Inheritance tax ...

Maybe the man (or woman) who lives a few doors down from you is struggling to make ends meet.

They sweep the streets for a salary of £23k pa. It's not enough for them.

So do we up their salary to £30k pa? £35k? £40k?

And if we do that for them, what about the folk earning a bit more for jobs a bit more complex/involved? Do we up their salary also?

The economics of all this would be interesting ...

If we were truly living in a free market economy...

We have insufficient nurses and carers
The pay is poor and working conditions are bad.

Increase pay and improve conditions so that more people are attracted to work in these sectors.

Very simple. It works at Tesco for shelf-stackers.

I can't think why the Cons didn't do it.

Is it because they instinctively hate ordinary working people?

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The Conservatives gave away North Sea oil revenue in tax cuts to bribe voters

In 2024 Conservatives have cut NI and need to cut services by £18b to fund bribes to buy voters

Not much has changed

Yes: when the Tories say "there is no magic money tree", what they mean is "there is no magic money tree for you lot, unless we need your vote" (y)

That it keeps working says as much about the average Tory voter, as it does about the party itself............
Yes: when the Tories say "there is no magic money tree", what they mean is "there is no magic money tree for you lot, unless we need your vote" (y)

That it keeps working says as much about the average Tory voter, as it does about the party itself............

To paraphrase

"The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he did not exist."


The greatest trick the Tories ever played was convincing the public that Government finances are the same as personal finances.
Maybe the man (or woman) who lives a few doors down from you is struggling to make ends meet.

They sweep the streets for a salary of £23k pa. It's not enough for them.

So do we up their salary to £30k pa? £35k? £40k?

And if we do that for them, what about the folk earning a bit more for jobs a bit more complex/involved? Do we up their salary also?

The economics of all this would be interesting ...
other countries manage to have better living standards and less inequality

So why cant we do it?

Surely you must agree that there are far too many working people nowadays that suffer food and or fuel insecurity.
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Except I didn’t say that and carman the troll is a liar. Like you.
Why did you say your strange things about pension tax?

Did you really not know?

Was it something you read in one of your imaginary press releases?
Nothing strange about stating that other than the very poorest with the smallest pensions…. Pensions are tax deferred not tax free. Perhaps you’d like to tax people with pension pots of £50k.

If I’m wrong please tell me how I can an avoid tax on say a pension pot of £1.6m?
Nothing strange about stating that other than the very poorest with the smallest pensions…. Pensions are tax deferred not tax free. Perhaps you’d like to tax people with pension pots of £50k.

If I’m wrong please tell me how I can an avoid tax on say a pension pot of £1.6m?

Read what I actually wrote.
Pensions are deferred tax, not tax free. All your waffle and deflection doesn’t seem provide any evidence to the contrary.

If I’m wrong, please advise how I can access a £1m+ pension without paying tax.
Except I didn’t say that and carman the troll is a liar. Like you.

Hers another one to add to the list..
A troll you say?

You might want to look in the mirror.

Challenging your right wing views isn't trolling. Its opening up your eyes to a whole world of people out that there that live a totally different life to you.
You troll because you deliberately and dishonestly try to misrepresent or rephrase every post to suit your own trolly talk track.

This thread is no different.
According to you I claimed there was a high paid job for everyone.

It was a lie since I didn’t.
You troll because you deliberately and dishonestly try to misrepresent or rephrase every post to suit your own trolly talk track.

This thread is no different.
What EXACTLY is wrong with a decent wage for a decent weeks work?

Look back as far as you want and see if I've lied . You have, by answering a different question every time. And then suggesting a carer should be working cash in hand but denying its to beat the taxman, and then trying to suggest its me doing it.

When you get your facts, feel free to respond. Just for the record, I can't remember the last job I got paid cash. People don't hold cash now.
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