I am so glad that Mrs Thatcher..............................

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Good news. Surely, the other parties must be taking note of this. Perhaps we'll be seeing some U-turns before long!
As we all well know ;) narrow minded jerks are incapable of reversing their decisions :mrgreen: It's to do with fear and wanting to be right in spite of new evidence coming to light
He won't give you a straight answer. Just like a politician.
Snico blames the last tory government for all the current woes.
And when we default like the greeks that will be all osbournes fault.

Snido blames everyone --except himself- who incidentally voted for the people who caused all this mess.

You still here......any more tales to tell?
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So clearly you don't know the difference between council housing and normal private housing.

The housing shortage is down purely down to a mixture of older toss pots refusing houses to be built on "their fields", and the way in which land is released to developers.

The "right to buy" only affects the availability of council housing, and is only 1 factor affecting availability.

Totally wrong.....Right to buy houses where sold to tennants. This took a a large chunk of cheaper properties out of the scheme.

These houses where not replaced due to the fact that Thatcher would not let councils build replacement housing with the proceeds.....do a bit of research before replying to a comment.
He won't give you a straight answer. Just like a politician.
Snico blames the last tory government for all the current woes.
And when we default like the greeks that will be all osbournes fault.

Snido blames everyone --except himself- who incidentally voted for the people who caused all this mess.

He was a copper so it follows he will vote for those who gave him the biggest salary.
Turkeys don't vote for xmas!

Snido a copper ? :LOL:
That sums it up-- never had a proper job and never been in the real world . Probably never even had to pick (or pay for )his own clothes too --all provided by the tax payer.
No wonder he has a 'convenience memory'. I think his hard drive needs 'de-fragging'.

You wouldnt know what a proper job is.......you have been caught out lying too many times now to even consider listening to you......is there not a fairytale forum you could join? you would do well on that!
Are you saying that you don't get a pension?
Yep, it's a valid criticism of Thatcher. She flogged off loads of social housing at large discounts, let the tenants keep the profit, never allowed councils to use the cash to replace the houses.

Today's housing shortage (especially in social housing) is largely a result of that policy.

This put up rents, which forced up housing benefit to chase the increasing rents. This dictated the price of entry level houses -investment landlords would set the price of the houses based upon a level of rent that the government would guarantee.

Thus people on average wage couldn't get on the ladder, they were priced out of the market by the level of housing benefit the government would pay. Normally these people would be in council houses and not competing - or costing the taxpayer huge amounts of cash to house.

And now the taxpayer is on the hook for private sector rents.

Good intentions perhaps, but a complete disaster 30 years later.

Thatcher got some things wrong.
I'll take that as "Yes I do get a fat pension". :rolleyes:
I bet you got a one off payment then. Never met a copper yet that wasn't pensioned off on health grounds.
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