Inheritance tax ...


Person can't get on housing ladder rents for 25 years, ends up with £0.00 assets

Landlord rents out property after 25 years has a asset of £250,000

I'm not sure what bullsh1t strawman you atre trying to prove.....clearly you a landlord and spewing out same hogwash as MBK
Deary deary me.

Absolutely NO comeback so you resort to typing GUFF that has FECK ALL to do with my points and doesn't answer them in any way. I know who spews bullsh1t on this subject. Clue, it isn't me ;)

Many people in this country have a mortgaged property, however by your logic the very fact they own a property makes them WEALTHY.

Tip. You need to get 'all things relating to assets for dummies' out at the library and read up. Actually, maybe start with 'counting up to 10' from the kiddies section ...
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I'm just off the phone to my cousin. She owns her flat outright, value around £75k. I've told her not to worry, she's WEALTHY!!!

I'm just off the phone to my other cousin. He owns his flat, value around £75k, however has a £50k mortgage on it. I've told him not to worry, the very fact he owns a property means he's WEALTHY!!!

They'll both sleep easy tonight.
My mate's selling this. I've told him if it achieves the asking price he is going to be WEALTHY!!! He will be laughing all the way to the bank!!!

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