hottest weather ever in the world ever.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 292770
  • Start date
and the reason England is the laughing stock of the planet.
It is even hotter in other parts of Europe. Couldn't the lying meteorologists not have gone just a teeny bit further? The sure did miss a trick there...
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are skewhiffing the temps by sighting their instruments in places where those temps can be predicted to be extreme???
Erm, no, weather stations aren't on ruways. Is your Yahoo broken again?
Can someone please Google why Dr David Bellamy is no longer allowed on your tellyvideos???

I miss him, I really do.
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Can someone please Google why Dr David Bellamy
I did, and your pants are on fire again...

Are you saying that our righteous & honest to the core meteoriologists are skewhiffing the temps by sighting their instruments in places where those temps can be predicted to be extreme
No just suggesting it can pay to note where the readings are taken as there can be local effects. This doesn't mean there isn't a problem - there most definitely is.
I did, and your pants are on fire again...

So, the bloke that did more for nature than almost anyone else in the world . . . . Was cancelled 'cos he didn't agree with their nonsense.
View attachment 274888

Nosy, every year in the UK 20,000 elderly die from the cold and cold related illnesses. Are we really expected to give a **** about 130 heat related deaths.
"The leading cause of excess winter deaths in 2018/19 was respiratory disease,"
This is just the first year where we have had such warnings about heat. So that average in the chart for heat is likely to go up.
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