Hate Crime

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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Is that your best, your most intellectual, most thought out response? :rolleyes:
Life must be difficult whenever you encounter something with which you disagree. Do you mumble to yourself "wrong"?
It's John... a trans women is a man. But to be nice ill her by what ever name she wants.
If she's transwoman. then she's a woman.
If she's not a woman, then she's not trans. She/he might be gender fluid. He might be male with ambiguous sex.
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There are two genders Roy.
There are more. Think of gender as a spectrum, there are many colours in a spectrum. It's the same with gender.
There are many different gender identities, including male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none or a combination of these.
There are two sexes.

What you call a "transwoman" is a man who has uttered the magic words "I am a woman"

If she's transwoman. then she's a woman.


Unless you believe in magic.
There are more. Think of gender as a spectrum, there are many colours in a spectrum. It's the same with gender.

I'm obviously confusing sex3s with gender on that evidence.

Their is only two Sexes I should have said.
There are two sexes.

What you call a "transwoman" is a man who has uttered the magic words "I am a woman"


Unless you believe in magic.
I can keep this up until you accept your understanding and confusion over sex and gender is erroneous.

There are two sexes.
There are in most of the western world two legally recognised sexes, male and female. There's no otion to choose anything else.
But scientifically and medoically, sex is more like a continuum line, with male at one end, and female at the other end, and a multiplicity of positions in between. Granted the majority of people can be identified as male or female, but that doesn't exclude the multiple inbetween charactyerisitics, such as: very feminine---slightly masculine female----very masculine female---ambiguous sex---effeminate male---man's man :rolleyes:
We've even had names for some of those type of people, tomboy, effeminate, etc.
Sex is not binary and it is not immutable.
Just like sexuality, with homosexual at one end of a continuum, and hetrosexual at the other, with a myriad of atttiudes in between.

What you call a "transwoman" is a man who has uttered the magic words "I am a woman"
There are no words needed, and if there were, the words only state an intention, an intention to live their lives in their preferred gender.
Your ideological objection to tansgenders will not change that, your refusal to accept transgenders can never prevent human nature and activity.

Yep. :rolleyes:

Unless you believe in magic.
There's no magic involved, unless you think that science, medicine and human nature is magic.
I'm obviously confusing sex3s with gender on that evidence.
You would not be the only one.

Their is only two Sexes I should have said.
Sex is not binary.
There are in most of the western world two legally recognised sexes, male and female. There's no otion to choose anything else.
But scientifically and medically, sex is more like a continuum line, with male at one end, and female at the other end, and a multiplicity of positions in between. Granted the majority of people can be identified as male or female, but that doesn't exclude the multiple inbetween characterisitics, such as: very feminine---slightly masculine female----very masculine female---ambiguous sex---effeminate male---man's man :rolleyes:
We've even had names for some of those type of people, tomboy, effeminate, etc.
Sex is not binary and it is not immutable.
Just like sexuality, with homosexual at one end of a continuum, and hetrosexual at the other, with a myriad of atttiudes in between.
Gender is just a title Roy, we’ve been here before!
And again. If the best you can do is to reiterate yourself several times, I suggest you do some research.
Gender is a word used to describe the roles that people can take in society, it's not a title.
Mr, Mrs are titles that men and women use, depending on their gender.

Gender is only a title,
It doesn't matter how many times you repaeat your meaningless gibberish, it doesn't make it right.
Gender is a word used to describe the roles that people can take in society, it's not a title.
Mr, Mrs are titles that men and women use, depending on their gender.
And again. If the best you can do is to reiterate yourself several times, I suggest you do some research.

It doesn't matter how many times you repaeat your meaningless gibberish, it doesn't make it right.
Yea it does.
Yea it does.
In your mind.
It makes for a repetitive, boring thread for an audience.
And it demonstrates your shallow ability for intelligent discussion.

Cue those who have already participated, claim that it is a boring thread. :rolleyes:

I'll keep going for as long as there are transphobics repeating their bigoted narrative.
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