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Cities and accommodation are pretty much the same all over the world

The difference is the quality and standard of life

We are way behind if you compare like with like.
Obviously you haven’t visited India. But even similar countries we are ahead.
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Not in Europe, the point you were trying to make, if you compare like for like
you need to travel more france spain portugal italy go out of the big cities and your in the middle ages in the cities go off the main tourist areas and you come across shyteholes everywhere
you need to travel more france spain portugal italy go out of the big cities and your in the middle ages in the cities go off the main tourist areas and you come across shyteholes everywhere
I think I've travelled more than most.

Portugal and bits of Spain can be slow and different but not middle ages. France is mostly rural, and quality of life is what we are comparing.

The point about cities was exactly what I said.


Cities yes.
My recent holidays have been tours of one sort or another in Europe inc Scandinavian countries also a bit of Russia and eastern Europe.

While you can't completely generalise cities I noticed a a lot of apartment living. Newer stuff could be described as rather high rise also some older but not so high and others that are similar to somewhat older ones in London say 50's 60's or so, no where near as spacious as the earlier style. Rabbit warrens, long corridors. ;) I don't go there often. The much older ones may not exists any more - pass.

House prices. Talking to a Fin. No chance of being able to afford to buy one. Apartment ok. Hope - to be able to add a dacha for the weekends. I'd expect that the able to afford aspect fits in with lots of cities and an appartment is the only choice for some These get lots of people in a much smaller area than houses. Even more if high rise and those probably have a better layout for the people who live in them than say the London rabbit warrens i mentioned.
France is 50% bigger for the same population, and while you can get a nice place in the mountains or countryside, rural life is pretty bad. In the cities you pay a fortune for really awful accommodation. Shopping, eating out etc is expensive.

Germany, there is a lot to like. The autobahn for example.. my taxi was cruising at 150-175KPH and everyone was driving safely. But it still cost 400 euro return for an hour each way. Uber would have been a bit cheaper. You don't see the city slums like you do in France.

Again Urban life is a bit Milton Keynes (1960s apartments) and if you want a central place in an old city its expensive.

But the real differences are the cultural attitudes. Education is important, people want to achieve. Its not standard of living, but attitude to living.
Oh look.

All about Europe. Which European country is Mumbai in?

Why do you continually move your goalposts?

Is a person lucky enough to own a million pound house (or a half million, or a quarter million) likely to be wealthier than a young family doomed to live out their days in rented accommodation? Paying rent to help the landlord buy a house, but unable ever to buy one of their own? And with nothing to show for a lifetime of paying rent?

There's something wrong with a country where a family can't buy a house.

But they can buy one for somebody else.
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