Immigration and the tories

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ok you take my comment and draw conclusions from the way you read or interperate things not a negative comment you understand just saying you can draw several different answers by looking at the evidence in different ways with different importance on different bits :LOL: :LOL: ;)
Richardp said:
The tories cut the armed services and sold off the railways and did all that privatisation "sold the family silver" wot a load of tossers.
Still! theres no chance of them ever getting back into power, Howard Ha! ha! ha! wot a comedian

Tell you what, I'll bet you ten million euros (future proofing myself here!) that at some point in the future, the Tories will win a general election. Go on, you seem pretty certain they will never get back into power, what have you got to lose? Now, at the end of eternity, if the Tories have still not got to power, I will give you ten million euros. :rolleyes:

the part of the population that vote tory are extremely bad losers

Oh hardly, for all the years when Labour were losing every single election they could muster, no student house, suburban dinner party or TV debate was complete without at least one whinging socialist boning on about how bad they thought Thatcher the Great was, and how we needed a ginger Welshman in charge.

Now Labour are in power, us Tories are pretty quiet about the whole thing. Yes we feel peaved that we have been screwed in every orifice by the current rabble, but being a sensible, logical, intelligent sort we don't feel the need to bone on about it to anyone who will listen.

Internet forums don't count, by the way! :LOL:

Funny how mankind feels a need to divide itself all the time. I mean really, our basic needs are all the same. In fact our non-basic desires are pretty much the same. I think the country would be a much happier place if we could all just get along and agree.

So let's all agree to get together, and kick Tony Blair in the nuts. I would love that. And while we're at it, can we get Cherie to have her tubes tied? She's had more than her fair share of sprogs, and there's only so much nhs dental money to go around without those two spawning.

D'you know, they've undone all my good work. I spent some time in Florida, during which I was told several times "Gosh, you have nice teeth for an Englishman!". There I was, trying to explain that Austin Powers was a FILM, and English teeth are no worse than American teeth. But then who should appear on TV with Dubbyah, undoing all my good work: Blair. With his minging, unruly pegs. The bu**er.
D'you know, they've undone all my good work. I spent some time in Florida, during which I was told several times "Gosh, you have nice teeth for an Englishman!". There I was, trying to explain that Austin Powers was a FILM, and English teeth are no worse than American teeth. But then who should appear on TV with Dubbyah, undoing all my good work: Blair. With his minging, unruly pegs. The bu**er.
Oh! thats great so now the yanks will think we've all like you.
I bet you went down a treat in America, you share the same extreme right wing ideals.
you refer to yourself as english, well you english are our first imigrants coming into Britain from Russia so what do you feel you've contributed to our British culture?
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morning DICK, there will be no british culture left if you vote red ;)
richardp said,
you refer to yourself as english, well you english are our first imigrants coming into Britain from Russia so what do you feel you've contributed to our British culture?

We have contributed as much and probably more than Scotland,Wales and Ireland put together and you know it.

Well you English?
We have contributed as much and probably more than Scotland,Wales and Ireland put together and you know it.
Yes old mate I do agree with you 100% shows how good it is to live in a multi cultural society dosn't it? I Knew you wasn't really a racist.
morning DICK, there will be no british culture left if you vote red
oh dear! name calling, well I don't mind that I used to do it when I was a kid, I'll call you "Muppit" oh no you've already used that one havn't you te he! oh well! I'll work on it.
Richardp said:
No I didn't know, do you mean privatise instead, if so, would you not think it would works better?

Do you mean that you would support Privatisation of the NHS?
Okay, we has a NHS dentist under the Tories begin taken over by Denplan and this is the Labour party. :confused: I now have to travel 16 miles for my nearest NHS dentist available when Tony Blair quoted "Everyone will have a NHS dentist by 2001", more lies. I'm a lucky one and there's many thousand who cannot get NHS dentist.
Okay, we has a NHS dentist under the Tories begin taken over by Denplan and this is the Labour party. I now have to travel 16 miles for my nearest NHS dentist available when Tony Blair quoted "Everyone will have a NHS dentist by 2001", more lies. I'm a lucky one and there's many thousand who cannot get NHS dentist.
If you think the tories will be better you should vote for them, I don't have this problem but if I did I would take my complaint to my MP.
"The Conservative Party believes it is possible to obtain better public services while cutting public spending. This is nonsense.I don't like any politicians its a case of choosing the best of a bad lot
Richardp said:
I don't like any politicians its a case of choosing the best of a bad lot
That's the sad thing about it, I get frustrated when we can't have a honest party.
That's the sad thing about it, I get frustrated when we can't have a honest party.
I agree with you Masona maybe the electoral system should be changed but the Conservative Party is anti-democratic. Not only do they have an un-elected leader, they are opposed to proportional representation which would allow fair votes for all.
Richardp said:
you refer to yourself as english, well you english are our first imigrants coming into Britain from Russia so what do you feel you've contributed to our British culture?

Well actually if you read my post, AMERICANS referred to me as English. Genealogically speaking I'm only 50% English. The rest is 25% Welsh, 12.5% Scots and 12.5% Irish. And them's proper gaelic, not like you Kernovian wannabes! ;)

Anyway, you haven't expressed if you want to be in that bet... or would you agree that you were very very wrong, and the Tories will come back to power at some point in the future? :rolleyes:

Oh and in terms of British culture, it all stems from elsewhere. Even traditional pagan religions are referred to as Helenic, seeing as they worship the greek system of deities. The only native, purely British cultures we have are 1) talking about the weather 2) moaning a lot 3) drinking properly.
Adam,sorry mate but you've chose the wrong team do you always wont to be on the losing side? its never too late to change you can still be a "do Gooder" but you've got to stop "do badding" you know it makes sense.
wot you wanadoo?
Where is the emoticon for blowing a big contemptuous raspberry at someone? Oh, here it is.

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