I am so glad that Mrs Thatcher..............................

The independant report is nothing more than an "opinion".
Doesn't mean its right.
The fans do hold blame.

It is an opinon from experts, the police have admitted their faults.....so it can be classed now as fact.

Your opinon is ridiculous, as are you.

Makes no difference. You can't rule out what the fans did.
Obviously an official inquiry will exonerate the fans at this stage.
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{snip} hillsborough

Not really interested in discussing this subject here again.

Simply pointing out that you took a quote out of context as either a deliberate lie or willfull misunderstanding of what I said.

Like I said, if this is any indication you must have been a disgrace as a copper.

You're incapable of any meaningful and intelligent discussion, it seems writing more than a sentence stretches your capabilities, I can only guess you type one word at a time with your right index finger.
With nationalized company the management is ultimately the government which had been the labour party that had allowed the situation to get like this.
She was clearing up the mess that they had created which is what everyone is saying.
Selling off the utilities why not ? at the time none of them where creating any profits and in majority of cases costing the country a fortune so she got good money for them.
They only became profitable in years to come when workers realised they had to do a proper days work or lose the goose laying the golden eggs.

The unions were running riot under both labour and conservative governments so perhaps the winter of discontent enabled thatcher to get "tough" with them because the country was truly sick of the power mad fookers running the coun------unions.

You don't suppose the utility companies were guaranteed to be profitable once poor management was replaced. What industry were skivers yuo talked of working in?
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{snip} hillsborough

Not really interested in discussing this subject here again.

Simply pointing out that you took a quote out of context as either a deliberate lie or willfull misunderstanding of what I said.

Like I said, if this is any indication you must have been a disgrace as a copper.

You're incapable of any meaningful and intelligent discussion, it seems writing more than a sentence stretches your capabilities, I can only guess you type one word at a time with your right index finger.

Dont talk out of your back passage, you know what you wrote....and I pasted it here....there is no way you can turn that around to mean something different.....

You're right in saying its not the place to mention it again, but DO NOT say you meant something different!
The unions were running riot under both labour and conservative governments so perhaps the winter of discontent enabled thatcher to get "tough" with them because the country was truly sick of the power mad fookers running the coun------unions.

You don't suppose the utility companies were guaranteed to be profitable once poor management was replaced. ?
With Profit led ( investment banking / gambling ) Managers , just as **** poor performing :mrgreen:
Dont talk out of your back passage, you know what you wrote....and I pasted it here....there is no way you can turn that around to mean something different.....

What I wrote.

"The crowd are the ones who are responsible for shoving each other, and that blame should not be shifted to another party."

Seems pretty straightforward, crowd were responsible for shoving each other, officers responsible for ineptly handling the crush, funny how you didn't copy and paste the bit were I said that.

I don't care if an "independent" report doesn't "blame" them for shoving, and if all you can do to fisk my argument is re-type that tired line, don't bother, or at least use CTRL + C. I actually make arguments, you simply appeal to authority with no understanding of what you speak.

So how about you stop with your old copper routine of trying to turn what I said to mean something different, to suit your argument.

I also find it rather sad that instead of disputing and fisking the many points I make in this thread, you instead dredge up this in an sad attempt at character assassination.

Firstly, dude, this is the internet, tis funny you think it will achieve anything, most people here think I post ****, do I stop posting, and they will still agree with me if they want to, no-one gives a care if I am a troll or not, they still debate me (and lose every time).

Secondly, wow, Is that really how you are, It's a real shame that anyone with such argumentative and discussion skills was allowed anywhere near a uniform, what an utter disgrace you must have been if you are incapable of arguing individual points, and instead copy and paste the same "right to buy" argument, and then refer to this as a blatant smear tactic.

Oh this is funny.
Dont try and polish it up, it does not wash with me.

You can type sentence after sentence and it will make no difference as to what you typed and meant.

You said

And if you take any coppers to court, why not any of the people who caused the crush?.......This sentence clearly says to me, that the fans caused the crush, hence the deaths, which has been proven to be not true.

officers responsible for ineptly handling the crush, funny how you didn't copy and paste the bit were I said that. ...Funny how we are not talkin about the errors of the police and the way it was handled, but the cause of the deaths. Again, another way of twisting it?

The crowd are the ones who are responsible for shoving each other, and that blame should not be shifted to another party.....so we should not blame the police(other party) but blame the fans?

Your words, you can try all you can to dispute what you meant but you are simply not as clever as you think.

You need to try harder, anyone with an ounce of intelligence will see exactly what you meant in your posts, and that was just a select few, you did post more.
So the fans did cause the crush. It wasn't 5000 coppers trying to bulldoze their way into the stadium.
Dont try and polish it up, it does not wash with me.

You can type sentence after sentence and it will make no difference as to what you typed and meant.

You said

And if you take any coppers to court, why not any of the people who caused the crush?.......This sentence clearly says to me, that the fans caused the crush, hence the deaths, which has been proven to be not true.

officers responsible for ineptly handling the crush, funny how you didn't copy and paste the bit were I said that. ...Funny how we are not talkin about the errors of the police and the way it was handled, but the cause of the deaths. Again, another way of twisting it?

The crowd are the ones who are responsible for shoving each other, and that blame should not be shifted to another party.....so we should not blame the police(other party) but blame the fans?

Your words, you can try all you can to dispute what you meant but you are simply not as clever as you think.

You need to try harder, anyone with an ounce of intelligence will see exactly what you meant in your posts, and that was just a select few, you did post more.

heres a sacked copper tuning against his old pals .
So the fans did cause the crush. It wasn't 5000 coppers trying to bulldoze their way into the stadium.

No, it was 2 senior officers who instructed the police to usher the fans to their deaths.

Looking forward to seeing some prosecutions soon :D

Arsearle wrote

heres a sacked copper tuning against his old pals

Never been sacked in my life, like yourself.....hard to get sacked when you dont have a job :rolleyes:
Snico wrote
No, it was 2 senior officers who instructed the police to usher the fans to their deaths.

No it was a bunch of scousers hell bent on seeing a stoopid football match that led to the deaths.
Nothing more.
The truth hurts eh?

Looking forward to seeing some prosecutions soon

Bet you would like to see the paratroopers involved with Bloodysunday prosecuted too. Wouldn't you.
You can stick your enquiries where the sun don't shine.
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