Hate Crime

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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Your belief is Gender Essentialism.
Yet you deny it, that's deceit.
You claim not to be transphobic, but you try to stir up hatred towards transgenders, that's transphobia. That's deceit.

Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs.
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You persitent pointless slogans was designed to deny the existence and legal recognition of transwomen as women.
Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs. He falsely claims that I deny the existence of Trans.
Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs.

Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs. He falsely claims that I deny the existence of Trans.

Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs.
It's very evident from the posting history, that if there was any maligning going on, you started it.
On several occasions you accused me of deceit and misreprsentation.
Yet I have always provided the scientific, medical and legal articles to support my argument.
You have provided nothing but pointless slogans and allegations.

"Sex" and "Gender" are not the same thing.

You have constructed a sentence to falsely pretend that they are.

Strangely (?) Roy posted a partial quote that omits the answer. He accidentally (?) Gave a false and misleading impression.

So in a spirit of helpful co-operation, I will do it for him. Quoting from the link he provided.

Can anyone guess what it is?

I will repeat that.

Very helpfully, Roy's article goes on to say:

"If a trans woman who doesn’t have a GRC wants to access a female-only space, and is refused access, that’s not discrimination on grounds of gender reassignment, but discrimination on grounds of sex. She’s refused access not because she’s trans, but because she’s both legally and biologically male. That means she can lawfully be refused access any time it’s lawful at all to have a female-only space"

It's very kind of Roy to provide links that demonstrate he is posting things that aren't true, and are clearly nonsense.
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It's very evident from the posting history, that if there was any maligning going on, you started it.
On several occasions you accused me of deceit and misreprsentation.
Yet I have always provided the scientific, medical and legal articles to support my argument.
You have provided nothing but pointless slogans and allegations.
The problem with people who are a bit unstable, with too much time on their hands, is engaging can fuel their pursuit !
Equalities Act
Equalities act protects transgender people from discrimination against transgender people, it does not grant them the rights of the sex they wish to become. If it did section 7 would be written differently.

Section 7 - is as far as it goes.
Are you also doing a JohnD and posting simple denials like, "not true", "wrong", "It isn't", etc.
An intelligent discussion needs a bit more than silly denials.
When you refuse to accept the facts, the links to the facts, the debate on the facts by qualified people, we are left with simply correcting you.

You would like the law to make transgender people the sex they wish to become. It doesn't. it recognises transexual as a protected characteristic. Not the same.

You would like to ignore the link to transgender desires and mental illness, it exists.

You would like to ignore the fact that some transgenders who have surgery at a young age go on to regret the irreversible damage and for this reason it is important to protect young and vulnerable people from transactivists who want to push them to join the club.
Roy doesn't like people believing that. He likes to malign, attack and insult them.
Roy didn't mention that she is entitled to her beliefs, and suffered unlawful discrimination for them.
Everyone is entitled to theri beliefs.
They are not entitled to foment hatred towards proteted minoriy, as you have been doing.
Whether Maya Forstarter did that I don't know. It sounds from the appeal judgement that she didn't, which is why she won the appeal.
You, on the other hand, have been stoirring up hatred since oyu joined the discussion.

You've also been making false allegations against me, using strawman arguments, making ad hominem arguments, repeating endlessly pointlee slogans, posting pictures with the intention of maligning transhgenders and been abusive.

The list below show a few of your abusive posts:

Roy has a weird way of describing the fact that women are female, and men are male, and that sex is real, not an opinion or a whim like "gender."
He thinks that a man can become a woman by saying "I am a woman"

In your opinion.
"Sex" is not a label. It is a biological fact.
A male person is not a woman.
And does not become one magically when he says "I am a woman."

Are you falsely claiming Maya did that?
Or I?

You mean like when women like Maya, and Mrs Rowling, are bullied, attacked and intimidated by Transactivists?

Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs. He falsely claims that I deny the existence of Trans.

Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs.

That's certainly true.

Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs.
I point out that you hold gender essentialist beliefs, which you can not deny.
I would suggest you are a TERF because of your persistent use of slogans and pictures intended to imply that transgenders cannot exist, and they are all rapists and sex abusers.

TERF a person whose views on gender identity are considered hostile to transgender people, or who opposes social and political policies designed to be inclusive of transgender people.
You are undoubtedly hostile to transgenders. You peddle false information about them to foment hatred.
You oppose their integration into society and you want to deny them their legally held rights.

Finally, holding a deeply held belieif is perfectly acceptable, as I've said many times. But when you campaign vigorously for your beliefs to be the dominant culture, you are undoubtedly a TERF, with Gender Essentialist beliefs.
That is not acceptable, nor excusable, and it is not defensible:
A philosophical or religious belief will be protected if it:
  • is genuinely held;
  • is a belief, not an opinion or viewpoint based on the present state of information available;
  • is about a weighty and substantial aspect of human life and behaviour;
  • has a certain level of cogency, seriousness, cohesion, and importance; and
  • is worthy of respect in a democratic society, is not incompatible with human dignity, and does not conflict with the fundamental rights of others.

Your opinion might be genuinely held, that might be acceptable because you use the term belief.
But it's not a belief, it's an opinion or view, which is not based on current knowledge or information available. I've proven many times that your view is erroneous.
It is about a weighty and substantial aspect of human life and behaviour.
It does not have a serious level of cogency, nor cohesion. There are a myriad of eminent scientists and doctors queueing up to disprove your opinion.
Your opinion is not worthy of respect in a democratice society, it is not compatibel with human dignity and it does conflict with the fundamental rights of others.

Therefore your opinion, no matter how many times it is expressed, is not a protected belief.
And if someone tries to foment hatred towards a minority in society they deserve to be maligned for it.
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Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs.

Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs. He falsely claims that I deny the existence of Trans.

Roy attacks, insults and maligns me because of my honestly held beliefs.
You should take a tip from Maya Forstarter:
We are all free to believe whatever we wish. What we are not free to do is compel others to believe the same thing, to silence those who disagree with us or to force others to deny reality.”

As I've said repeatedly, you are free to believe whatever you wish.
What you are not free to do is to foment hatred towards a protected minority.

I say that a man is not a woman.

Which is a statement of fact.
You say it repeatedly, and it's pointless.
It's also a strawman argument because no-one has claimed that they are.
But transwomen are legally considered women and are due the protection under the Equalities Act.
you are undoubtedly a TERF, with Gender Essentia, thatlist beliefs.


I am not even a Radical Feminist.

Neither am I a member of any group that seeks to exclude Trans people.

I don't know what you think a gender essentialist believes, but I am not what Wikipedia says they are.

It must be very distressing for you to work yourself into a rage and invent these false accusations.

Of course trans people exist.

They are people who say they have a "gender" which does not align to their sex.

But this does not cause their sex to change.
Sex is just a label assigned at birth. It is sometimes applied incorrectly.
But the choices are only either Male or Female, and not everyone falls into that category.

You believe that the person in attendance at birth magically determines the sex of the baby. And the baby must complete the role assigned to it at birth.
Not everyone falls into that category and some have the courage of their convictions and seek to adopt their preferred role.
But you want to foment hatred towards them.
"What we are not free to do is compel others to believe the same thing, to silence those who disagree with us or to force others to deny reality.”

And yet you want me to believe that a man becomes a woman.

That is certainly denying reality.
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