Hate Crime

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You’ve brought less than nothing to this thread. John own you. End of
I wouldn't say that, it's brought into focus how those with a perverted depraved outlook think and transition away any concepts of such behavior.
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I remember when people used to say "we should give these guys a break, they've spent years transitioning and had terrible surgery."

Now we're told a man just has to say "I am a woman" to win a women's gold medal, or be sent to a women's prison, or walk into a women's changing room.
No-one has claimed that anyone can change sex.

By all means, go find the post that says someone can change sex. (not gender! I understand how you confuse the two).

It's a perfect example of your persistent strawman arguments.

When you're relying on strawman arguiments, and lies, your argument is lost.
But it was lost before you began.
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Man and woman are words that describe genders.
Therefore a transwoman is a woman.

However it is not possible to change your sex, which is determined genetically and expressed anatomically.

Because it was yet another strawman argument.
No-one has claimed that anyone can change sex.
It was stupid to imply that any-one had said that.

By all means, go find the post that says someone can change sex. (not gender! I understand how you confuse the two).
It's a perfect example of your persistent strawman arguments.
When you're relying on strawman arguiments, and lies, your argument is lost.
But it was lost before you began.

Here you are
Therefore a transwoman is a woman.
You try to weasel out of it by saying that a woman is not a woman, and sex is not sex, but nobody believes you.
You are still confusing gender with sex.
Until you are clear in your mind what is gender and what is sex, you'll keep arguing, and in the process display your ignorance.

For the umpteenth time, gender is the role that you choose to take in society, the role that you feel most suits your preference.
Here's a dictionary definition for you:
the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.

Sex is the label assigned to you at birth based on a visible inspection of your genitals.

No-one has claimed that anyone can change sex.
It's just yet another rehash of your strawman argument.

You can see where we're coming from tho' can't you Roy?

I don't know many folk who would take offence at his ranting & I don't think many folk even care. @jenivescomedian is the classic example of someone you really don't want on your side of the argument.

I personally don't feel threatened by what is inside his head, which seems to me to be a very disturbed head, but if he ever followed my wife, my daughter, my granddaughter, or any woman I happened to notice into one of their safe spaces, then I would feel the need to intervene.

Are you really of the mind that this persona should be given free reign to enter womens safe spaces just because he says he's a laydee?

It's all there Roy. You looked but now you're in denial.
I've still no idea what or who you are on about.
If you're suggesting I am Jenivescomedian, that's just a silly boys comment.
And it would be nonsensical to address your comments to the person who you are suggesting is the one you're talking about.

Are you implying I am Jenivescomedian.
And is it Jenivescomedian that you are talking about?
Both statements are mutually exclusive. If I am Jenivescomedian, I would know all about her. :rolleyes:
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