Is a peoples vote likely?

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Hiring Customs Officers unlike us. They are preparing for a No Deal.
I can confirm that a European country I have visited recently has set up extra transitional customs/passport control for UK citizens...

It's been nicknamed the loser lanes!

They've also offered a unilateral deal on citizens rights, but sadly the UK has so far refused to sign up to it.
(unlike any trade deals, this can happen before the UK leaves)
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I can confirm that a European country I have visited recently has set up extra transitional customs/passport control for UK citizens...

Which country is that? Do the have individual lanes for every other country outside the EU?
I can confirm that a European country I have visited recently has set up extra transitional customs/passport control for UK citizens...

It's been nicknamed the loser lanes!

They've also offered a unilateral deal on citizens rights, but sadly the UK has so far refused to sign up to it.
(unlike any trade deals, this can happen before the UK leaves)
Lal,,,you will be in the "losers lane"rofl....oh no.....what a drama queen you are.
No mention on here of the 'crushing' defeat of TM last night? Strange. Pretty meaningless really - tonight's vote will show up Jeremy Corbyn for the time waster he is. I'm sure they could have spent that time more productively but with JC, it's not about Brexit anyway. It's about JC - He'll grab at any chance to gain control and really **** things up. He looks at all the property and wealth that the good ol' working class champagne socialist ex Labour leader Tony Blair has amassed since quitting and thinks....yeah...I'll have some of that....
No mention on here of the 'crushing' defeat of TM last night? Strange. Pretty meaningless really - tonight's vote will show up Jeremy Corbyn for the time waster he is. I'm sure they could have spent that time more productively but with JC, it's not about Brexit anyway. It's about JC - He'll grab at any chance to gain control and really **** things up. He looks at all the property and wealth that the good ol' working class champagne socialist ex Labour leader Tony Blair has amassed since quitting and thinks....yeah...I'll have some of that....

You need help.
We'll all need help with JC at the helm. Everyone except the work-shy, scroungers and ponces.
I'm no fan or JC but I'm done with the Tory party as it stands. It needs to rid itself of its lunatic right wing before I ever consider voting for them again.

We need to have electoral reform as neither party represents me, its a lesser of two evils.
Yes, it can sometimes come down to picking those who will **** it up the least! :LOL:
Isn't the UK hiring a 1000 border control officers in preparation for a no deal scenario, suspicion is that the government has made preparations for a no deal but they don't advertise it because they want to use prospect of a chaotic no deal brexit to frighten the public and parliament into supporting TMs deal.
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