Hate Crime

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It's refuting every dishonest or incorrect statement with data, research, real life data, studies, etc.

Others are welcome to an opinion, and I look forward to them supporting their opinion with a bit of evidence. (i'm not holding my breath)
With the total lack of any suppoprting evidence, their opinion is exactly that, just an opinion. And because their opinion is not rooted in reality, their opinion casn be dismissed as pure ingrained bigotry.

I see where you are coming from.
You tolerate and acquiesce to excessive and offensve abuse hurled at me from several posters. But if I prove others' opinions are based on bigotry, I'm in the wrong?
Do you not see where you are coming from?

I'm destroying others' bigoted claims and exposing their opinions to be based purely on bigotry.
If yu'rer uncomfortble with that, and yopu do appear to be, don't participate in the thread. There's no obligation to.

Just like J K Rowling, "I have empathy for transgenders but.....". Then she trots out her gender essentialism comments.

Let me see if i understand what you are saying: "You don't disagree with most of what I say, but you don't read it?"
You choose to ignore my comments, and you prefer to read all the other comments, including the excessive and offensive abuse?

So it's not what said, it's who said it?
I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself.

What is the point of your participation in this thread, to support the abusers?
Is that too much to ask. They consider that their sex "label" can conform to their gender, and with a GRC it can.
A GRC is just a legal process, it makes no difference to how the persons thinks or feels.
A person can travel abroad, a passport merely allows them to do so legally.
I can have an ID card, but it's not legally necessary.

You mean like TERFs don't want to listen to those that want to deny the existence of transgenders?
Or Gender Essentialists who also want to deny the existence of transgenders and refuse to listen to counter arguments?

Only a minority of transgeder people undergo surgery. Again I would ask you for some real life data to support your assertion, but I know I'd be wasting my time. Transgenders are people who don't feel that they conform to the sex label that was assigned to them at birth.
So your assertion is illogical.

Total nonsense and offensive.
Mental illness does not cause transgender feelings, so it's not surprising that it's dismissed as bigoted nonsense.

More bigoted nonsense and offensive.
Being transgender is not damaging. Refusing or social objection, to accept your transgender desires can be damaging.

Thye are legally forced to accept the sex label that was assigned to them at birth. It isn't a choice.
I would ask for any real life data for you to support your asertion, but I know from experience I would be wasting my time.

Of course transgenders want everyone to access their legal rights.
But have you any evidence that transactivists want to deny others their rights? Or is this another of your fantastical imaginations?

You're just throwing out any old bigoted nonsense that drifts into your head with no chance of producing any evidence to support your comments whatsoever.
It's obsessive, compulsive behaviour Roy. You are right and nobody else is allowed to have an alternative opinion without being subject to a sustained barracking. I wonder if you can see that it actually destroys any message that you might have. I don't disagree with everything you say but I basically ignore most what you say because of the way you say it and insist on ALWAYS being the only correct opinion and then beating your correspondent into submission with your barrage.
Those last two and the rest I didnt even bother skimming through

The time and effort Roy takes hardly get any viewers.
When I hear the term "Hate crime"
Is there many "Like crimes"

Assisted death yes is a like crime. Are there anymore like crimes.
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Maya Forstarter holds gender criticial beliefs.

Maya believes that sex is real, and that a "woman" is female, and that a man is not a woman.

She is, of course, right.

Roy doesn't like people believing that. He likes to malign, attack and insult them.

Roy didn't mention that she is entitled to her beliefs, and suffered unlawful discrimination for them.

"Maya Forstater won her case because the Employment Appeal Tribunal concluded that her belief that biological sex is real, important and immutable met the legal test of a genuine and important philosophical position that is protected under the UK's equality laws.
The test for such a protection was that her belief touched on an important part of human life, would be accepted by others and - this is the important bit - could not be shown to be a direct attempt to harm others."
Gender Essentialism.

Roy has a weird way of describing the fact that women are female, and men are male, and that sex is real, not an opinion or a whim like "gender."

He thinks that a man can become a woman by saying "I am a woman"
Roy didn't mention that she is entitled to her beliefs, and suffered unlawful discrimination for them.
I didn't need to because I always include the orign of my quotes for the reader to help themselves.

Everyone is entitled to their beliefs, I've said so several times.

"Maya Forstater won her case because the Employment Appeal Tribunal concluded that her belief that biological sex is real, important and immutable met the legal test of a genuine and important philosophical position that is protected under the UK's equality laws.
The test for such a protection was that her belief touched on an important part of human life, would be accepted by others and - this is the important bit - could not be shown to be a direct attempt to harm others."
It's when those beliefs tip over into fomenting hatred againsty a minority that the law is broken, as was explained later in that article, which you clipped, as you keep accusing me of doing.
Here is the important rest of it:
Ms Forstater's speech and beliefs are protected - but so are the rights of trans people. And if speech crosses the line from an honestly held belief to bullying, attacks and intimidation, then the scales very obviously tip in favour of protecting the victim.

It's nice to see you have eventually learned how to hold an intelligent discussion and you have started discussing issues instead of silly pointless repetitive slogans.
Roy has a weird way of describing the fact that women are female, and men are male, and that sex is real, not an opinion or a whim like "gender."

He thinks that a man can become a woman by saying "I am a woman"
A transwoman is recognised as a woman, when she declares that she is a woman, and she is protected under the Equalities Act.
What 'sex' label she was born with doesn't matter.
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