Government Rwanda plan ...

Except multiple European countries have derogated from the ECHR and no-one has batted an eyelid
Indeed, they have no real power other than bad PR. The judgment is worth a read. I'm amazed our resident self appointed Human rights experts have read it already.
They can insist their judgements are carried out.
They can insist the 'out-lawed' actiosn are reversed and damages paid. So the asylum seekers sent to Rwanda would have to be returned to UK.
If a signatory persistently refuses, they can be chucked out of the ECHR.

I ssupect it would depend on the seriousness of the issue. I would imagine a gross disregard for Human Rights would figure pretty high on that scale.
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As could the 100 million to date for this Covid caper ????

And the 150 million spent on the Bloody Sunday enquiry ???all in legal fees for scheister lawyers

Or the 8 million per day on hotel fees for illegal migrants
Which excludes the millions spent on foreign hotel fees
The value of justice doesn't have a price.
Now we're getting to the meat of the story, a bloated over subscribed civil service who had grown fat and lazy on rubber stamping eu directives who when called to start work again couldn't hack it.
Then the government should sort it. It isn't rocket science.
It will get sorted via Uk legislation

This is the Uk and we are not going to be dictated to by a load of foreigners over this caper :cool:


Are following events closely as they want a similar scheme ;)

All these legal scheisters with there snouts in the trough will
Have to find another trough to get there snouts into

Covid perhaps ?? There is a few squid to be made there ???
Are we dictated by foreigners when we trade and meet their regulations and requirements.

Are you thick as mince?
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If Rishi says he'll sort out the Rwanda problem, he'll sort it. His word is his bond.

This Sunak?

What I don't get is I bet in everyday day to day business you are shrewd and thoughful knowing when someone is truthful or not but when it comes to politics you suspend all of this rationality for belief. Are you a religous person as I can't fathom any other reason for your blind faith.
Now we're getting to the meat of the story, a bloated over subscribed civil service who had grown fat and lazy on rubber stamping eu directives who when called to start work again couldn't hack it.
So they circled their wagons to bring down the brexiteer mps and the results are all there on open display.
Don't mess with the ' swamp'

Actually when we were part of the EU we could offload the creation of regulations to the EU which lowerd out costs - now we are out of the EU we have to create our own regulations - but guess what we don't have the capacity which is why you see regulations not enforced and goods just waived through or us just simply accepting EU regulations or in the worst case just dropping regulations - want polluted rivers - well I have got some **** to sell you.

What did you expect? I can't remember did you vote Brexit?
Then the government should sort it. It isn't rocket science.
How can you sort a civil service that won't play ball.
They were saying about these cabinet reshuffles that the first two years you have to rely solely on your civil servants to get to understand your brief.
Conservative govt in power 2010 to now

It their fault no matter how much their rabid supporters like Mottie, Frilly, Gnat et al make excuses: "civil servants, small boats, wrong kind of rain, the EU, yadder yadder yadder"

It's dangerous blaming the civil servants when they don't make policy they simple implement it - but it's a game the Tories keep playing - calling them the 'blob' - this is straight out of Hitlers playbook - the stab-in-the-back myth where the people in power are being betrayed by internal groups and forces.

This is dangerous territory - we know it happens - look back at Germany and the World Wars and yet we are walking straight into this same trap.
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How can you sort a civil service that won't play ball.
They were saying about these cabinet reshuffles that the first two years you have to rely solely on your civil servants to you get to understand your brief.

Play ball? I don't get it, a cabinet reshuffle is exactly that it shows how a minister can swap jobs - what experience do they have? They need to reply on the people who actually run the departments.

Might as well put an electrician in charge of plumbing.
A customer asks you to do something incorrect - place the elctric points next to the sink, do you say sure fine I will go along with that - its your choice or do you advise them no it cannot be done or walk away.

Well when a dumb ass minister asks them to do something stupid should they not point out the stupidity of the request.

The levels of hypocrisy.
Play ball? I don't get it, a cabinet reshuffle is exactly that it shows how a minister can swap jobs - what experience do they have? They need to reply on the people who actually run the departments.

Might as well put an electrician in charge of plumbing.
You've worked in the world it's not hard to undermine the management. A football analogy would be the manager has lost the dressing room.
You've worked in the world it's not hard to undermine the management. A football analogy would be the manager has lost the dressing room.
You have just proven the point against your own argument - when the leaders or your management are asking you to do something stupid, will never work do you just accept or push back?

This is Charles Dickens Yes M'Lord reasoning.
You have just proven the point against your own argument - when the leaders or your management are asking you to do something stupid, will never work do you just accept or push back?

This is Charles Dickens Yes M'Lord reasoning.
Wouldn't that be based on whether your working with the minister or again him.
May I refer you back to how many of Johnstone's brexiteer cabinet ministers are anywhere near government these days.
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