Is France Correct?

seriously, who are we taking in, probably unwanted by their country of origin, then possibly rejected through Italy, Austria, Germany Belguim, France, a
Have you suddenly turned into an expert on asylum seekers, when you couldn't put a finger on what exactly has changed since the election. :ROFLMAO:
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Or you could read it.
The latter include requalifiés from previous years (not included in 2022 GUDA statistics) and people whose asylum application is not registered in GUDA (i.e., asylum claims in detention and persons arriving through resettlement programmes).

So thats last years plus those coming through official schemes (not included in the UK numbers) then look at the table.

UK accepts more claimants than France. Simples
If you are going to include other immigrants for various reasons, the French numbers do not include the French overseas territories.
From memory there were over 300,000 immigrants to France in 2023, not including those from French Overseas territories.
According to Interior Ministry data, more than 320,000 first-time residence permits were issued in 2023 to non-European immigrants;

Those (nearly 3,000,000) French citizens living in French Overseas territories don't need a visa nor a permit to migrate to France.
finally we agree. But the problem is what to with those who are rejected.
Loads of people on here have been saying process and return.. usually called the loony left !

Others, like you have been shouting stop the boats and stuff.

Good to see you've caught up in the end.
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The total number of people in the world who would have a better life in the UK, is probably 10 X or more than the current population. There are already many ways to get in. In my opinion creating more will not impact the gangs. There are plenty of people who will never qualify for refugee status and will happily pay the gangs. Until the people paying the gangs realise they are going somewhere else, nothing much will change.
If those that do not qualify have already submitted an application, their rejection will be on file.

Rwanda wasn't the answer, but it wasn't far off the answer.
You lauded it at the time. :rolleyes:

- make small boat crossings illegal
- take you somewhere you don't want to be
- make it clear you will never be granted a right to remain.
If their application is processed while they are in France, the small boat crossings will have disappeared.
If their application is rejected while they are n France, there is no need to take them anywhere.
Refusing asylum seekers carte blanche is revoking UK from the UN Charter.

Not true. There are many ways to get to the UK legally and claim asylum. Many do it after having arrived legally with the appropriate visa.
There are many visa overstayers that are not apprehended.

I'm saying zero until we have the abundant spare, new housing that Two Tier is promising. :ROFLMAO:

Seriously any migrant fans should be the ones who fund any generosity, not expect others to pick up the bill. If we must take migrants, at least take GENUINE asylum seekers from Ukraine. At least they will assimilate while here and be largely law abiding - and return home when safe.

As for numbers - you will be waiting for a very long time for any liberals to answer this one.
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People like you, you mean?

After all, you widely and frequently post about the

that await them.

RWR - thick as fook.

Jeez, I'm the thick one?? You seriously think that migrants read Regan's Wisdom on DiyNot in Sangatte, or wherever they squat these days, about the stupidity of politicians and liberals like you giving cushy lifestyles to freeloading migrants......................................................................... and this causes them all to hop on the next dinghy to here???

Thick as fook??? I think you should have stuck to shinning up trees to kill fledglings. You're off the scale mate - special needs territory, totally stark raving.

And what's worse, the usual triumvirate of libertards actually agree with your lunatic utterings and thanked you for it. Jeez, indeed!
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I'm saying liberals aren't giving cushy lifestyles to freeloading migrants.

Not directly. The government do it for them. Paid for by taxpayers, whom I would guess would mostly be in favour of charity beginning at home. Not having billions of their tax dollars spent on all comers arriving here from anywhere.
I'm saying zero until we have the abundant spare, new housing that Two Tier is promising. :ROFLMAO:

Seriously any migrant fans should be the ones who fund any generosity, not expect others to pick up the bill. If we must take migrants, at least take GENUINE asylum seekers from Ukraine. At least they will assimilate while here and be largely law abiding - and return home when safe.

As for numbers - you will be waiting for a very long time for any liberals to answer this one.
all the time in the world for the Ukrainians, I would go out of my way to help these wonderful strong proud people. The men have stayed at home to fight and asked if we could shlter their women and children - of course we can

Such a contrast to the vast armies of young men invading Europe who have clearly left their women and children behind. We have no room for these
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