Hate Crime

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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Gender reassignmet surgery allows someone to have the genital characterisitcs of the 'other' sex.

No, it gives a Cosmetic change in appearance.

Your artifical testicles do not produce semen, and your internal cavity is not a vagina.
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You mean there is some private forum on here where you can discuss the other members who do not have access to this private area?

I'm pleased to be so important that I am being discussed by others in some private forum.
You do tickle us Roy.
No, it gives a Cosmetic change in appearance.
For those who choose those procedures, the appearances are sufficient.
Similarly, those who have a boob job, fat suction etc, appearance is the important aspect.

Your artifical testicles do not produce semen, and your internal cavity is not a vagina.
There are males whose testicles do not produce sperm, and there are females who cannot produce children. But these people are still males and females.
To reduce the notion of being female (or males) to a reproductive capacity is to undermine the role of females (and males).
And to disregard all the infertile females and males.

I did say that currently science and medicine cannot perform the procedures necessary. Perhaps you didn't read that bit, or perhaps ypu pretended to have missed it so that you could make your pointless comment.
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You do tickle us Roy.
Thank you for the heads up thst there is some area on this site where you go to discuss others.
Sadly all your advisers haven't helped you at all with raising the level of the discussion.
Quite the reverse, you and all of your advisers lower the level of the discussion.
That is what you said.

It is wrong, as I explained

You were stupid to say it.
Genital characteristics are, in this case, referring to physical appearances. I was not referring to the reproductive capability.
This is made obvious by the discussion of sex characterisitics of babies at birth:
Sex is assigned at birth, based on sex characteristics. It is usually easy to determine
whether a newborn is male or female. Male newborns typically have a penis, testes, XY
chromosomes and higher levels of testosterone. Female newborns typically have a
vagina, uterus, XX chromosomes and higher levels of oestrogen. However, on occasion,
the child’s sex at birth may not be recognisable as male or female. The child may have a
congenital variation, which means their sex characteristics, including their
chromosomes, hormone responses, genitalia and/or gonads may develop differently to
that typically expected of a male or female child. For example, some girls might have an
enlarged clitoris or have a vagina but no uterus. Some boys may not produce enough
testosterone to develop secondary male sex characteristics at puberty, such as
increased muscle mass and body hair. To describe people who experience this form of
sex development, the umbrella term we have used is ‘variations in sex characteristics’.

In addition, by suggesting that sex characterisitcs must also include the ability to reproduce would exclude infertile people from that sex classification.
However it is not possible to change your sex, which is determined genetically and expressed anatomically.
Roy dodged that
Because it was yet another strawman argument.
No-one has claimed that anyone can change sex.
It was stupid to imply that any-one had said that.

I've frequently not bothered responding to your numerous strawman arguments.
Hate crime ?? Himmy Roy’s mates (?) in Iran the mad mullers have clamped down on a potential protests on the anniversary of the young lady’s death ( murder) last year for having some hair poking out of her head scarf

They like Roy / himmy don’t give a stuff about woman’s rights either
Thank you for the heads up thst there is some area on this site where you go to discuss others.
Sadly all your advisers haven't helped you at all with raising the level of the discussion.
Quite the reverse, you and all of your advisers lower the level of the discussion.
You’ve brought less than nothing to this thread. John owns you. End of
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