Hostile Environment - May should resign

What do you hope to achieve?
He has admitted his 'convictions'. Do you hope to change his 'convictions' by defending his actions. If so, you are a bigger fool than I initially thought.
Defending him will earn you the same label as those you defend.
I don't give a monkeys what label you give me, I can't believe actually that you still try to use that old chestnut.
I hope to find out why so I can challenge some of those myths or things that he bases his dislike on. To converse is the only way for people to understand.
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I don't give a monkeys what label you give me, I can't believe actually that you still try to use that old chestnut.
I hope to find out why so I can challenge some of those myths or things that he bases his dislike on. To converse is the only way for people to understand.
And in the process you defend his actions. :rolleyes:
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And in the process you defend his actions. :rolleyes:
As I keep saying, I don't give a **** what you think about me. Never will. I have to actually like and respect someone to give a **** and you fall into neither of those catagories. So you can bang on about that as much as you like, water off a ducks back.
I was hoping you would learn the very first one. You really do need to.
Your hypocrisy is as manifest as before.
Are you still a female, ex-press photographer who has travelled the world, and lived in several different countries?

Or have you developed a new profile now?
In which case, are you lying now, or were you lying before?
You first return foray was designed to deceive the forum into thinking you were a new user, but that came unstuck extremely quickly.
I see Wannabe has had to leave to save his embarrassment.

Perhaps he has realised goading people that have Aspergers is unacceptable. :ROFLMAO:

I expect he has gone on a pilgrimage, I hope he has taken some sun cream its currently 45 deg C out there. :p
What makes you think I have changed my user name?
Something you said?

I see Wannabe has had to leave to save his embarrassment.
****! You accuse me of being loads of other people, so I adopt their names, and then you accuse me of leaving!
The mind boggles!
Perhaps he has realised goading people that have Aspergers is unacceptable. :ROFLMAO:
When people claim their AS prevents them from telling lies, and endows them with superhuman powers of perception, in order for them to claim the moral high ground, I do ridicule them.

I expect he has gone on a pilgrimage, I hope he has taken some sun cream its currently 45 deg C out there. :p
Are you now implying that I am Muslim?
Why? What difference does being Muslim make?
Or will you do the same as a**e end and also resort to suggesting that I am of short stature?
You share the same bigotry, and rush to the assistance of those that defend bigots.

Enjoy your little gang of bigots.
Its 45 degrees in the CC section.....maybe Wannabe is going on a pilgrimage there :mrgreen:
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