Inheritance tax ...

Do you think so?

A top Business man. A legal expert, better than the Royals lawyers. A boat captain. A driving instructor.

And posts on a diy forum?

He wouldnt know a normal person if 1 crossed the road in front of him

Says the bloke (?) with 3 degrees (?)
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what does it matter what they put in their manifesto? Like Reform, they can say anything they want, secure in the knowledge that they will not be in government and will not be called upon to carry it out.
What are Labour promising that you believe? Exactly which manifesto do you believe?
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Do you think so?

A top Business man. A legal expert, better than the Royals lawyers. A boat captain. A driving instructor.

And posts on a diy forum?

He wouldnt know a normal person if 1 crossed the road in front of him
Awwww still sore that despite working in the motor trade you had no clue about your obligations to check a person was insured and licenced to drive before allowing them to use your vehicle. You had no clue that you could be prosecuted. Bit of a rookie error that.
What are Labour promising that you believe? Exactly which manifesto do you believe?
what are Conservatives promising what you believe?

Sunak said "we will carry on cutting taxes"

funny that............ since 2019 they have put in place policies to increase taxes by £80b
Labour have said they will re-introduce the life time pension allowance, which caused so many people to take early retirement. That's not going to help NHS waiting times.

The previous model was incredibly unfair. if you were lucky enough to get a high paid job for a bit. It was at the expense of your pension. Not to mention very complex.

Some people have well paid jobs and then burn out or change track
Awwww still sore that despite working in the motor trade you had no clue about your obligations to check a person was insured and licenced to drive before allowing them to use your vehicle. You had no clue that you could be prosecuted. Bit of a rookie error that.
So you still don't want to answer the verysimple question, but do want to divert.

Let's try again.

What EXACTLY is wrong with a decent wage for a decent weeks work?
Labour have said they will re-introduce the life time pension allowance, which caused so many people to take early retirement. That's not going to help NHS waiting times.

There's a proposed exemption for certain workers. I can't remember the exact cost. It was something like £40 million, but save £2 billion overall.
Hmm, so Labour will limit the generous tax benefits given to pension schemes.

You'll still get the benefits for more than a million in your scheme, but eventually the tax handouts reach a limit.


The pension scheme is intended to encourage people to put a bit aside so they do not suffer poverty in their old age.

Motorbiking wants to increase generous tax handouts to the wealthy.

He doesn't like assistance to the poor.

What next? Free doughnuts for the obese?
So you still don't want to answer the verysimple question, but do want to divert.

Let's try again.

What EXACTLY is wrong with a decent wage for a decent weeks work?
You do understand that I have answered this at least twice - and said there is nothing wrong.
Hmm, so Labour will limit the generous tax benefits given to pension schemes.

You'll still get the benefits for more than a million in your scheme, but eventually the tax handouts reach a limit.


The pension scheme is intended to encourage people to put a bit aside so they do not suffer poverty in their old age.

Motorbiking wants to increase generous tax handouts to the wealthy.

He doesn't like assistance to the poor.

What next? Free doughnuts for the obese?
You are more than welcome to calculate what kind of pension with inflation adjustment you can buy for that pot. It's not like they wont pay income tax when they take it. But you'd like people to pay double tax, perhaps?

You seem to think it's a bad idea to save for a nice retirement and pay tax on your pension when you take it as income? Perhaps you'd like people to save very little for their retirement and be a burden on the state seeking hand outs?
There's a proposed exemption for certain workers. I can't remember the exact cost. It was something like £40 million, but save £2 billion overall.
It wont save a penny when people stop saving in their pensions and choose to burn through the pot sooner and rely on the the state to support them, when they run out.
Labour have said they will re-introduce the life time pension allowance
Oh dear. True but do get more info before you post.
Then, in another change of direction, in his first Budget of March 2023, Mr Hunt announced that from April 2023 the charge on pensions worth more than the lifetime allowance would be set to zero, and that from April 2024 the allowance would be abolished.

Would be good for you to read the entire history in the link.
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