I am so glad that Mrs Thatcher..............................

This is getting confusing - adding on to all the quotes.
As bright as I am- I cant figure out who said what :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I know that Lollipop man talks rubbish-
Maybe he's speaking Afrikaans ? :LOL:

I talk rubbish? :LOL:

have you read half of your posts!!!!
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No i dont , even her so called anti union policies where never repealed by a party that claims to be for the working man i find that even stranger
I think it's about time- we all agree to disagree--but at the same time- lets agree- they all P! $$ in the same pot .
Whatever we do whatever we say- aint gonna change anything --is it ?..
This is getting confusing - adding on to all the quotes.
As bright as I am- I cant figure out who said what :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I know that Lollipop man talks rubbish-
Maybe he's speaking Afrikaans ? :LOL:

I talk rubbish? :LOL:

have you read half of your posts!!!!

YOU always talk rubbish . It's about time you got a proper job and occupied your mind .
Standing there with a lollipop every day isn't good for the mind.
But--it's ok- we understand - you like uniforms - that's all you have been used to.
How about getting a job at B & Q - or asda as a 'happy to help- little helper ?.
You even get a badge . Dont even need a number on your shoulder. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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Gas112 Why would you find that strange? The union leaders were intent on destroying the boss's power and replacing it with their own.

The union leaders needed stopping and we should be grateful that she did just that. Why would any government ever want the unions to regain the power to take men on strike for the slightest thing, I worked in a place where they went on strike because there weren't any eggs in the canteen for breakfast :rolleyes:

But she didn't stop at bringing the unions to heal she went on to destroy their jobs and communities in an act of revenge.

I haven't been employed by anyone since finishing my apprenticeship in 1980 with the exception of a few months in Germany. I've never been in a union and have employed other people since 1981 when I also got my first mortgage @8% which was high at the time because I was self employed. My mortgage rate went up to 15% under her. Inflation was also high under her but I can't remember how high.
Strange because at the time the then labour opposition claimed they where draconian and totally wrong but then leave them in place .
But i am glad we agree that she was right to do what she did to the unions.

As for destroying jobs and communities i will give you the one example i had of a large nationalised company that you me and everyone else was paying for.
On a sunday i helped a mate clock out 12 people on double time for 8 hours . When i asked him how many had been in he said 2 of us for 3 hours.This was not only a sunday occurance but a daily one
So did thatcher destroy there jobs or did there own greed destroy them eventually
Privitization kicked a lot of butts that needed kicking. No doubt about that.
You can't expect labour to say anything else about their backers in the same way the conservatives won't do it to theirs.

Bad management allows workers to skive and cheat if they've a mind to.

Tell me this why did she sell the utility companies off for peanuts and force the mines, shipyards and steel works to close. They were all being controlled by the unions because of bad management.
With nationalized company the management is ultimately the government which had been the labour party that had allowed the situation to get like this.
She was clearing up the mess that they had created which is what everyone is saying.
Selling off the utilities why not ? at the time none of them where creating any profits and in majority of cases costing the country a fortune so she got good money for them.
They only became profitable in years to come when workers realised they had to do a proper days work or lose the goose laying the golden eggs.

Loutish football fans crush each other against railings like untamed animals

And if you take any coppers to court, why not any of the people who caused the crush?

If you were at the back of the queue, would you push everyone up front, is it OK to do that, is it your fault? Or is it not your fault, is it the coppers fault for not directing you properly?

The crowd are the ones who are responsible for shoving each other, and that blame should not be shifted to another party.

So as well as simply ignoring much of what I said and ignoring many points, now snico takes a quote out of the context of the conversation to show I said something I didn't.

If this is any indication of how you performed as a copper, you must have been a disgrace to the uniform.

I only argued the crowd were responsible for shoving each other and causing the crush and so take some of the blame, but let's leave that there and not have THAT argument again.
I think it's about time- we all agree to disagree--but at the same time- lets agree- they all P! $$ in the same pot .
Whatever we do whatever we say- aint gonna change anything --is it ?..

They don't use one pot...they have one each that they claim for on expenses...paid by us.

Loutish football fans crush each other against railings like untamed animals

And if you take any coppers to court, why not any of the people who caused the crush?

If you were at the back of the queue, would you push everyone up front, is it OK to do that, is it your fault? Or is it not your fault, is it the coppers fault for not directing you properly?

The crowd are the ones who are responsible for shoving each other, and that blame should not be shifted to another party.

So as well as simply ignoring much of what I said and ignoring many points, now snico takes a quote out of the context of the conversation to show I said something I didn't.

If this is any indication of how you performed as a copper, you must have been a disgrace to the uniform.

I only argued the crowd were responsible for shoving each other and causing the crush and so take some of the blame, but let's leave that there and not have THAT argument again.

Yes lets leave it at that, seeing as an independent report said NO FANS HELD ANY BLAME, you can have your opinions.......high lighted in bold, so yeah lets just leave it at that.

Loutish football fans crush each other against railings like untamed animals

And if you take any coppers to court, why not any of the people who caused the crush?

If you were at the back of the queue, would you push everyone up front, is it OK to do that, is it your fault? Or is it not your fault, is it the coppers fault for not directing you properly?

The crowd are the ones who are responsible for shoving each other, and that blame should not be shifted to another party.

So as well as simply ignoring much of what I said and ignoring many points, now snico takes a quote out of the context of the conversation to show I said something I didn't.

If this is any indication of how you performed as a copper, you must have been a disgrace to the uniform.

I only argued the crowd were responsible for shoving each other and causing the crush and so take some of the blame, but let's leave that there and not have THAT argument again.

Yes lets leave it at that, seeing as an independent report said NO FANS HELD ANY BLAME, you can have your opinions.......high lighted in bold, so yeah lets just leave it at that.

The independant report is nothing more than an "opinion".
Doesn't mean its right.
The fans do hold blame.
The independant report is nothing more than an "opinion".
Doesn't mean its right.
The fans do hold blame.

It is an opinon from experts, the police have admitted their faults.....so it can be classed now as fact.

Your opinon is ridiculous, as are you.
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