Inheritance tax ...

Imho I should not have to pay any tax

Done my bit fir the country so fc k it

One of my rewards for doing the right thing is not having to pay any tax :cool:
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Pensions are deferred tax, not tax free. All your waffle and deflection doesn’t seem provide any evidence to the contrary.

If I’m wrong, please advise how I can access a £1m+ pension without paying tax.
Pensions can be tax free. Not all.

Some Pensions can receive rebates of tax that was never paid.

Some Pensions can be paid without liability to tax.

I have never claimed that ALL Pensions are tax free.
And I have never claimed there isn’t a tax free portion.

But instead you claim I said strange things about pensions.

Turns out there was nothing strange and you are a lying troll
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Deflection noted liar and troll.

What was strange about my statement about pensions?

Turns out nothing
And I have never claimed there isn’t a tax free portion.

I didn't mention the 25% tax free. Which, as you know, is tax free, not tax deferred. Some lucky people are able to get more than a quarter of a million from that handout. Not the ordinary working man, obviously. But you claimed that pensions are tax deferred, not tax free.

That is additional to the two points I mentioned.
MBK more normal than most on this forum.
Do you think so?

A top Business man. A legal expert, better than the Royals lawyers. A boat captain. A driving instructor.

And posts on a diy forum?

He wouldnt know a normal person if 1 crossed the road in front of him
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