My deportation plan for the Albanians:
A British task force of tens of thousands made up from all services, together with any volunteers, sail/fly to Albania and "establish a bridgehead" on a beach there, and eventually create a temporary and heavily guarded British zone. Meanwhile all Albanians in Britain to be rounded up, with all movements under armed guard, and taken and held at some southern port. Any loony left protesters or anyone causing an obstruction to be arrested and held in custody until the operation is over - glued to the road or not. Anyone causing more serious trouble to be shot with rubber bullets or similar non-lethal weapons. Normal rules of detention without charge /seeing a crooked lawyer suspended until the operation is over.
Some large cruise ships or ferries to be requisitioned (enough to take all the Albanians in one go) and all Albanians put on and sent back whence they came. On landing in Albania all are to be removed from the ships and marched, at gunpoint, off the beach and into the hinterland. Goodbye.
Operation packs up and returns home, but a force from all services then permanently patrols the Channel and other vulnerable spots shooting on sight any more chancers. Reparations demanded from Albania to pay for the operation - if these are not made a task force to be sent into Albania to raid bank deposits of gold and other valuables to pay for reparations.
Operaration then to be repeated for migrants from other countries.