Hate Crime

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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If people are not content with their natural sex, current practice permits them to use any other description they like. Current practice calls this their gender.
You're still confusing sex and gender. Allowq me to repeat what you said but using the correct terms:
"If people are not content with their gender which may, or may not, currently align with the sex they were assigned at birth, current practice permits them to adopt a different gender, one they prefer. Current practice defines this as their gender."

However it is not possible to change your sex, which is determined genetically and expressed anatomically.
What do you think gender reassignment is? (Also known as gender affirming, gender confirmation, etc.)
Gender reassignment surgery is used to help the person concerned to resolve this disconnect by permanently altering the body parts associated with their biological sex.

... and I am not a woman, and it is impossible for me to become either, because I am a man.
You can become a woman because 'man' and 'woman' are genders. Similarly a woman can become a man.
However to become female, I am assuming you would need gender reassignment treatment.,
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"Sex" has an actual meaning, and is real, so it would be incorrect and misleading for anyone to speak as if it was something that can be changed at will.
Gender can be changed without too many problems. Although anyone considering it has undoubtedly already encountered many problems in their life.
Sex needs reassignment surgery to change sex.
With current medical knowledge and procedures it isn't yet possible for those assigned male at birth to bear children. But many women, assigned female at birth can't bear children either.
So bearing children is not a criteria for being female.
But many women, assigned female at birth can't bear children either.

Numpty quote of the year. Why do you hate females so much?
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Sometimes the mask slips with those who hold misogynistic views, himmy on the other hand is quite blatant about it.
You're also confusing sex with gender.
I'm guessing what you really mean is that she was labelled as a male at birth., and she was raised as a male to suit that label. And she was expected to act the role of a male. But unless you have inspected her genitals, etc, yolu really have no idea what sex she is. People with ambiguous sex don't tend to introduce themselves as, "Hello, I'm Lucy, but they labelled me as a male because I have ambiguous sex".
As she prefers to be a woman, she should be considered as a woman. That's her prefered gender.
And if you address her as Lucy, you are respecting her wishes. What you think about it personally is of no consequence to them, unless you make a point of telling them. Then they are no longer your private thoughts.
But sometimes, it does take time for it to sink in.

Gender is just a title Roy, we’ve been here before!

You’ve lost on an epic scale. Off you pop now.
But many women, assigned female at birth can't bear children either.
Numpty quote of the year.
How would you phrase it? :rolleyes:

What percentage are you talking here when you say many.
Why do you hate females so much?
Sometimes the mask slips with those who hold misogynistic views, himmy on the other hand is quite blatant about it.

Infertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying (or six months if a woman is 35 or older). Women who can get pregnant but are unable to stay pregnant may also be infertile. About 10 percent of women (6.1 million) in the United States ages 15-44 have difficulty getting pregnant or staying pregnant, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
So all sites discussing infertility, etc are misogynistic?
What planet are you two inhabiting? :rolleyes:

If I say there are some black people in UK, does that make me racist?
If I say there are some Jews in UK, does that make me an anti-Semite?
You two are off your collective trolley.
And you're desparately looking for an excuse to be abusive. Well you've shown how desparately stupid and wrong you are.
Gender is just a title Roy,
Gender is a word used to describe the roles that people can take in society, it's not a title.
Mr, Mrs are titles that men and women use, depending on their gender.
Gender is a word used to describe the roles that people can take in society, it's not a title.
Mr, Mrs are titles that men and women use, depending on their gender.
Gender is a word to fit the narrative, there wouldn't be any discussion if there wasn't an agenda behind it all.
So you class 10% as many, just so we know what many is in your world.
Assuming there are 66,000,000 people in UK, and that half of them are females, I'd say that 10% of 33,000,000 (that'll be about 3,000,000 females that are potentially infertile) is many, wouldn't you?
That's a extremely rough estimate and doesn't take account for prepubescent females who are obviously not yet fertile, and the many older females who are past child bearing age, who are also infertile.
It also doesn't take account of women who choose to be childless.
over 50% of women aged 30 years are childless
That'll be why the scientific, medical, governments and legal community, and the UN, WHO, etc have adopted it. :rolleyes:
Exactly, you have faith in WHO and UN?
It's only because they suit your narrative you go along with what they spout.
If it wasn't the case you would be blaming them like you blame governments.
Which is ironic given they sing from the UN and WHO hymn sheet.
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