I am so glad that Mrs Thatcher..............................

The 1980 Housing Act gave local authority tenants the right to buy their houses after three years tenancy, with subsidies of between 33 percent and 50 percent. By the end of 1982, 430,000 local authority, new town and housing association houses had been sold..no plans put in place to build more.


No wild claims from me, if you cant see the problems that have arisen from the past, then you are more deluded than I thought.

So basically you ignore any and all other points, not even discussing them or disproving them and just yet again talk about right to buy, as if we have all been living under rocks and don't know what it is and what it did.

This isn't a police interrogation by Sargent detritus where you just keep repeating the same thing over and over until we confess.

You talk about 1.5m homes being lost

even after quoting me where I point out that 1 million homes approx are taken up by single parents, which have increased massively in numbers, and that single occupancies have increased massively, oh, look, the increase in single parents and lone occupants just happens to be around 1.5m.

It's a conspiracy!

Council housing is only needed because of a failure for the private market to deliver, why is the private market failing to deliver? well I already said some reasons why, so did chapeau.

But no, Thatcher/Right to buy!

If you read my posts, you will see that I do blame other factors for the housing shortage, you are just reading the parts you want to read to satisfy your argument.

I stand my by claim that the root cause is Thatcher's Housing Act of 1980.

There are many reasons council houses are need, not just because of the private market. Increase in house prices, access to finance, reduced house building, lack of grant funding, people living longer, larger familes, low turnover current housing stock.[/list]
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Snico wrote.

Tory rule in the 80's was the primary cause for the housing shortage

Thatchers right to buy, and right to build no more houses was the primary cause of the housing shortage,

Then in true copper style he wrote
No wild claims from me

Trying to find the difference between Tory rule, and Thatcher rule?

Being very picky eh?[/code]
You start to have a major problem when you sell off 1.5m council homes, and dont replace them. Councils were not allowed to reinvest the money into building more homes, so, as more and more people bought their rented homes.....the amount of housing dropped.

Those ex council houses still exist. All that happened was they changed ownership. General housing shortage and a shortage of social housing are not the same thing.

The reality is there are shortages of both. (but neither have anything to do with right to buy) The measures required to resolve the issues are fairly simple in themselves but are politically very difficult. Which is why the Labour Party did nothing about it in three terms. The coalition know it's the only industry that can generate jobs and growth in a short period of time so my guess is they will invest heavily in the next 2 years.
Snico wrote
I stand my by claim that the root cause is Thatcher's Housing Act of 1980.

And that is all it is. A "claim".
No evidence to support it because there is none.

If you could actually put your hatred of thatcher to one side you might see the other reasons that have been pointed out upteen times.
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Snico wrote.

Tory rule in the 80's was the primary cause for the housing shortage

Thatchers right to buy, and right to build no more houses was the primary cause of the housing shortage,

Then in true copper style he wrote
No wild claims from me

Trying to find the difference between Tory rule, and Thatcher rule?

Being very picky eh?[/code]

Nope. Just pointing out your wild claims. ;)

What next?
Ghengis Ghan was the cause of WW2? :LOL:
And the knock on effect is that people who used to get council houses are now having to rent in the private sector. One and a half million people are on housing benefit in the private rental sector, this is essentially a direct taxpayer subsidy to private landlords, and costs the taxpayer billions of pounds a year!!

This subsidy is one factor which has helped force up the price of properties to a level which means people on average wage cannot afford to buy. So they are forced to rent - and claim housing benefit to do so!!!

The previous government could have done something about this by setting the level of housing benefit low and forcing landlords to take it or leave it. Instead, p******g away other people's money like labour governments love to do, they let the market set the level of housing benefit and just stumped up the cash.

I dont accept anyone who is on benefits to rent any of my properties. More trouble than it is worth.
"The 1980 Housing Act gave local authority tenants the right to buy their houses after three years tenancy, with subsidies of between 33 percent and 50 percent. By the end of 1982, 430,000 local authority, new town and housing association houses had been sold..no plans put in place to build more."

Not 100% sure of the facts here but I believe this to be true. The 1980 act gacve LA tenants on a "secured tenancy" the RTB, nowadays they are given an "Assured Tenancy" thereby ending the RTB for new tenants. Happy to be proven wrong.
You start to have a major problem when you sell off 1.5m council homes, and dont replace them. Councils were not allowed to reinvest the money into building more homes, so, as more and more people bought their rented homes.....the amount of housing dropped.

Those ex council houses still exist. All that happened was they changed ownership. General housing shortage and a shortage of social housing are not the same thing.

The reality is there are shortages of both. (but neither have anything to do with right to buy) The measures required to resolve the issues are fairly simple in themselves but are politically very difficult. Which is why the Labour Party did nothing about it in three terms. The coalition know it's the only industry that can generate jobs and growth in a short period of time so my guess is they will invest heavily in the next 2 years.

But those ex council homes would have been passed on to other tennants, instead they went onto the private market, where people could not afford them. Then you add to that the 100% plus increase in council rents brought in by the Housing Act 1980 , It has a massive knock on effect. Houses where sold off for up to 60% of their market value....it was Labour who brought that discount back down to try and lighten that problem.

I've only stated that the catalyst, the primary cause was Thatchers right to buy, which it was....other factors have not helped.
And the knock on effect is that people who used to get council houses are now having to rent in the private sector. One and a half million people are on housing benefit in the private rental sector, this is essentially a direct taxpayer subsidy to private landlords, and costs the taxpayer billions of pounds a year!!

This subsidy is one factor which has helped force up the price of properties to a level which means people on average wage cannot afford to buy. So they are forced to rent - and claim housing benefit to do so!!!

The previous government could have done something about this by setting the level of housing benefit low and forcing landlords to take it or leave it. Instead, p******g away other people's money like labour governments love to do, they let the market set the level of housing benefit and just stumped up the cash.

I dont accept anyone who is on benefits to rent any of my properties. More trouble than it is worth.

You have to have properties to rent first though :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
And the knock on effect is that people who used to get council houses are now having to rent in the private sector. One and a half million people are on housing benefit in the private rental sector, this is essentially a direct taxpayer subsidy to private landlords, and costs the taxpayer billions of pounds a year!!

This subsidy is one factor which has helped force up the price of properties to a level which means people on average wage cannot afford to buy. So they are forced to rent - and claim housing benefit to do so!!!

The previous government could have done something about this by setting the level of housing benefit low and forcing landlords to take it or leave it. Instead, p******g away other people's money like labour governments love to do, they let the market set the level of housing benefit and just stumped up the cash.

I dont accept anyone who is on benefits to rent any of my properties. More trouble than it is worth.

You have to have properties to rent first though :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Wake up Snido
Today has been a good result for me regarding Justice .
Read my other post .
It's no big deal having a few properties to let out . I have been self emp for over 30 years- and self emp dont get pensions like coppers do.
Us self emp- have to make our own pension provisions .
I chose to buy properties. I took/sacrificed a little bit of the 'present' to ensure I would have a ok (nothing fantastic) living in the future.

At one time though many years ago- I did consider being a policeman--but- decided to make a honest living myself instead.
I couldn't get my head around wearing 'blue' every day - and decided M & S had better stuff-- even though I had to Pay for it .
Now- good buddy- please stop being Jealous-- I gave up a bit of my past- to ensure a ok living in the future.
Thanks To Maggie- property prices went up- 'I just love that lady'. :) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :) .

ps- you can bait me as much as you want- but - your brain isn't trained to think for yourself buddy . Nothing personal intended'.
And the knock on effect is that people who used to get council houses are now having to rent in the private sector. One and a half million people are on housing benefit in the private rental sector, this is essentially a direct taxpayer subsidy to private landlords, and costs the taxpayer billions of pounds a year!!

This subsidy is one factor which has helped force up the price of properties to a level which means people on average wage cannot afford to buy. So they are forced to rent - and claim housing benefit to do so!!!

The previous government could have done something about this by setting the level of housing benefit low and forcing landlords to take it or leave it. Instead, p******g away other people's money like labour governments love to do, they let the market set the level of housing benefit and just stumped up the cash.

I dont accept anyone who is on benefits to rent any of my properties. More trouble than it is worth.

You have to have properties to rent first though :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Wake up Snido
Today has been a good result for me regarding Justice .
Read my other post .
It's no big deal having a few properties to let out . I have been self emp for over 30 years- and self emp dont get pensions like coppers do.
Us self emp- have to make our own pension provisions .
I chose to buy properties. I took/sacrificed a little bit of the 'present' to ensure I would have a ok (nothing fantastic) living in the future.

At one time though many years ago- I did consider being a policeman--but- decided to make a honest living myself instead.
I couldn't get my head around wearing 'blue' every day - and decided M & S had better stuff-- even though I had to Pay for it .
Now- good buddy- please stop being Jealous-- I gave up a bit of my past- to ensure a ok living in the future.
Thanks To Maggie- property prices went up- 'I just love that lady'. :) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :) .

ps- you can bait me as much as you want- but - your brain isn't trained to think for yourself buddy . Nothing personal intended'.

snido?.....grow up, are you 12 years old?

Jealous?.....i'm very financially secure myself....in fact, I wont have an OK future, I will have a very comfortable one. Take it from me....you have nothing to make me jealous :LOL:
And the knock on effect is that people who used to get council houses are now having to rent in the private sector. One and a half million people are on housing benefit in the private rental sector, this is essentially a direct taxpayer subsidy to private landlords, and costs the taxpayer billions of pounds a year!!

This subsidy is one factor which has helped force up the price of properties to a level which means people on average wage cannot afford to buy. So they are forced to rent - and claim housing benefit to do so!!!

The previous government could have done something about this by setting the level of housing benefit low and forcing landlords to take it or leave it. Instead, p******g away other people's money like labour governments love to do, they let the market set the level of housing benefit and just stumped up the cash.

I dont accept anyone who is on benefits to rent any of my properties. More trouble than it is worth.

You have to have properties to rent first though :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Wake up Snido
Today has been a good result for me regarding Justice .
Read my other post .
It's no big deal having a few properties to let out . I have been self emp for over 30 years- and self emp dont get pensions like coppers do.
Us self emp- have to make our own pension provisions .
I chose to buy properties. I took/sacrificed a little bit of the 'present' to ensure I would have a ok (nothing fantastic) living in the future.

At one time though many years ago- I did consider being a policeman--but- decided to make a honest living myself instead.
I couldn't get my head around wearing 'blue' every day - and decided M & S had better stuff-- even though I had to Pay for it .
Now- good buddy- please stop being Jealous-- I gave up a bit of my past- to ensure a ok living in the future.
Thanks To Maggie- property prices went up- 'I just love that lady'. :) :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :) .

ps- you can bait me as much as you want- but - your brain isn't trained to think for yourself buddy . Nothing personal intended'.

snido?.....grow up, are you 12 years old?

Jealous?.....i'm very financially secure myself....in fact, I wont have an OK future, I will have a very comfortable one. Take it from me....you have nothing to make me jealous :LOL:

police pensions are good. well done . I'm pleased for you . :)
Funny to see lot's of people making similar points i've made, repeatedly, and snico still just doesn't discuss them.

I've only stated that the catalyst, the primary cause was Thatchers right to buy, which it was....other factors have not helped.

We'd have nearly all the same issues if right to buy never happened, which you slowly seem to be getting into your thick skull, who cares if a few % more get into social, twiddling round the margins and not dealing with the issues.

Council housing served it's role, the utter failure is that the private sector isn't able to replace it, mostly due to government meddling and nimbyism.

The failure isnt that we don't have enough council houses, the failure is that after nearly 100 years of social housing schemes, after the MASSIVE building schemes after the war, we still need to build more!
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