Is France Correct?

Securing your borders, is like leaving your bicycle at the train station. You just need a crappier bike and better lock than your neighbour.

Unfortunately we have a nice bike and a crappy lock. The more we can do (like our neighbours) to make ourselves unattractive to the smuggling gangs the fewer we will get. The only solution is a global approach where the nearest safe country is directly helped and incentivised to help when there is a refugee crisis.

Until then, everyone leaves their bike and hopes their neighbour's bike will be more attractive to the thieves.
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1 million
10 million
100 million

Which is it ?
I think we should take as many genuine asylum seekers as we can handle. It is a worldwide issue and we should play our part.

We should have more safe routes which would hopefully harm the illegal smugglers enough that it becomes unviable.
I think we should take as many genuine asylum seekers as we can handle. It is a worldwide issue and we should play our part.

We should have more safe routes which would hopefully harm the illegal smugglers enough that it becomes unviable.
Unfortunately the UK no longer allows legal asylum seekers as filly appears not to understand/care about...

Thus the UK is in breach of international law it has signed up to (yet again) and that is a national shame!
The total number of people in the world who would have a better life in the UK, is probably 10 X or more than the current population. There are already many ways to get in. In my opinion creating more will not impact the gangs. There are plenty of people who will never qualify for refugee status and will happily pay the gangs. Until the people paying the gangs realise they are going somewhere else, nothing much will change.

Rwanda wasn't the answer, but it wasn't far off the answer.

- make small boat crossings illegal
- take you somewhere you don't want to be
- make it clear you will never be granted a right to remain.

Thus the UK is in breach of international law it has signed up to (yet again) and that is a national shame!

Not true. There are many ways to get to the UK legally and claim asylum. Many do it after having arrived legally with the appropriate visa.
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Securing your borders, is like leaving your bicycle at the train station. You just need a crappier bike and better lock than your neighbour.

Unfortunately we have a nice bike and a crappy lock. The more we can do (like our neighbours) to make ourselves unattractive to the smuggling gangs the fewer we will get. The only solution is a global approach where the nearest safe country is directly helped and incentivised to help when there is a refugee crisis.

Until then, everyone leaves their bike and hopes their neighbour's bike will be more attractive to the thieves.
the usual "they are coming to UK because its such a wonderful place"

Motorbiking how is UK more of a pull than say France, where they pay similar benefits but after 6 months you can work

"You do not have the right to work during the first few months of your asylum application in France.
If the Ofpra has not made a decision on your asylum application 6 months after you filed it, you can apply for a work permit."
There are already many ways to get in. In my opinion creating more will not impact the gangs.
And in my opinion it would.

We force some people to cross by boat, there is no other way.
There are many ways to get to the UK legally and claim asylum. Many do it after having arrived legally with the appropriate visa
stop lying

most genuine refugees are coming from: Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Eritrea

there are no legal means from those countries (notwithstanding there is a theoretical Afghanistan scheme, but almost nobody can arrive by either of the 2 schemes
Not true. There are many ways to get to the UK legally and claim asylum. Many do it after having arrived legally with the appropriate visa.
Show us the figures then!

But here's a hint...

Obtaining a visa by deceit means the claim is illegal ;)
Until then, everyone leaves their bike and hopes their neighbour's bike will be more attractive to the thieves.
The difference is that I would be happy to lend my bike to someone in need, I'd probably even buy them a bike of their own if it really helped them do what they needed to do. The cost of a bike is insignificant if I have helped a fellow human being in need.

Your bike is out of reach to anyone else, and they ain't getting it even if their lives depended on it. Just imaging anyone asking for a go on your bike eh. Scum.
Many do it after having arrived legally with the appropriate visa.
Yes and we hove found need to cut down on those and have. Numbers are way way higher than boats.
Freedom of movement EU arrivals -- the vast majority finished up in low paid jobs.
So you won’t put your name to a number.

Sad really given some of your views and comments aimed at people you don’t agree with

You must be @Notch7 twin
I am happy to help all those that need a helping hand, in their time of need.

Now you answer my question: how many close relatives would you help in their time of need?
1 million
10 million
100 million

Which is it ?
Unlike others who want to shoot asylum seekers on the beaches, I couldn't, in all conscience, ignore anyone who needs help, when their life is in danger.
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