Is France Correct?

France hadn’t got a clue how many they have as they can walk over borders unchecked throughout most of mainland Europe

So notch7 - how many do you think the uk should take ?

1 million
10 million
100 million

Which is it ?
Let's say 1000 ?

What happens when more arrive

Shouting " stop the boats" doesn't work. Talk of limits is a smokescreen
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France does take more
not true

more apply but most are rejected.
The success rate in France for asylum application is about 44%, including appeals.
44% of 167,000 is about 73,500. (from your link)
The approvals in UK for2024 was 68,500.
A total of 68,564 people were granted refugee status or other leave following an asylum application in the year ending March 2024. This is the highest number of people granted since records began (in 1984)

Maths not your strong point? :rolleyes:

Then there is the arrivals from French Overseas territories that don't need an application for asylum.
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France hadn’t got a clue how many they have as they can walk over borders unchecked throughout most of mainland Europe
I suggest you read the link provided by motorbiking.
Asylum procedure❖
Access to the territory – land borders: During 2022, France again renewed its temporary border controls, in place since 2015. Between January and October 2022 included, 72,581decisions refusing entry were issued at the border with Italy (40,274), Spain (16,988), Belgium(10,761) and Switzerland (4,558). Reports of people being refused entry without their protection needs being taken into account at the Italian border persisted in 2022. Local authorities report almost 40,000 arrests and 33,000 returns to Italy. NGOs confirm many violations of fundamental rights continue to be observed in the main places of detention at the French-Italian border. Border controls were reinforced following Italy’s refusal to welcome the Ocean Viking NGO rescue ship in November 2022.
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not true

more apply but most are rejected.
And then they turn a blind eye and help them set sail to England

seriously, who are we taking in, probably unwanted by their country of origin, then possibly rejected through Italy, Austria, Germany Belguim, France, and then, is our daft gov going to be giving them free ferry tickets, and then a free home? (I doubt they will be left homeless like our ex servicemen)
The success rate in France for asylum application is about 44%, including appeals.
44% of 167,000 is about 73,500. (from your link)
The approvals in UK for2024 was 68,500.

Maths not your strong point? :rolleyes:

Then there is the arrivals from French Overseas territories that don't an application for asylum.
Or you could read it.
The latter include requalifiés from previous years (not included in 2022 GUDA statistics) and people whose asylum application is not registered in GUDA (i.e., asylum claims in detention and persons arriving through resettlement programmes).

So thats last years plus those coming through official schemes (not included in the UK numbers) then look at the table.

UK accepts more claimants than France. Simples
Under international law, anyone has the right to apply for asylum in any country that has signed the 1951 Convention

Possibly two ways of reading that, I only see one.
And as you only see one, then could you tell us if there is a 'legal way' for an asylum seeker to get to the UK?
France hadn’t got a clue how many they have as they can walk over borders unchecked throughout most of mainland Europe

So notch7 - how many do you think the uk should take ?

1 million
10 million
100 million

Which is it ?
You don’t want people in small boats coming here.

Please tell me where you think they should go, if you don’t want them here.

As a British citizen you don’t want them here….so a French citizen has the right to say they don’t want them in France.
So what’s your solution?

Given that the U.K. has no direct control over who leaves French shores in a small boat, why do you expect me to give a target number on something that can’t be controlled
So notch7 - how many do you think the uk should take ?

1 million
10 million
100 million

Which is it ?

How many do you want?

Come on, you must have a figure in mind…so let’s hear it
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