Inheritance tax ...

If motorbiking sincerely believed that twaddle (he doesn't) he'd sell the flat and invest the £250,000

His 9% projected return on investment is £1875 a month before tax. No ground rent, no insurance, no agents fees, no repairs, no need for a new boiler or roof repair. If he has taxable earnings he could wedge it into a pension scheme over time and get other tax benefits, including tax rebate, tax free cash, and potentially avoidance of Inheritance Tax (the original subject of this thread).

He is temporarily pretending houses do not get Asset Price Inflation.

It’s a flat and you can see the numbers. Yours are wrong go back and look again

Do you understand how leases work?
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do you actually understand how a repayment mortgage works ?
Payment goes down because of inflation adjusted value

It doesn't if you are renting

Did you find those pics of Gordon Brown staying at home on 65th anniversary
People that own property have more assets than those that dont

And yes, pretty much everybody that owns a house is asset rich, thats wealth


Your first point. Person A has a tangible asset, a property, value £250,000 today. Person B has financial assets, stocks & shares, value £250,001 today. As of today, who has more assets?

Your second point. Person A owns a property valued at £250,000. No mortgage, owned outright. Are they wealthy? Person B owns a property valued at £250,000. £200,000 mortgage. Are they wealthy?

Definition of wealthy:

having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich.
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Inflation adjusted value
download (5).jpg


Your first point. Person A has a tangible asset, a property, value £250,000 today. Person B has financial assets, stocks & shares, value £250,001 today. As of today, who has more assets?

Your second point. Person A owns a property valued at £250,000. No mortgage, owned outright. Are they wealthy? Person B owns a property valued at £250,000. £200,000 mortgage. Are they wealthy?

Definition of wealthy:

having a great deal of money, resources, or assets; rich.

Person can't get on housing ladder rents for 25 years, ends up with £0.00 assets

Landlord rents out property after 25 years has a asset of £250,000

I'm not sure what bullsh1t strawman you atre trying to prove.....clearly you a landlord and spewing out same hogwash as MBK

Person can't get on housing ladder rents for 25 years, ends up with £0.00 assets

Landlord rents out property after 25 years has a asset of £250,000

I'm not sure what bullsh1t strawman you atre trying to prove.....clearly you a landlord and spewing out same hogwash as MBK

I’m so glad that all you hard left voters will be queueing up to pay much more tax to fund this

And you spew out nonsense continually too
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