Immigration Crisis

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I thought the anti-foreigner Brexiteers and Priti 'pull-up-the-drawbridge' Patel had it all squared away?

Well one can never legislate for hostile states deliberately using migrants to cause chaos
It would be so effective that there must be some other reason, which evades my simple mind, for it not to be implemented. The trafficking gangs would soon get the message, as all of the boats they are buying will cost them dearly.
If the people coming over knew there was a good chance they were going to be returned, they wouldn't be so keen on spending so much money to get here.

Now, ask yourself, why are they not being processed efficiently and returned accordingly? Then ask yourself, who is responsible for that?

Your answer might not be , our Government. But I don't think you can place any blame for lack of control anywhere else ?

And if you do think the answer is our Government, then ask yourself why ?

Have you noticed the demographic of those most angered by the immigrants, versus those most angered by an appalling lack of control ?
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I wonder how long it will be before the 'frothing at mouths' brexiteers suggest that the SAS use their inflatables to intercept the migrant's inflatables?
No need for the SAS, I would set up a fleet of private rescue boats to assist them with their return while still in French waters. I'd give the government change for £60M also. I reckon there is some ground for a private company to leverage article 73 of the Code de procédure pénale.
No need for the SAS, I would set up a fleet of private rescue boats to assist them with their return while still in French waters. I'd give the government change for £60M also. I reckon there is some ground for a private company to leverage article 73 of the Code de procédure pénale.
So you agree our Government is not very efficient or capable
I wonder how long it will be before the 'frothing at mouths' brexiteers suggest that the SAS use their inflatables to intercept the migrant's inflatables?

Dunno SAS may have better things to do imo
A lot is being spent and lives lost or ruined in attempts to stop the dangerous Channel crossing by inflatable boats full of Illegal Immigrants who claim they are fleeing danger, but in reality they are is no danger settling in France / Belgium etc so the journey to Britain is not justified on the grounds of War/Danger.
The solution is easy and I can't understand why it is not adopted and the solution is to slash the inflatables ON THE BEACH before anyone gets into them, then boats then become unusable for the intended trip and any future intended trips. The gangs ripping these asylum seekers off will soon get the idea and stop the illegal trade in lives within days.
The solution is easy so why is it not adopted immediately, it would save lives and stop the illegal traffic and the lining of the pockets of the gangs organising it.
I clearly have something wrong here otherwise the simple safe solution would be adopted. so what am I missing?

Many of our country's problems are easy to solve, but we make things very difficult always. The migrants coming over the channel should be treated as invaders and fought off. We have a standing army, navy and air force being paid to do what exactly? And nobody has yet explained what terror the Albanians are fleeing from.
Many of our country's problems are easy to solve
Yes it is.

increase immigration to fill all those unfilled jobs.

it would really help the UK economy grow faster….especially as immigrants work so much harder.
Ten million people living in England and Wales today were born overseas, that's 1 in 6 of us. It was officially acknowledged this week:

I won't dig up the old posts and embarrass those of you who told me this was not true.
increase immigration to fill all those unfilled jobs.
Increase immigration by how much? There are already around 1000 coming every day, and we now have 10 million of the population who were not born here. With that 10 million figure in mind why are there still unfilled jobs if migrants are the answer to unfilled jobs?

I'd be happy for the economy not to grow faster and us not be overrun.
increase immigration to fill all those unfilled jobs
Unlimited immigration is a ponzi scheme.
The more people come into the country to fill existing vacancies, the more service's they need, more housing, hospitals, transport, food ect., that in turn requires even more immigration to service these needs.
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