I am so glad that Mrs Thatcher..............................

If the right to buy was not brought in (which I have nothing against) then then the amount of council and association housing would not have dropped 40%. The money from sales was not allowed to go to building new homes.....which it should have done.....which causes a shortage of homes....do you get it yet!

Are you only capable of seeing 1 cause for an issue, at the exclusion of all others, what a **** copper you must have been (or good depending on your view).

Of course right to buy reduced the social housing stock, but why did labour keep it going for their <15 years, ****ING THATCHER!!! lol.

But why do we need more and more social housing, when our society is getting richer and richer, why when 2 million take up "right to buy", removing themselves from the need for social housing, do another 3-4 million come along to replace them.

I've pointed out to you that single occupancies have gone from 24% to 40% in social housing, and lone parents from 6% to 18%.

So that's a combined 28% increase in the need for social housing, down to nothing more than single mothers and the dads ****ing of elsewhere (also probably living in social).

But oh yea, BLAME THATCHER.!!!

Never mind that working people are putting themselves "on the list" simply because private housing is to expensive, down to massively inflated prices, the majority of which is due to new housing getting constantly refused planning permission because local people don't want houses built on "their fields".

But oh yea, BLAME THATCHER.!!!

Never mind that plots for hundreds of thousands of homes are sitting there being land-banked, because local councils sold large plots to big developers, rather than parcelling them off in smaller packages to individuals.

But oh yea, BLAME THATCHER.!!!

But I'm sure you will ignore all this, and just repeat your "do your research" jibe, or bang on about right to buy again as if I am unaware of it.
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If Thatcher hadn`t done it - someone else would have . Still not a popular person tho `. They changed the name of a road in Battle ( E. Sussex) cuz the Thatcher it was named after , wasn`t Maggie :LOL: Have a look if you`re down that way - it`s on the W side of town , opposite the school - or maybe it`s an academy now ;)
If the right to buy was not brought in (which I have nothing against) then then the amount of council and association housing would not have dropped 40%. The money from sales was not allowed to go to building new homes.....which it should have done.....which causes a shortage of homes....do you get it yet!

Are you only capable of seeing 1 cause for an issue, at the exclusion of all others, what a s**t copper you must have been (or good depending on your view).

Of course right to buy reduced the social housing stock, but why did labour keep it going for their <15 years, **** THATCHER!!! lol.

But why do we need more and more social housing, when our society is getting richer and richer, why when 2 million take up "right to buy", removing themselves from the need for social housing, do another 3-4 million come along to replace them.

I've pointed out to you that single occupancies have gone from 24% to 40% in social housing, and lone parents from 6% to 18%.

So that's a combined 28% increase in the need for social housing, down to nothing more than single mothers and the dads **** of elsewhere (also probably living in social).

But oh yea, BLAME THATCHER.!!!

Never mind that working people are putting themselves "on the list" simply because private housing is to expensive, down to massively inflated prices, the majority of which is due to new housing getting constantly refused planning permission because local people don't want houses built on "their fields".

But oh yea, BLAME THATCHER.!!!

Never mind that plots for hundreds of thousands of homes are sitting there being land-banked, because local councils sold large plots to big developers, rather than parcelling them off in smaller packages to individuals.

But oh yea, BLAME THATCHER.!!!

But I'm sure you will ignore all this, and just repeat your "do your research" jibe, or bang on about right to buy again as if I am unaware of it.

Are you going to stop bleating on like an idiot, like you do in most threads?

Type all the rubbish you like.....but right to buy was the primary cause for the council and housing association shortage we have now, it is a knock on effect and we are seeing it now.........There was no scheme put in place to build cheap affordable housing by councils or housing associations from sales of selling. No more really to say now is there.

If local authorities, housing associations and other housing experts say so, then I will go with them....not with someone who regularly post rubbish on an internet forum :rolleyes:
Part of the problem is that a large number of social rented properties are lived in by single people who pay comparatively small rents. A housing association I've done a lot of work for over the years is typical. It was set up in the late 80s with large injections of cash via the Housing Corporation. Rather than invest wisely the cooperative went on a spending spree in best parts of the City. Their socialist ideal was that HA tenants should have the opportunity to live in the best houses in the best areas. No problem with that as such except that those properties are now costing that association a furtune to maintain, they are are far too large for the single occupants that now live in them and the original barking mad tenancy contracts restricts rents to a tiny fraction of what they should be. Of course the socialist ideal doesn't extend to giving way to people that really need a large property and I'm told that they have the right to pass them on to relatives as well so the situation is likely to continue for another generation at least.
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I like the idea that Thatcher caused a social housing shortage. Wasn't it Blair who presided over unprecedented and unsustainable levels of immigation. The same immigrants who now dominate certain inner city areas and are big users of social housing.

People voted for Right To Buy policies. No one voted for large scale immigration, or was even told it would happen. :rolleyes:
Are you going to stop bleating on like an idiot, like you do in most threads?


If being an idiot means seeing the issue from several angles rather than just seeing 1 single cause, then you can call me Mr. ******.

Type all the rubbish you like.....but right to buy was the primary cause for the council and housing association shortage we have now

And yet you have yet to turn your minuscule traffic cop brain to the issues I raise, unable to discuss them, apparently they are too idiotic for you to debunk.

If local authorities, housing associations and other housing experts say so

People who make money from council housing, say we should have council housing and blame any and all problems on the lack of council housing.

Are you going to stop bleating on like an idiot, like you do in most threads?


If being an idiot means seeing the issue from several angles rather than just seeing 1 single cause, then you can call me Mr. ******.

Type all the rubbish you like.....but right to buy was the primary cause for the council and housing association shortage we have now

And yet you have yet to turn your minuscule traffic cop brain to the issues I raise, unable to discuss them, apparently they are too idiotic for you to debunk.

If local authorities, housing associations and other housing experts say so

People who make money from council housing, say we should have council housing and blame any and all problems on the lack of council housing.


You can twist the tale anyway you like, try and make it suit you.....but you are still wrong.

Tha argument was the housing shortage we have now was caused by Thatcher, and its very much still a fact.

Right to buy, new regualations on what landlords and councils can charge rent, where all started by Thatcher....and now 30 years down the line we are seeing the damage.

Time you started using your little brain yourself instead, i'm pretty much sure mine will hold more knowledge than yours!
Snico wrote
Tha argument was the housing shortage we have now was caused by Thatcher, and its very much still a fact

No its complete bollix.

If local authorities, housing associations and other housing experts say so, then I will go with them....

Did they blame thatcher too? yea right. :rolleyes:

You have yet to put forward a single credible argument to support your ridiculous claims. :rolleyes:
But no surprise there. You were a copper and used to hiding behind the facade of the law whether right or wrong.
Snico wrote
Tha argument was the housing shortage we have now was caused by Thatcher, and its very much still a fact

No its complete bollix.

If local authorities, housing associations and other housing experts say so, then I will go with them....

Did they blame thatcher too? yea right. :rolleyes:

You have yet to put forward a single credible argument to support your ridiculous claims. :rolleyes:
But no surprise there. You were a copper and used to hiding behind the facade of the law whether right or wrong.

Another Thatcher lover?

There is a website called Google, if you put in housing shortage UK....it give you lots of information about Thatcher and the housing situation from the 80's onwards.

Its a really usefull website, not sure your small brain would absorb a lot of that information, but its there for you to read anyway.
Another Thatcher lover?


There is a website called Google, if you put in housing shortage UK....it give you lots of information about Thatcher and the housing situation from the 80's onwards.

I suggest you try it. If you can find anything credible to support your claims then post it up.

Its a really usefull website, not sure your small brain would absorb a lot of that information, but its there for you to read anyway.

When the arguments lost the insults begin.
Another Thatcher lover?


There is a website called Google, if you put in housing shortage UK....it give you lots of information about Thatcher and the housing situation from the 80's onwards.

I suggest you try it. If you can find anything credible to support your claims then post it up.

Its a really usefull website, not sure your small brain would absorb a lot of that information, but its there for you to read anyway.

When the arguments lost the insults begin.

I noticed your insult too

You have yet to put forward a single credible argument to support your ridiculous claims.
But no surprise there. You were a copper
There is a website called Google, if you put in housing shortage UK....it give you lots of information about Thatcher and the housing situation from the 80's onwards.

That's funny, cus if you follow your own advice you will see all the results on the first page.........

Do not mention Thatcher, most go on about private house shortage caused by land locking (not allowing them to be built, land banking, planning issues). And of course the obligatory charities that make money from social housing saying we need more social housing.

And you still don't address the issue of more single occupants and single mothers taking up social housing (less people per house = more houses needed), you don't address any other points I raise or answer the question as to why we need to keep building more social housing if we are getting richer.

All you can do is bang on about Thatcher.

Norcon said:
You have yet to put forward a single credible argument to support your ridiculous claims.

Not an insult, and quite correct.

You don't explain anything or try to, you don't source anything, you don't rubbish any of my points (should be easy if they are wrong!).

Just Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher and then a jibe about "go use google".

We all know about the right to buy and what it did, you just don't seem to grasp that there is more to it than that 1 issue.

To used to "thinking" like a copper, where you only need to find that 1 bit of evidence that nails the perp
There is a website called Google, if you put in housing shortage UK....it give you lots of information about Thatcher and the housing situation from the 80's onwards.

That's funny, cus if you follow your own advice you will see all the results on the first page.........

Do not mention Thatcher, most go on about private[/b] house shortage caused by land locking (not allowing them to be built, land banking, planning issues). And of course the obligatory charities that make money from social housing saying we need more social housing.

And you still don't address the issue of more single occupants and single mothers taking up social housing (less people per house = more houses needed), you don't address any other points I raise or answer the question as to why we need to keep building more social housing if we are getting richer.

All you can do is bang on about Thatcher.

Norcon said:
You have yet to put forward a single credible argument to support your ridiculous claims.

Not an insult, and quite correct.

You don't explain anything or try to, you don't source anything, you don't rubbish any of my points (should be easy if they are wrong!).

Just Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher and then a jibe about "go use google".

We all know about the right to buy and what it did, you just don't seem to grasp that there is more to it than that 1 issue.

To used to "thinking" like a copper, where you only need to find that 1 bit of evidence that nails the perp

Did I say there is not more than 1 issue?....I said, Thatcher caused it....and you have yet to give me any evidence to show that she never :confused:

Tory rule in the 80's was the primary cause for the housing shortage.

....and like you said, you only need that 1 bit of evidence to nail the 'perp'

your words not mine.
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