Inheritance tax ...

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George Osborne believes the Tories will pledge in their manifesto to scrap IHT completely. In one go, rather than slowly phased out.
what does it matter what they put in their manifesto? Like Reform, they can say anything they want, secure in the knowledge that they will not be in government and will not be called upon to carry it out.
what does it matter what they put in their manifesto? Like Reform, they can say anything they want, secure in the knowledge that they will not be in government and will not be called upon to carry it out.
Brig is that you ?
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Cue an insult
No need to insult. It’s a shame that you and your fellow trolls can’t have a debate on an issue without constantly looking to dishonesty misrepresent and misinterpret everything said to suit your talk track.

The fact is there will be a great deal of people with valuable skills, stuck in employment where others take too big a slice off the top. Many just need someone to sow a seed in their mind and give them the encouragement to create a job rather than have a job.

If there are 4.5m in this situation I’m sure atleast 1/3rd could be successful. Just 10 hours a week working for themselves rather than the min wage could increase their weekly pay by 20%. Gardening, cleaning, home help etc.
His were shocked at how much he was paying the agency and he was shocked at how little was paid to them.
He should get a part time job and pay the going rate. Cheapskate pensioners.
If people are short of money, they should become members of the Boss class and recover heaps of money for doing a sht job. The ordinary working man does not have this opportunity.

Occasionally, people comment on it.

"Nick Train has been paid about £14mn in dividends despite the UK fund manager issuing an apology last week for his investment strategy’s recent poor performance.

According to accounts for investment boutique Lindsell Train, which manages £15.2bn of assets, the fund manager was among the beneficiaries of £39mn of annual company dividends — down about £10mn on the previous year.

Train, who owns about 36 per cent of the company with his wife, issued the apology to investors in his £1.6bn Finsbury Growth and Income Trust for failing to beat the benchmark FTSE All-Share index over the past few years."
So essentially you believe that everyone has the ability to run their own business. That is simply a fantasy!
Bus drivers should start driving Formula 1 if they want more money.
Bus drivers should start driving Formula 1 if they want more money.
Become self employed, It's so simple anyone can do it. And they can charge cheaper rates than others so those riding the bus can catch a break.
"If you are rich in the UK, you are almost as well off as a rich Norwegian. If you are poor in the UK, your income is way behind the bottom 5% and 10% in Norway."

You are forgetting that Norway had the advantage of being able to invest national wealth for the good of the nation. It had fantastic benefits from North Sea Oil and Gas, unlike the UK which...

Oh. I see.
Just 10 hours a week working for themselves rather than the min wage could increase their weekly pay by 20%. Gardening, cleaning, home help etc
You think that people who can’t afford the basics aren’t already working extra hours with 2 or 3 jobs to survive?

Lots of people have children or family members to care for, they can’t do more hours
You are forgetting that Norway had the advantage of being able to invest national wealth for the good of the nation. It had fantastic benefits from North Sea Oil and Gas, unlike the UK which...

Oh. I see.
The Conservatives gave away North Sea oil revenue in tax cuts to bribe voters

In 2024 Conservatives have cut NI and need to cut services by £18b to fund bribes to buy voters

Not much has changed
No need to insult. It’s a shame that you and your fellow trolls can’t have a debate on an issue without constantly looking to dishonesty misrepresent and misinterpret everything said to suit your talk track.

The fact is there will be a great deal of people with valuable skills, stuck in employment where others take too big a slice off the top. Many just need someone to sow a seed in their mind and give them the encouragement to create a job rather than have a job.

If there are 4.5m in this situation I’m sure atleast 1/3rd could be successful. Just 10 hours a week working for themselves rather than the min wage could increase their weekly pay by 20%. Gardening, cleaning, home help etc.

What point are you trying to make?

People are stuck in employment but will be freed by being their own boss?

Can you be a freelance supermarket shelf stacker? You bill Asda everyday you work?

As to that 1/3 figure - plucked it from your rear where bojo todger resides?

You also assume the demand is out there - if it is then why is it underserved?
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