I am so glad that Mrs Thatcher..............................

I really think the blame should go to mostly the crowd control

I would agree with that, however, emphasis on the mostly.

As it was not a deliberate act (ignore the cover ups, those are separate crimes), I feel it would be wrong to prosecute one group of people but not "blame" the other's.

A poor analogy would be a man stabbed 7 times by one person, including the fatal blow, and 3 times by another.

You would still charge both for murder.
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Just 5 star?

I usually go with 5 star S myself, or a diamond rated hotel. Maybe you will do one day :)

5* in a caravan in N Wales means you've got a inside toilet.
C'mon psycho- only time you go overseas is 'over the water' to N Wales.
I really think the blame should go to mostly the crowd control, their lack of communication and misjudgment, those officers on the ground could clearly see innocent fans under great distress, some crying aloud for help! those officers just did not see the gravity of the situation, should have taken down the barriers, sent messages to fellow officers at the gates to stop more fans coming in, and to needless to say some of the selfish fans behavior should also be taken into consideration, they should have known that there is only so much room and pushing and shovelling could only result in other fans already in getting hurt, all these things happen at a spur of a moment, no one could predict the outcome, everyone wanted to get in and watch the game, some at any cost! and the results are devastating for some families of innocent fans who lost lives.

There was a huge failure at all levels, largest obviously goes to the police, who failed to control the huge crowd outside waiting to get in, and the behavior of those fans outside! even after this tragic event, when some lives could have been saved, ambulances couldn't reach the victims in time etc. It was simply a tragic event, not just one person responsible or one team, so both the authorities and as well as those selfish fans outside contributed to this tragic event, they should not have pushed and shoved their way in past the police line, if i am not mistaken, the game had started, so there was this massive last minute surge of fans trying to get in at any cost! they pushed past the line of police crowd control, who were outnumbered and couldn't do their job well of keeping late fans out some I guess would have turned up without tickets! as they do in some popular matches when all tickets are sold out, they hope someone might sell them one at the door! They also rushed in!

This is according to my opinion. We can all talk about it and have endless debates and blaming each other, those people who died will never come back, but we have learnt something from this tragedy, hopefully in future events, we could avoid such tragedy.

By all means please say i am **** wrong, I don't mind, I wasn't really there, but saw it all unfold on TV! so I am basing it on what I heard and saw mostly on telly!

Some good points Mike.
However- it's very difficult for a small handfull of police to control a massive number of ticketless fans from gaining entry into a ground .
Let's not kid ourselves-- too many of the supporters went there without a ticket and if those supporters travelled a fair distance- they would not take NO for a answer )as we saw).
Police only know roughly how many people will be wanting entry- because of ticket sales info.
They cannot possibly know how many other 'fans' will be there trying to get entry after spilling out of the pubs etc .
Last year- this conversation was going on - and I made comments regarding Liverpool supporters . As expected I was attacked and insulted because I told it as I see it . And- also as I 'saw' it in the 1970s at Molineux .
Common denominator .
The pushers/fans will always believe they are right and did no wrong .
The police know what it was like that day.
The courts of Justice are sick to the back teeth of all the moans, groans, whinging and protesting ( wasn't our fault 'la' )
So Just the same as a 'law case ' that has found someone guilty- He who shouts loudest shouts last .Appeal and keep appealing and eventually it gets too expensive and you will be let out.
It was getting too expensive for government to let this saga carry on --
Even allowing for ;;;usual;;; 'compensation' payments to be met.

Justice ?? '''my ar$e'' -- compensation-- yes- that's what it's all about .
But- guess what -- even when they get paid-- they see that as a 'further opportunity'' --and so- the claims for 'stress'' because of '''stress'' come flying in.

Wont be a end to this subject --Mark my words..

Just for the record-- despite what people in L/pool think-- I really dont have a problem with them . I DO have some nice scouse pals indeed.

My scouse pals- also get sick of the whinging and moaning and complaining of their fellow citzens .
ffs its 20 years or so ago--
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Thanks Pete for your post, makes a whole lot of sense, what you said, 20 year on, this is still going on, the families of the dead wants a justice, or the truth be told, but often the truth hurts, if you don't police or have some means of crowd control in position, take for instance a ferry port, thousands of passengers are delayed, and wants to travel to continent for an important match, and despite pleas from the boat manger that the boat is too full now, but the fans won't take No for an answer, and keep boarding the ferry, neither can they see the boat sinking yet, but wait when it gets going into the rough sea channel! The effect of big waves, etc.

Ultimately it is going to sink! so yes the boat manager would be responsible if he sailed off, but what if he was forced to under immense pressure!

Similarly, the police weren't doing their crowd control properly, or weren't in enough force to prevent those without tickets to gate crash, then fans themselves are to blame just equally, just as the ferry fans! So if you know a boat is too full, getting on board could be very risky, not only for your own life but those of others too!

If those people are really looking for someone to blame, then they need to see the CCTV footage, and check every person who was there that day and see if anyone was in that area without a ticket!
Thanks Pete for your post, makes sense what you said, 20 year on, this is still going on, the families of the dead wants a justice, or the truth be told, but often the truth hurts, if you don't police or control say a boat, and if people keep bording that boat, ultimately it is going to sink! so if the police weren't doing their crowd control properly, or weren't in enough force to prevent those without tickets to gate crash, then fans themselves are to blame just equally. So if you know a boat is too full, getting on board could be very risky, not for your own life but those of others too!

Hey Mike - just noticed your 'after post' regarding RGI s.
Did you know that lots of them dont even have a FGA ?.

Read my posts and you will see . please .
peterperfection";p="2634026 said:
Thanks Pete for your post, makes sense what you said, 20 year on, this is still going on, the families of the dead wants a justice, or the truth be told, but often the truth hurts, if you don't police or control say a boat, and if people keep bording that boat, ultimately it is going to sink! so if the police weren't doing their crowd control properly, or weren't in enough force to prevent those without tickets to gate crash, then fans themselves are to blame just equally. So if you know a boat is too full, getting on board could be very risky, not for your own life but those of others too!

Hey Mike - just noticed your 'after post' regarding RGI s.
Did you know that lots of them dont even have a FGA ?.

Read my posts and you will see . please .[/quote

Yes Pete, (Lol) they have been giving me a lot of grief when I go in the plumbing & Heating Section, they seem to turn against anyone not registered or qualified to give any advice, but even to go into a debate on simple boiler issues becomes a full scale war with them! :cry:

I must read some of your posts then! should be quite interesting I bet!:cool:
It was bad enough when it was two Rsoles kissing each other, now pizzpot's joined in and they've got a threesome. :rolleyes:
It was bad enough when it was two Rsoles kissing each other, now pizzpot's joined in and they've got a threesome. :rolleyes:

Hey man, don't take it to your heart, trouble is none of us can work out exactly what caused that tragedy, we all have our own theories, mine is just that, not an accusation, just a debate, only God knows who really was responsible, but as I said in one of my earlier posts that football hooliganism, pitch invasions, match disruption and attacks on players resulted in those barriers against which people were crushed! These measures were taken because of fan behavior in past matches, as you would know , after this tragedy, they have been torn down now, as we have all learnt from our mistakes, the problem now is the families of the dead want a justice, and those responsible to pay for their crime, but it is a series of failures from all sides! so who are we going to hang, a single police officer and may be several football hooligans! and if it is to do with compensation, then that is really sad, because if it is what they are after, their relatives are now trying to cash on this tragic event, where I believe the blame cannot be pointed out to just one set of people.
Anyway- we are drifting off topic- so lets get back.
Derek hatton-- was he responsible for lots of stuff in Liverpool.
I did notice he vacated the 'city of culture' ( :LOL: ) when he got rumbled .
He promptly sought some sunny place- .
Anyone remember Owen Oyston ?. He was the guy who wrongly got jailed for 6 years when a young (not illegal age) floozy went back to his castle and shouted 'rape' .
When she accepted the invite- did she think she was going back for afternoon tea ?.
I really think the blame should go to mostly the crowd control, their lack of communication and misjudgment, those officers on the ground could clearly see innocent fans under great distress, some crying aloud for help! those officers just did not see the gravity of the situation, should have taken down the barriers, sent messages to fellow officers at the gates to stop more fans coming in, and to needless to say some of the selfish fans behavior should also be taken into consideration, they should have known that there is only so much room and pushing and shovelling could only result in other fans already in getting hurt, all these things happen at a spur of a moment, no one could predict the outcome, everyone wanted to get in and watch the game, some at any cost! and the results are devastating for some families of innocent fans who lost lives.

There was a huge failure at all levels, largest obviously goes to the police, who failed to control the huge crowd outside waiting to get in, and the behavior of those fans outside! even after this tragic event, when some lives could have been saved, ambulances couldn't reach the victims in time etc. It was simply a tragic event, not just one person responsible or one team, so both the authorities and as well as those selfish fans outside contributed to this tragic event, they should not have pushed and shoved their way in past the police line, if i am not mistaken, the game had started, so there was this massive last minute surge of fans trying to get in at any cost! they pushed past the line of police crowd control, who were outnumbered and couldn't do their job well of keeping late fans out some I guess would have turned up without tickets! as they do in some popular matches when all tickets are sold out, they hope someone might sell them one at the door! They also rushed in!

This is according to my opinion. We can all talk about it and have endless debates and blaming each other, those people who died will never come back, but we have learnt something from this tragedy, hopefully in future events, we could avoid such tragedy.

By all means please say i am **** wrong, I don't mind, I wasn't really there, but saw it all unfold on TV! so I am basing it on what I heard and saw mostly on telly!

Some good points Mike.
However- it's very difficult for a small handfull of police to control a massive number of ticketless fans from gaining entry into a ground .
Let's not kid ourselves-- too many of the supporters went there without a ticket and if those supporters travelled a fair distance- they would not take NO for a answer )as we saw).
Police only know roughly how many people will be wanting entry- because of ticket sales info.
They cannot possibly know how many other 'fans' will be there trying to get entry after spilling out of the pubs etc .
Last year- this conversation was going on - and I made comments regarding Liverpool supporters . As expected I was attacked and insulted because I told it as I see it . And- also as I 'saw' it in the 1970s at Molineux .
Common denominator .
The pushers/fans will always believe they are right and did no wrong .
The police know what it was like that day.
The courts of Justice are sick to the back teeth of all the moans, groans, whinging and protesting ( wasn't our fault 'la' )
So Just the same as a 'law case ' that has found someone guilty- He who shouts loudest shouts last .Appeal and keep appealing and eventually it gets too expensive and you will be let out.
It was getting too expensive for government to let this saga carry on --
Even allowing for ;;;usual;;; 'compensation' payments to be met.

Justice ?? '''my ar$e'' -- compensation-- yes- that's what it's all about .
But- guess what -- even when they get paid-- they see that as a 'further opportunity'' --and so- the claims for 'stress'' because of '''stress'' come flying in.

Wont be a end to this subject --Mark my words..

Just for the record-- despite what people in L/pool think-- I really dont have a problem with them . I DO have some nice scouse pals indeed.

My scouse pals- also get sick of the whinging and moaning and complaining of their fellow citzens .
ffs its 20 years or so ago--

The most ridiculous post I think I have ever read on this forum...and there have been some bad ones!!!

You sir are a first class prick!!
The most ridiculous post I think I have ever read on this forum...and there have been some bad ones!!!

You sir are a first class p***k!!

It might actually help if you were to shed your views on the subject instead, that way we can absorb other people's views as well to enhance our own views, and correct were we might be mislead. so go ahead let us have what you think went wrong and why, and who do you blame, and so on, tbh, I did not read all the posts, just a few before i started to shed my own views, be they may be wrong altogether. :unsure:
The most ridiculous post I think I have ever read on this forum...and there have been some bad ones!!!

You sir are a first class p***k!!

It might actually help if you were to shed your views on the subject instead, that way we can absorb other people's views as well to enhance our own views, and correct were we might be mislead. so go ahead let us have what you think went wrong and why, and who do you blame, and so on, tbh, I did not read all the posts, just a few before i started to shed my own views, be they may be wrong altogether. :unsure:

Its all here

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