Inheritance tax ...

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give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime'

Please do go around to somebody stuck in rented accommodation and tell them, I’m sure they will be over the moon to hear your wisdom.
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I'm self employed.

I spend hours and hours (unpaid) doing all the essential background stuff. Accounts . Sorting tax. Paying bills. Ordering stuff. Invoicing. Arranging insurance, training, re testing, licences etc etc.
But your note a self employed as a home help
Your brain appears to have melted.

I suggested people in home help can work for cash to keep it simple. You suggested I was encouraging tax dodging purely because people paid in cash. It’s total nonsense.

And now your brian is stuck
The fact is people in the home help business can and do have private clients. My dads has carers help with my mum and he has saved a fortune. They also earn a better wage and there is nothing more complex than them turning up at the same times every day or otherwise as arranged and help with my mum. He transfers the money every week. Lots and lots of people do this. His were shocked at how much he was paying the agency and he was shocked at how little was paid to them.

I appreciate that carmen struggles, but that’s not really a surprise.
Your brain appears to have melted.

I suggested people in home help can work for cash to keep it simple. You suggested I was encouraging tax dodging purely because people paid in cash. It’s total nonsense.

And now your brian is stuck
It's you that implied (and we all know why) that a care worker should work on a cash only basis.

You want to deny it, feel free. But it's obvious to all if you re read what you posted and have tried to deflect from since.
I appreciate that carmen struggles, but that’s not really a surprise.
You are the 1 struggling.

With understanding about people wages and living.

Your insults give you away as much as your dodgy tax implications.

But at least you've cracked how to sort out low pay for everybody.

Do you think people respect your opinions on this stuff ?
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