My council tax is now just £40 less per month than the mortgage I used to have, completed in mid 90's.
Get cars off the road ? cr ap !! I live about 4miles from daughter's school, on a direct route, cost of bus per day ? £2.40 !! one child !! So 2.4 kids = £24 per wk, all up cost of running my 1.6 petrol car inc replacement £54 per wk ---- So £30 real cost after saving bus fares .. cheap as chips !!
Just bought a 1 yr season-ticket bus local only, £420 !!
Cost of Uni -- 1st born in final year.
Yr1. £5000 live in hall fees -- academic year 33 wks !! plus pocket money plus books and £1000 odds fees ..etc = £9k
Yr2. Cost of rent 12 month, living out, £2400, fees £1000+, £4000 food and pocket money .. etc = £7400
Yr3. Tad more than Yr2. = £8000
Total cost £24400 ---- And Brown is giving billions of our dosh to foreign countries.
Second born will fall into the £3000 fees trap, with no guarantee of a better service, in fact I think it will be the same if lucky, and probably worse, costed at approx £32,000.
Forget the smoke screen on mortgage interest rates, they are tied to bank rates, the real costs are spiralling out of control with no tangible difference in services rendered.
As an aside, never mind Part P --- What about the ru bbish accomodation available to students ? I have witnessed some pretty horrendous stuff during the past 2 yrs --- shameful in a rich country like this.
How could we possibly land the kids with such debt on the threshold of life ? So we will pick up the tab.
Tone and his buddies got their education off the backs of me, my wife and generations before us -- How can they justify ludicrous increases such as the student fee hike from circa £1k to £3k ?
Watch the council tax -- this is next in line for a step change ... The town hall workers will have their pensions protected -- we will pay for that with reducing services -- just observe -- when the sh ite about 'customer led' etc is bandied about !!
BTW do not discount 20% VAT on a greater range of commodities either.One has but one shot at life, no rehearsals, I am actively cajoling my kids to join the rest of the family in Oz when their 21 yr education is completed, get a chance of a good life without the overheads we are incurring !!. ... 20M with 10M working = better lifestyle than 60M with 30M working ... something wrong here !!
Rant over