I am so glad that Mrs Thatcher..............................

I agree...cant believe Labour left us with a global recession :confused:

What Global recession?

Are India, the Entire Far east, Australia, Canada to name but a few in recession? Nope.

Countries that threw careful economic advice to the wind are in recession and will be for decades to come.

and all caused by Labour?

Tories have made some massive mistakes since elected, public sector borrowing is at its highest. Defecate will be at its highest.......well done Osbourne, you got it right didnt you?
Well said sir
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I agree...cant believe Labour left us with a global recession :confused:

What Global recession?

Are India, the Entire Far east, Australia, Canada to name but a few in recession? Nope.

Countries that threw careful economic advice to the wind are in recession and will be for decades to come.

and all caused by Labour?

Tories have made some massive mistakes since elected, public sector borrowing is at its highest. Defecate will be at its highest.......well done Osbourne, you got it right didnt you?
Well said sir

I second that.

Now- us lesser mortals should realise what's needed to start the recovery --even though I feel we wont se a recovery in our lifetime.
FIRST thing is- we 'really need to get out of Europe and unless we do- there is no way back.
Now- here comes the hard part- Never mind the promises to consider considering a referendum.
WE should only vote for a Party who promises a positive action to get us out of the hell hole we are in.

The past has gone and we are in the sh!t.
Time for a new start
Tell me. What will labours answer be when they back into power next time?
OOh yes.. Borrow, borrow, borrow....

Well, very nearly:

Borrow, borrow, borrow...
...spend, spend, spend.

Unfortunately, due to the way the electorate behaves, I think Labour will get back in next time with the expected consequences.

I agree with PP: the only way out of this mess is to get out of the EU and there's only one party we could trust to achieve that.
At least 1 in 3 of this forum will vote labour.

Spend, spend, spend like there is no tomorrow.

And guess what? There is no tomorrow.

The dumb people will always vote in the party that promises them an easy ride.
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At least 1 in 3 of this forum will vote labour.

Spend, spend, spend like there is no tomorrow.

And guess what? There is no tomorrow.

The dumb people will always vote in the party that promises them an easy ride.
Sadly but very true and you can't really blame them either :cry:

Do you vote what is right for the country or what suits you?
Put it another way - to the Thatcher bashers - what would YOU have done, in 1979, if YOU had been voted in?
Funnily enough, the economy was in far better shape at the end of the Callaghan/Healey labour government than it was at the end of the Blair/Brown labour government. Thatcher had it relatively easy.
Thatcher had Nth Sea oil.

However the economy was in good shape in 92.
Thatcher stopped councils building new home from proceeds of selling off housing association properties.....its a pretty well known fact the reason for the housing shortage

So clearly you don't know the difference between council housing and normal private housing.

The housing shortage is down purely down to a mixture of older toss pots refusing houses to be built on "their fields", and the way in which land is released to developers.

The "right to buy" only affects the availability of council housing, and is only 1 factor affecting availability.

His so called plans are failing miserably, and hes yet to get something right....Hopefully he wont be there next term, if he is....we will need all the help we can, Greece, Ireland, we will be joining them!

Question for you snico.

What is George actually doing (and please look at spending levels before uttering the word "cuts").

And what do you think should be done.
He won't give you a straight answer. Just like a politician.
Snico blames the last tory government for all the current woes.
And when we default like the greeks that will be all osbournes fault.
He won't give you a straight answer. Just like a politician.
Snico blames the last tory government for all the current woes.
And when we default like the greeks that will be all osbournes fault.

Snido blames everyone --except himself- who incidentally voted for the people who caused all this mess.
He won't give you a straight answer. Just like a politician.
Snico blames the last tory government for all the current woes.
And when we default like the greeks that will be all osbournes fault.

Snido blames everyone --except himself- who incidentally voted for the people who caused all this mess.

He was a copper so it follows he will vote for those who gave him the biggest salary, perks and pension.
Turkeys don't vote for xmas!
He's not a copper now. He bowed out on health issues on a whopping pension and compo claim.
Thatcher actually improved the copper's lot quite a bit too. But prior to that they were underpaid, she paid them a decent wage.

Of course she had to get them on her side as she needed the cops to enforce her laws, which they did with relish. Arthur Scargill's foolish games put overtime payments through the roof and helped pay a lot of copper's mortgages off early.

Blair/Brown came along and put the cops from a decent wage to being vastly overpaid, along with the vast majority of public sector servants it has to be said. Criminal, absolutely criminal.
Yup. When a consultant medic is on just £18k. :rolleyes:
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