country by how many of its citizens emigrate (aka run away)

I don't see many hungarians away from home.

Wiki tells of 100,000 Hungarians in the UK...and i've met two of 'em. :D

Well done mottie!
Better to ignore the illiterate racist bigot in drags.
He just makes this forum a worse place, like a pig in a fragrance shop...

You're comparing this place to a fragrance shop? :LOL:
Check the etnic mix of prisoners in UK prisons. Non whites are greatly over represented.

Yet more enrichment from diversiddy. (y)
Another hook on which to hang your bigotry.
You keep looking for any and every opportunity for hooks on which to hang that racism of yours.

The imbalance of prisoners is due to the systemic racism in the justice system, rather than actual crimes committed.
Racial discrimination by judges is most frequently directed towards Asian and Black people according to the survey, with people from Black communities - lawyers, witnesses, defendants, etc. - by far the most common targets of judicial discrimination. Young Black male defendants were the subgroup most frequently mentioned as targets of judicial bias.
Is France at war???

I think we should have been told! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Jeez! War torn country. There's one born every minute! :rolleyes:
France and Europe could well be at war with each other given the rise of the far right, its one of pootins aims and he’s doing rather sell stirring things up. Don't let asylum policy blind you to that. The brexxers did and do.
Are there any genuine refugees heading this way? Perhaps some Ukranians on those dinghies steaming across The Channel. Perhaps not, as they'd stand out amongst all those dark skinned young males aboard. :rolleyes:
Yes there are, we need the infrastructure in place to sort out the wheat from the chaff. The last governent just didn't spend any money on that apart from PR jollies to Rewanda
Is France at war???

I think we should have been told! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Jeez! War torn country. There's one born every minute! :rolleyes:
Once an asylum seeker has fled their war torn country, they are at liberty to choose which country they prefer to claim asylum. It's a fundamental UN and EU Human right.
It's a UN and EU recognised fundamental right which UK has rescinded. Hence, UK would not be eligible to join the EU.
Are there any genuine refugees heading this way?
They're all tourists, risking their lives to cross the channel in barely floating rubber dinghies at inflated prices to be imprisoned in a holding accommodation, of which they have no choice, and little support. :rolleyes:
Any official figure or just wiki?
The wisdom of Wiki told me so. Stayed in digs and a Hungarian landlady was most kind. Her Greek hubby was a bit of a putz but they made it all work. Only £30 a week, evening meal and breakfast included. She once told me she could think in Hungarian and speak English which must've caused some creative insight between the two. Also knew Polish, Czech, German and could curse profoundly in Greek whenever the occasion demanded. T'other Magyar i met was mad as a box o' frogs.
She once told me she could think in Hungarian and speak English which must've caused some creative insight between the two.
Apparently, when you dream in a foreign language, you have truly learned it.
I just dream about how to express myself adequately. ;)
I wake up having to look up a new word. ;)

Also knew Polish, Czech, German and could curse profoundly in Greek whenever the occasion demanded. T'other Magyar i met was mad as a box o' frogs.
It's usual for people who were brought up in small countries, or close to borders, to be able to speak two or more languages, i.e the languages of their neighbours.
This applies especially during times of conflict, when border hopping, depending on the current state of conflict, is happening.
And of course, mixing with other kids, when young, they quickly pick up the others' language.

I especially enjoy looking up in Thesaurus for new words. ;)

Did you know that English is one of the very few languages that have a Thesaurus?
Apparently, when you dream in a foreign language, you have truly learned it.
I just dream about how to express myself adequately. ;)
I wake up having to look up a new word. ;)
Sometimes, when she was tired, her languages would clutter up in a hotpot of different words, especially amusing when you'd hear her cursing Greg in the kitchen.

I especially enjoy looking up in Thesaurus for new words. ;)

Did you know that English is one of the very few languages that have a Thesaurus?
I did not know that. I still keep mine on the b.shelf, just in case.
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