Immigration and the tories

all i can say is i am glad very glad about howards veiws :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

i absolutly dont agree with them but if it keeps the national front ooooooo sorry my mistake british national party out of any area fantastic less chance of racist thuggery happening
i am all for free speach even if i dont agree with your point of veiw
but well done the tories done somthing usefull at last stole the b n p s thunder
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AdamW said:
Waaaaaaaaaah! *sniff* ;)

Ever wondered what the world would have been like if everyone had gone for communism post WW2? Would the Cold War have happened? Does communism work when the whole world works that way? :confused:

Well I took communion and though it was accepted that you had the right to do so once you were confirmed, it didn't mean that you understood.

I vote for who has given me a good reason for believing in them, but at the end of the day, are they really going to represent me, or just their parties policies. I will vote again, yet that still will not stop the local yobbery kicking down peoples garden walls for the hell of it, with no chance of the owners of those walls winning compensation or justice.

We get a party in 'cos the last lot did or did not please the majority. We can only hope it gets better.
Thermo said:
the public services in britain have got worse. there are more people filling forms, doing statistics and accounts rather than providing the service then ever there were under the tories. I have seen the changes first hand so i think i have an idea what im talking about.

Since you changed the subject to answer my question (your really mr blair in disguise arent you) ill answer a few of the points you raised:

the miners: sad as it was the industry has become uneconmic due to cheaper coal from elsewhere across the globe. What do we do, keep pouring public money into it so other services go short?
the printers and thames tv: Both private companies that took their own finacial decisions on how to streamline their business. The states involvement was to do with the behaviour of the unions and the unpeaceful pickets involved (costing more government funds)

mortgage rises: Caused by the need to keep parity with the key currencies in the EMU at the time as we were commited to this in europe. WHen the rises became unmanagable what did the government of the time do? they took us out of it and immediatley bought intrest rates down further and further. That happened in 1991. they were voted back in in 1992 and by the time they left office we had had economic stability for some 5 years.

Its easy to look back 8 years or the cases you cite nearly 20 years and criticise and in some cases its warranted, but i prefer to base my decisions on how i vote on the state of the country now and how i believe it is going and where we are headed. I know where my vote lies.

I seem to remember people moaning about services and the like being outsourced abroad not so long ago on this forum :) as for the mortgage all i know and care about is that mine went up 12 times under the tories in one year! and i had to find another £200+ a month not an easy task! No wonder so many people couldn't keep up the repayments and lost their houses.
It was a personal vendetta by Maggie against Thames television over their desicion to air the "rock of gibralter" programme and i work with a lot of the guys who worked for them so i am very well informed thanks.
You say that coal became uneconomical, that as may be but the miners were totally abandoned by maggies government and whole communities left destitute when a programme of retraining and relocation in other work was greatly needed.
As for the crazy admin structure in the NHS lets not forget who brought it in, Maggie again nuff said? :)
kendor said:
i had to find another £200+ a month not an easy task!
How much is your mortgage?

The average mortgage % over 25 years period is around 12% according to the Money tv programme and doesn't matter who's is in government. The highest when I remembered was 15% and did go up to 16% but wasn't for long though. It wasn't the Labour party that brought the mortgage rate down, it takes years.

Must be a big mortgage for it to go up an extra £200+ per month.

Gordan Brown has got the sum wrong, we will soon be paying more back door tax to make up for it and don't forget the council tax rise gone up to 70%.

I'm now paying a lower mortgage, I alright Jack,

I have copy & paste this to you, are you really happy with New Labour?

masona said:
Tony Blair 1997 :

Education, Education, Education.

We have 48hrs to save the NHS. (approx 5000 people died from MRSA each year since Labour sacked 50,000 cleaners)

New Labour will get crime rate down.

We will not put income tax up, so I won't tell you about the back door tax :rolleyes:

If you're happy what Blair's has done so far then fair enough because I'm not !
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My council tax is now just £40 less per month than the mortgage I used to have, completed in mid 90's.

Get cars off the road ? cr ap !! I live about 4miles from daughter's school, on a direct route, cost of bus per day ? £2.40 !! one child !! So 2.4 kids = £24 per wk, all up cost of running my 1.6 petrol car inc replacement £54 per wk ---- So £30 real cost after saving bus fares .. cheap as chips !!
Just bought a 1 yr season-ticket bus local only, £420 !!

Cost of Uni -- 1st born in final year.
Yr1. £5000 live in hall fees -- academic year 33 wks !! plus pocket money plus books and £1000 odds fees ..etc = £9k
Yr2. Cost of rent 12 month, living out, £2400, fees £1000+, £4000 food and pocket money .. etc = £7400
Yr3. Tad more than Yr2. = £8000
Total cost £24400 ---- And Brown is giving billions of our dosh to foreign countries.
Second born will fall into the £3000 fees trap, with no guarantee of a better service, in fact I think it will be the same if lucky, and probably worse, costed at approx £32,000.
Forget the smoke screen on mortgage interest rates, they are tied to bank rates, the real costs are spiralling out of control with no tangible difference in services rendered.
As an aside, never mind Part P --- What about the ru bbish accomodation available to students ? I have witnessed some pretty horrendous stuff during the past 2 yrs --- shameful in a rich country like this.

How could we possibly land the kids with such debt on the threshold of life ? So we will pick up the tab.

Tone and his buddies got their education off the backs of me, my wife and generations before us -- How can they justify ludicrous increases such as the student fee hike from circa £1k to £3k ?
Watch the council tax -- this is next in line for a step change ... The town hall workers will have their pensions protected -- we will pay for that with reducing services -- just observe -- when the sh ite about 'customer led' etc is bandied about !!
BTW do not discount 20% VAT on a greater range of commodities either.One has but one shot at life, no rehearsals, I am actively cajoling my kids to join the rest of the family in Oz when their 21 yr education is completed, get a chance of a good life without the overheads we are incurring !!. ... 20M with 10M working = better lifestyle than 60M with 30M working ... something wrong here !!
Rant over ;)
Everyone's going on about the underfunding of health service and Education,policeing,abulance,etc and then their happy that Mr Howard is up for cutting taxes so who pays for the public services o.k some clever accountant git is going to blind us with facts and figures but it doesn't happen does it? one government is pretty much the same as the other, less taxes less services its obvious you get what you pay for and why all these right wingers are going on about blair god only knows he,s more tory that the tories are.
Richardp said:
Everyone's going on about the underfunding of health service and Education,policeing,abulance,etc and then their happy that Mr Howard is up for cutting taxes so who pays for the public services o.k some clever accountant git is going to blind us with facts and figures but it doesn't happen does it? one government is pretty much the same as the other, less taxes less services its obvious you get what you pay for and why all these right wingers are going on about blair god only knows he,s more tory that the tories are.

The reason the police cant police and the nurses cant nurse and the teachers cant teach and all the rest of it is because of buraucracy bought in by this government because of the good old EU. This added hurdle to these people wanting to do their jobs costs money..........this is what howard wants to cut.........does nobody understand what they hear on the news these days :eek:
The reason the police cant police and the nurses cant nurse and the teachers cant teach and all the rest of it is because of buraucracy bought in by this government because of the good old EU. This added hurdle to these people wanting to do their jobs costs money..........this is what howard wants to cut.........does nobody understand what they hear on the news these days
well I thinks thats a crock of ****, you should listern to the news more carefully!
and anyways who took us into the eu in the first place.
Richardp said:
Mr Howard is up for cutting taxes
This happen all the time when any Labour government tax & spend polices doesn't works. Labour has spent £ billions more on the NHS than the Tories and why are they still long waiting lists after 8 years in power? Also remember when Tony Blairs said everyone will have NHS dentist by 2001, I think you know the truth don't you.
The Tories would like to get ride of the Nationhealth service you know thats true don't you ?
Because the dosh is being handed out to the wrong people ... in the NHS.
Might be good to employ a private company to audit and oversee the where the resources are going ... I bet on shedloads of waste .. and plenty of corruption either through negligence or deliberation ...
Richardp said:
The Tories would like to get ride of the Nationhealth service you know thats true don't you ?
Can you prove that to me?
So why are nearly all the dentist has now gone private by Denplan insurance company ? So more lies from Blairs quoting that everyone will have NHS dentist by 2001 ?????
So why are nearly all the dentist has now gone private by Denplan insurance company ?
because they've got greedy like the rest of us, its a legacy of the thatcher era.
Can you prove that to me?
if you cant see it nothing will convince you.
Because the dosh is being handed out to the wrong people ... in the NHS.
Might be good to employ a private company to audit and oversee the where the resources are going ... I bet on shedloads of waste .. and plenty of corruption either through negligence or deliberation ...
I agree but putting Howard in will make it worse.
I think a large phalanx of influencial tory voters are making big bucks from the NHS -- so, thankfully, do not expect closure.
If health was privatised, there would be plenty of Docs, Surgeons etc looking for work ... If people feel they cannot afford things, they do not buy .... Tis one thing to talk about moving to the USA to practice, another to actually do it and work under the stress of private expectation !!
I was amazed that here are a significant number of people without house / contents insurance !!
Richardp said:
The Tories would like to get ride of the Nationhealth service you know thats true don't you ?
No I didn't know, do you mean privatise instead, if so, would you not think it would works better?
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