I am so glad that Mrs Thatcher..............................

and you have yet to give me any evidence to show that she never{ caused it

I've given you several explanations as to why there are other factors.

You discuss none of them, at all, and instead want "evidence", what do you want a bloody letter signed by the queen?
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Snico, you're on a loser. Nobody blames the housing shortage on right to buy any more. Even the most devoted Thatcher haters have stopped doing it. Because there just is no evidence for it. Read some authoritative papers on it. They all dismiss it.
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I dont make wild claims

Well, yes you do, you blame right to buy on the council house shortage, the best evidence you can provide is "google", I could write a more coherent argument when I was 5 years old.

Where is your evidence.

I provided evidence (stats) showing single occupancies in social housing has gone from 24% to 40% and lone parents from 6-18%.

Clear evidence that a change in social norms has massively increased pressure on social housing (single parents account for about 1 million social home placements), how has right to buy caused fathers to **** off and singletons to increase (it may even be that the two are connected, more lone parents, and the other "parent" also claiming social).

I have claimed we have all gotten richer, the evidence for this is so plain I don't need to waste my time providing stats, yet private housing costs have increased far beyond many peoples reach, again another fact I should not need to link to, causing people to put themselves on "the list" that could afford private if prices had not been allowed to go insane (many arguments as to why but that's another discussion and nothing to do with council housing).

Council housing after the war helped replace massive dilapidated stock, millions and millions were given better homes.

But just how long did people expect this to go on for, is it not reasonable to expect that once a massive build programme had been carried out, once large, MASSIVE areas had been revitalized that the private market should be able to take over, hell, isnt this the whole bloody point of Keynesian economics and stimulus spending that the left like to bash on so much about.

Are you aspirations for this country so low that you think the only way we can provide decent affordable housing is via council housing.

But oh yea, let's just blame Thatcher and right to buy for all our social and urban economical failings, I'm soooo sure if she had just kept chucking money at the miners and didn't carry out right to buy all would be tickety boo.

Eck, it's no wonder so many of the police are such utter wastes of space if your any representative sample, but I'm sure you'll prove me wrong by managing to type a whole sentence.
I dont make wild claims

Well, yes you do, you blame right to buy on the council house shortage, the best evidence you can provide is "google", I could write a more coherent argument when I was 5 years old.

Where is your evidence.

I provided evidence (stats) showing single occupancies in social housing has gone from 24% to 40% and lone parents from 6-18%.

Clear evidence that a change in social norms has massively increased pressure on social housing (single parents account for about 1 million social home placements), how has right to buy caused fathers to **** off and singletons to increase (it may even be that the two are connected, more lone parents, and the other "parent" also claiming social).

I have claimed we have all gotten richer, the evidence for this is so plain I don't need to waste my time providing stats, yet private housing costs have increased far beyond many peoples reach, again another fact I should not need to link to, causing people to put themselves on "the list" that could afford private if prices had not been allowed to go insane (many arguments as to why but that's another discussion and nothing to do with council housing).

Council housing after the war helped replace massive dilapidated stock, millions and millions were given better homes.

But just how long did people expect this to go on for, is it not reasonable to expect that once a massive build programme had been carried out, once large, MASSIVE areas had been revitalized that the private market should be able to take over, hell, isnt this the whole bloody point of Keynesian economics and stimulus spending that the left like to bash on so much about.

Are you aspirations for this country so low that you think the only way we can provide decent affordable housing is via council housing.

But oh yea, let's just blame Thatcher and right to buy for all our social and urban economical failings, I'm soooo sure if she had just kept chucking money at the miners and didn't carry out right to buy all would be tickety boo.

Eck, it's no wonder so many of the police are such utter wastes of space if your any representative sample, but I'm sure you'll prove me wrong by managing to type a whole sentence.

The 1980 Housing Act gave local authority tenants the right to buy their houses after three years tenancy, with subsidies of between 33 percent and 50 percent. By the end of 1982, 430,000 local authority, new town and housing association houses had been sold..no plans put in place to build more.

Tories created ‘assured tenancies’ whereby landlords could build for ‘freely negotiated’ rents, in other words outside the protection of the fair rents provisions of the Rent Act. Alongside these concessions to private landlords was a massive increase in home improvement grants from £197 million in 1981–2 to £911 million in 1983–4. In contrast council house rents increased by 119 percent beteween 1979 and 1983.

You start to have a major problem when you sell off 1.5m council homes, and dont replace them. Councils were not allowed to reinvest the money into building more homes, so, as more and more people bought their rented homes.....the amount of housing dropped.

The government took 75% of the proceeds from house sales, and gave 25% back to local authorities, this prevented the councils from building new homes, seeing as some where sold for 60% of their market value.

You can factor immigration, single parents etc into the equation now....but the root cause still remains, Thatchers right to buy, and right to build no more houses was the primary cause of the housing shortage, you can also add her new policies on rent to that too.

No wild claims from me, if you cant see the problems that have arisen from the past, then you are more deluded than I thought.
And the knock on effect is that people who used to get council houses are now having to rent in the private sector. One and a half million people are on housing benefit in the private rental sector, this is essentially a direct taxpayer subsidy to private landlords, and costs the taxpayer billions of pounds a year!!

This subsidy is one factor which has helped force up the price of properties to a level which means people on average wage cannot afford to buy. So they are forced to rent - and claim housing benefit to do so!!!

The previous government could have done something about this by setting the level of housing benefit low and forcing landlords to take it or leave it. Instead, ****ing away other people's money like labour governments love to do, they let the market set the level of housing benefit and just stumped up the cash.
It can't continue though. The government borrowed 17 billion last month to pay benefits. Sooner or later our credit rating will fall and the borrowing will stop - then we are on the heels of Greece and Spain.
The 1980 Housing Act gave local authority tenants the right to buy their houses after three years tenancy, with subsidies of between 33 percent and 50 percent. By the end of 1982, 430,000 local authority, new town and housing association houses had been sold..no plans put in place to build more.


No wild claims from me, if you cant see the problems that have arisen from the past, then you are more deluded than I thought.

So basically you ignore any and all other points, not even discussing them or disproving them and just yet again talk about right to buy, as if we have all been living under rocks and don't know what it is and what it did.

This isn't a police interrogation by Sargent detritus where you just keep repeating the same thing over and over until we confess.

You talk about 1.5m homes being lost

even after quoting me where I point out that 1 million homes approx are taken up by single parents, which have increased massively in numbers, and that single occupancies have increased massively, oh, look, the increase in single parents and lone occupants just happens to be around 1.5m.

It's a conspiracy!

Council housing is only needed because of a failure for the private market to deliver, why is the private market failing to deliver? well I already said some reasons why, so did chapeau.

But no, Thatcher/Right to buy!
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